28 February, by beenasarwar
Some thoughts emerging from a chance encounter with one of Pakistan’s most respected and iconic progressive poets. Personal PoliticalBy Beena Sarwar / Sapan News “It’s the girls that give me hope,” says the celebrated poet and writer Zehra Nigah. She leads a quiet life at her home in Karachi, (...)
27 January, by beenasarwar
Wrote this piece a couple of weeks ago, on one of Pakistan’s most versatile composers who continues to produce a genre embedded in Southasian traditional music
19 January, by beenasarwar
The ideals of equality, justice, human dignity, and peace that Dr King stood for remain relevant, opposed by those threatened by these concepts.
9 January, by beenasarwar
There is no penalty, policing, or monitoring of how users are implementing this pledge. The hope is that users will review and engage in regular self-assessments to ensure adherence to the principles outlined in the Pledge.
28 December 2024, by beenasarwar
A video and a report about the WISCOMP Saahas award in New Delhi last week that I couldn't attend due to lack of a visa.