[sacw] SACW | 3 Sept. 02

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 01:50:20 +0100

South Asia Citizens Wire | 3 September 2002


#1. Religious Extremism and Nationalism In Bangladesh (Bertil Lintner)
#2. India: Another Round of 20,000 Kites For Gandhi Jayanti (Ajay=20
Raina / Leya Mathew)
#3. India: Politics of Haj (M A Siraj)
#4. The Latest issue of Akhbar
#5. India: BJP Against BJP - Power greed behind crisis (Praful Bidwai)
#6. India: Where are the homosexuals? You don't have to look too far=20
(R Raj Rao)
#7. India: Anatomy of a Communal Riot in Kodagu (Karnataka PUCL)
#8. Kashmir
- Window dressers' delight (A.G. Noorani)
- Education and jobs, the crying need (Kalpana Sharma)
#9. India: Save science in MP (M.G.K. Menon, Yash Pal, C.N.R. Rao,=20
Jayant Narlikar and others, Delhi )



Religious Extremism and Nationalism In Bangladesh
By Bertil Lintner
[International workshop on Religion and Security in South Asia at the=20
Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu, Hawaii. August=20
19-22, 2002.]




"The first thing is that politics has divided India Today into Hindus=20
and Muslims. I want to rescue people from this quagmire and make them=20
work on solid ground where people are people. Therefore, my appeal=20
here is not to the Muslims as Muslims nor to Hindus as Hindus, but to=20
ordinary human beings who have to keep their villages clean, build=20
schools for their children, and take many other steps so that they=20
can make life better."

Mahatma Gandhi - 1946
(from 'Pangs of=20
Partition' p-41)

Dear Friends,
Congratulations. Finally, at last, the Pan Shop blocking the way to=20
Gasiram ki Chali has come down 6 months after they left home for the=20
refugee camps. The residents of Gasiram ki chali have started=20
coming back. The broken down houses are now being rebuilt.

Meanwhile, life in Kasai ki Chali is almost back to normal. The=20
Informal School in Kasai ki Chali is going on and picking up pace.=20
Please help us choose a name for this school - a few suggestions are;=20
Communal Harmony School, Ahimsa School, Gandhi School...) Along with=20
our initial teacher Sulekha we now also have Sunita, a Hindu girl=20
from Gasiram ki chali. She is helping Sulekha and learning to start=20
her own school in Gasiram Ki Chali once all its residents are back=20
home. A couple of Hindu children fron Gasiram ki chali have also=20
started experimenting with our school. We have also started Sewing=20
Classes for the interested girls from Kasai ki Chali. Presently we=20
also have a Handmade Paper making Workshop underway.

During our course of work in the chali we have tried to make the=20
Chali people independant of us in every sense of the word. We also=20
realise that we too cannot just sit and wait for donations to come in=20
till we can implement our project, though people have been very=20
generous and supportive of our work both in cash as well in kind. We=20
still need to generate funds till we are on some firm ground here.

Last time we had made 10,000 kites from Kasai ki Chali for AZADI=20
DIVAS. We had received overwhelming reponse to the project from=20
individuals and organisations across the country. Infact we received=20
more orders than the number of kites we had made. The profits earned=20
from the sale of kites has been partly used for rehabilitation work=20
of the Chali and partly for the non-formal school we started last=20

So, we are making another round of 20,000 kites, with messages for=20
communal harmony. We are intending these kites to be flown /=20
exhibited on the occassion of GANDHI JAYANTI. We will have these=20
kites ready by September 15th. The cost of one kite is 6 Rupees only=20
(Including packaging and transportation) . The profit of 4 rupees per=20
kite will be used for the Informal School/ Community centre Project=20
for the children of Kasai ki Chali and Gasiram ki Chali, and for=20
individual education needs of a few kids from the two Chali's=20
interested in enhancing their education level.

We would hope that this time too, Individuals, organisations, NGO's=20
and schools would come forward to order the kites so that we can help=20
ourselves realise our little dream for the two Chali's dear to us.

For those who had ordered kites for the last round and we were not=20
able to get them, please send in your orders again ASAP.

For convenience of packaging and transportation, we would prefer if=20
the orders are booked in bulks of 250 / 500 / 1000.

Please give us your postal delivery address and contact phone number=20
when you order the kites. The payment can be in the form of DD in=20

Ajay Raina,
c/o Rais Sheikh,
Off; Narayan Nagar Road,
Near Jethabai Park Bus Stop,
Ahmedabad, 380 007

Best Regards,
Ajay Raina / Leya Mathew



The Times of India
Politics of Haj



Dear Friends,

The latest issue of Akhbar, your window on South Asia, is online.

