Petitioning Hon’ble MR. Mr.Justice Markandey Katju (retd)
Chairperson, Press Council of India: Inquire into serious violation of media ethics by Times of India
Petition by
Samar Anarya
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Dear Sir,
As per Times of India report ( Narendra Modi flies in Uttarakhand, goes in a huddle with his crack team and then sends 15000 Gujaratis back to safety in one night. How, I ask, when even the Army has been able to rescue just 20000 in a week. The questions are-
1- How did Team Modi selectively locate these Gujaratis apart from all those stranded from 27 other Indian States and 7 Union Territories?
2- Did Modi’s choppers and Boeings and luxury buses were given priority landing rights? If yes, did they choose Gujaratis over those more in need?
3- That is if Team Modi disposed all rules of rescue that define the order of evacuation- seriously sick first, followed by children and elderly, followed by women and able bodied men?
4- If the answer to the above questions is yes then this act of privileging Gujarati victims over all above is a criminal act and those responsible should be prosecuted.
If no, then ToI is lying in plain and simple terms and It should be punished for masquerading Paid Advertisement as news.