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India: Pharmaceutical Pay - Information and Analysis for Bargaining | URG Bulletin 1

22 July 2014

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Bulletin One is a study of nineteen companies in the Bombay pharmaceutical industry, based on agreements signed between 1979 and 1982. It contains information on pay, benefits and leave provisions and describes major features of several recent agreements which unions night find it useful to know about.

As far as we know. this is the first systematic report that hes been done on pharmaceutical pay in Bombay plants, at least from the union side. It aine to do two things specifically.

1) To provide unions with hard information which they can use for bargaining purposes - information on conditions prevailing in other comparable concerns.

2) To process or analyse the information so as to draw conclusions which can provide supporting arguments to any positions unions may decide to take in the course of negotiations. Both aspects are important. It is important to know not only how much comparable grades or Jobs are paid in other concerns, or which companies pay the rest. but also what accounts for the differences in pay as between different groups of companies, i.e. why some plants are more highly paid than others, whether there is such dispersion (or spread) in rates of pay within the industry, what effect ceilings on D.A. (Dearness Allowance) have on the overall level of pay. and so on.

Bulletin of Trade Union Research and Information No.1
by Union Research Group
March 1983
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