It can be accessed at:=20

Front Page: All for Elections:
South Asian Right caught between confidence and desperation

Special: The Great Charade (John Pilger)

Globalisation and Survival: Blacksmiths of Sindh, a dying breed (Anwer Abro=

Feature: Brutality Cloaked as Tradition (Beena Sarwar)

Suburban Whites and Pogroms in India (Vijay Prashad)

Culture/History: On Conversions (Shereen Ratnagar); and On an Indian=20
Victory in Cricket (Sudhanva Deshpande)

Media: Market, Morals and the Media by Prabhat Patnaik; and East and=20
West in the Media (Amartya Sen)

Education: Renewed Attacks on Education and Educational Institutions=20
in South Asia (Reports)

Review: The Democratic Deficit (Jayati Ghosh)

Alerts on Gujarat: Reports, eyewitness accounts and analyses by=20
Teesta Setalvad, Shubhra Nagalia, Nalini Taneja, Sanjay Pandey &=20
Anoop Kayarat, Mukul Mangalik, K N Panikkar, Nivedita Menon, Dilip=20
Menon, K Balagopal.



The Praful Bidwai Column For the week beginning Sep=20
2 =

BJP Against BJP

Power greed behind crisis

By Praful Bidwai

It is entirely characteristic of the ambivalent and indecisive style=20
of Mr Atal Behari Vajpayee that he should have issued a mild=20
reprimand to Mr Narendra Modi for his viciously communal attack on=20
Chief Election Commissioner J.M. Lyngdoh, and that Mr Modi should=20
have "ended" the "controversy" he had himself started-on his own=20
terms. There was not even a hint of apology or regret in his=20
response. Indeed, he reiterated his shrill demand for reversing the=20
Election Commission's decision to delay premature elections in=20
Gujarat. Mr Modi deserved a strong dressing down, not the polite=20
request or entreaty Mr Vajpayee made.

Mr Vajpayee's August 24 statement was not just a case of "too little,=20
too late"; it was substantially misdirected. For he only cautioned=20
against the use of "improper language" and "indecorous insinuations"=20
in the "undignified controversy". However, Mr Modi was guilty not=20
just of minor misconduct such as "improper language", but of=20
downright venomous hate-speech against a particular community. He=20
singled out Mr Lyngdoh from the three-member EC for its unanimous=20
decision because he is a Christian by birth. He unleashed filthy=20
abuse at this high Constitutional functionary, accusing him of being=20
in cahoots with Ms Sonia Gandhi, by virtue of their shared faith.=20
This clearly calls not just for an apology, but for Mr Modi's=20
prosecution for defamation and character assassination.

Mr Vajpayee's statement missed the gravity of Mr Modi's misdemeanour.=20
Worse, it strenuously tried to be "even-handed" by obliquely equating=20
Mr Modi with Mr Lyngdoh, and declaring both to be "high=20
constitutional authorities", who "must be given the respect that is=20
their due" within their "domains". Now, it is absurd to equate Mr=20
Modi's malicious verbal abuse with Mr Lyngdoh's words like=20
"despicable" and "gossip of menials who have not heard of atheism".=20
More important, the chief minister's office is not "Constitutional"=20
or statutory in the sense the EC, Supreme Court or the Comptroller=20
and Auditor General is. Nor did the EC intrude into Mr Modi's=20
"domain". As the last Column argued, it was wholly within its rights=20
to delay elections under Article 324 of the Constitution which vests=20
in it the powers of their "superintendence, direction and control".

Mr Vajpayee's ambivalence and false even-handedness springs from a=20
larger dilemma. He is known to have been uncomfortable with his own=20
Cabinet's August 18 decision to refer the issue of the EC's powers to=20
the Supreme Court. Being aware of the enormity of the Gujarat pogrom,=20
and its long-term implications for the BJP at the national level, he=20
apparently preferred a non-confrontationist course. Sources close to=20
him are quoted as saying he even thought of resigning on August 18.=20
On the other hand, however, he is afraid to assert his authority for=20
fear that it will rock the boat and bring the faction-ridden,=20
discredited and demoralised BJP tumbling down. Mr Vajpayee still=20
remains the BJP/NDA's best, in fact, only, unique-selling=20
proposition. But he is also a victim of the BJP's internal power=20
struggle, which daily inflicts damage upon its image and credibility.

