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India: CPI Press Release on Mass Killings in Chhattisgarh | Feb 11, 2025

11 February

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Communist Party of India
Central Office
Ajoy Bhawan
New Delhi

February 11, 2025

Press Release

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India issued today (February 11, 2025) the following statement:

The recent encounter killings in Chhattisgarh, purportedly in the name of combating Maoist extremists, have raised serious concerns. Though the CPI has stark ideological differences with the Maoist extremists, the government’s approach of mass killings leaves no space for dialogue and a political solution. Local communities have expressed apprehensions that innocent tribals may have been wrongfully targeted under the guise of eliminating Maoists, further deepening mistrust.

The region’s vast natural, forest and mineral resources are increasingly being handed over to corporate houses, leading to the displacement of thousands of tribals or their forced confinement in camps. The fight against Maoism should not serve as a cover for corporate exploitation of national resources at the cost of indigenous communities.

In light of these concerning developments, an unbiased and independent inquiry into the alleged ’encounter’ killings and their necessity is essential to uncover the truth and dispel any doubts regarding foul play.



Office Secretary