That power struggle is best understood in three dimensions:=20
Cabinet-level tussles, fights within the sangh parivar as a whole,=20
and the struggle for supremacy between Mr Vajpayee and Mr Advani. The=20
most noteworthy of the recent wranglings between ministers or top=20
party functionaries are those between Mr Arun Shourie and Mr Ram=20
Naik, Mr Shourie and Mr Ananth Kumar, Ms Sushma Swaraj and Mr Pramod=20
Mahajan, Ms Swaraj and Mr Arun Jaitley, Mr M. Venkaiah Naidu and Mr=20
Jana Krishnamurthy, Mr Lalji Tandon (Mr Vajpayee's trusted=20
campaign-manager) and Mr Kalraj Mishra and other Uttar Pradesh=20
leaders =8A

So visceral and strong are their mutual hatreds that these=20
politicians unhesitatingly plant stories in the media against one=20
anther, or (as in Mr Shourie's case) write signed articles on the=20
abuse and mismanagement of ITDC hotels (by Mr Ananth Kumar)-in=20
contravention of Mr Shourie's responsibility to enhance the value of=20
public assets before they are privatised! Only the na=EFve can believe=20
that the recent, well-documented stories, of the petrol-pump scam, or=20
award of prime real estate to fake "educational" NGOs sponsored by=20
the sangh parivar came out of burrowing journalistic investigation=20
alone, as opposed to material leaked by sources inside the government.

The sudden revival of the Shivani Bhatnagar case three and a half=20
years after her murder is clearly related to BJP insiders' attempts=20
to embarrass Mr Pramod Mahajan. Not to be easily fazed, Mahajan=20
retaliated by demanding that the party top brass, not just minor=20
functionaries, close ranks behind him, or else =8A He has since=20
declared total loyalty to Mr Vajpayee and questioned the very=20
legitimacy of two different power centres within the Cabinet. The=20
fact that many BJP leaders chortle with delight at Ms Madhu Sharma's=20
wild allegations against Mr Mahajan only underscores the ferocity of=20
the rivalry within the BJP.

The second dimension is the struggle between the BJP's governmental=20
and organisational wings, itself related to intra-sangh parivar=20
fighting. There has always been some tension at the Central and state=20
levels between these two wings. But this has recently acquired a new=20
edge because the RSS and VHP have allied with the BJP's=20
organisational wing to target the government. The party apparatus has=20
been taken over by Hindutva hardliners. And Mr Advani has replaced Mr=20
Vajpayee as the direct "coordinator" with party functionaries. (He=20
goes to the party headquarters twice a week). BJP ministers and party=20
apparatchiks backed by the RSS-VHP differ on a range of issues: e.g.,=20
swadeshi, importance of the mandir agitation, labour and=20
disinvestment policies, even Jammu and Kashmir. Often, when there are=20
differences, the apparatchiks prevail.

For instance, the RSS recently sponsored the Jammu Rajya Morcha,=20
which wants to carve up J&K-a position that Mr Advani says is=20
"against the interests of the nation". The BJP had vowed to fight the=20
JRM. But it has eaten humble pie and entered into an electoral tie-up=20
with it! There are divisions within the RSS too, with Mr K.S.=20
Sudarshan and Mr M.G. Vaidya backing Mr Murli Manohar Joshi, and Mr=20
Madan Das Devi allied with Mr Advani. Some inner-party differences=20
were publicly aired at the BJP's national council meeting on August=20
3, with unprecedented fireworks between Mr Naidu and Mr Mahajan, and=20
Ms Swaraj and Mr Rajnath Singh.

The rivalry's third dimension is the Vajpayee-Advani power struggle,=20
conducted in the covert manner typical of Hindutva. Besides=20
indicating altered power balances, Mr Advani's elevation as Deputy PM=20
has also served as a trigger for more rivalry. Mr Vajpayee is a=20
tired, ailing, disillusioned man whose project to create a party=20
"with a difference" has failed. It seems highly unlikely that he will=20
lead the BJP into the next election. He would like the present=20
government to carry on. Atal Behari is not in a hurry.

But Mr Advani is! He would like an early election in Gujarat. If the=20
BJP wins it, it will call a mid-term national election in which Mr=20
Advani would lead its campaign as its Prime Ministerial candidate.=20
That's why the BJP apparatchiks and the Advani group, advised by Mr=20
Jaitley, are so desperate to have the EC's decision on Gujarat=20
reversed. They calculate that even if the BJP's Lok Sabha strength=20
decreases from the present 180 to 130-140 seats, it could still form=20
a government with its opportunist, now greatly weakened, allies. To=20
this end, it is willing to raise the communal temperature and repeat=20
a Gujarat-in UP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, elsewhere.

If Mr Vajpayee has a well-articulated alternative to this strategy,=20
driven by "liberal" considerations, he has not disclosed it. He has=20
been content to play a manipulative power game from the sidelines.=20
This is an unflattering comment upon his leadership. Therefore, in=20
all likelihood, the party will pass totally into the hands of the=20
apparatchiks and the sangh parivar's Right wing. It will increasingly=20
use communal appeals to garner votes.

It is equally, distressingly, evident that the Congress is NOT=20
demarcating itself sharply enough from the BJP. Instead of taking a=20
principled secular stand, it too is flirting with the likes of the=20
Goverdhan Puri Shankaracharya and Chhote Moraribapu. During her last=20
two visits to Gujarat, Ms Sonia Gandhi spent more time with various=20
saffron-robed sadhus and Jain munis than with the victims of=20
violence. She shunned contact with Muslim activists. It is not=20
accidental that the RSS's MG.Vaidya in Panchajanya has lavished=20
praise upon Congress leader Shankersinh Vaghela as a loyal Hindutva=20
fighter, but attacked the BJP for factionalism.

The Congress would be ill-advised to adopt a "soft-Hindutva"=20
approach. Such a strategy will prove counterproductive even in=20
meeting the eminently worthy objective of defeating the BJP. It will=20
do immense harm to the national polity in the long run. Each time the=20
Congress flirts with soft-Hindutva, it unwittingly helps its own=20
enemies-as in Maharashtra, where the police recently banned the=20
exhibition of two anti-sangh films, including an award-winning one by=20
Anand Patwardhan. Nothing is more vital today than adhering to=20
principled, clean, no-nonsense secularism.-end-



Indian Express
Monday, September 02, 2002

Where are the homosexuals? You don't have to look too far
R Raj Rao

The Delhi High Court has done well to reprimand the Central=20
government for dithering on its stand on Section 377 of the Indian=20
Penal Code. This antiquated law prohibits what it calls ''unnatural''=20
sex, and comes in the way of legalizing homosexuality in India. The=20
learned judges are believed to have said: ''Such relations have=20
existed in society since time immemorial, so why should such persons=20
not be given a chance to raise a family and live together?''

It's about time the government woke up from its slumber and caught up=20
with its reading. Far from being a western import, homosexuality was=20
known and practised in ancient and medieval India unselfconsciously.=20
The Kamasutra takes note of it. In their book Same Sex Love in India,=20
Saleem Kidwai and Ruth Vanita inform us that Lord Vishnu and Lord=20
Shiva had a love affair, that led to the birth of Ayyappa.

On the other hand, it is the Victorians who ruled India in the=20
nineteenth century who regarded homosexuality as immoral and banned=20
it. By endorsing the views of the Victorians, the government=20
painfully demonstrates how history, for us, begins with British=20
colonialism. All that existed before it is irretrievably lost. Some=20
call it amnesia. I prefer a simpler word: myopia.

This is proved again and again by the public utterances of our=20
legislators and bureaucrats. Whether it's the Minister of State who=20
said on TV that homosexuality arose from the baser side of our=20
natures; or Kiran Bedi who refused to give condoms to prisoners in=20
Tihar Jail because it amounted to acknowledging the existence of=20
homosexuality; it's all part of the same syndrome. Even Soli=20
Sorabjee, otherwise sensitive to the plight of the marginalised, has=20
failed to make his views on Section 377 known to the government,=20
although the matter was referred to him over six months ago.

And now for some hard facts. Surveys conducted by activists indicate=20
that roughly a sixth of the Indian population is homosexual or=20
lesbian by orientation. Some of these activists who run helplines,=20
say that they receive as many as 50 calls a day from distressed men=20
and women. Because same-sex love is legally and socially unacceptable=20
in India, many gays and lesbians get married to people of the=20
opposite sex, produce children, and keep their sexual preference=20
secret from their spouses.

Needless to say, this leads to deception, suspicion and all-round=20
misery. Often the children are the worst sufferers. Public parks,=20
railway station toilets and jam-packed suburban trains in metro=20
cities like Mumbai buzz with homosexual activity. Hoodlums and cops=20
have a field day bashing up and blackmailing people who, after all,=20
are only being faithful to the demands of their bodies. Young=20
unemployed and under-employed men find male prostitution an easy=20
means of livelihood. Their clients are, but of course, older,=20
wealthier men. Since the official AIDS programme of the Indian=20
government doesn't really take male prostitution into account, they=20
expose themselves to grave risk, and are a telling comment on the=20
nation's state of health.

I would go as far as to suggest that social segregation of the sexes,=20
cramped living conditions etc., only add to our numbers everyday. As=20
one writer put it, ''Even if one is not born a homosexual, it is so=20
easy to become a homosexual in India.''

But clearly, the government is blind to what goes on around us. It=20
chooses to see only what it wants to. Its position is no different=20
from that of the illiterate Indian, who naively asks: but where are=20
the homosexuals? However, we would like to remind our law-makers and=20
enforcers that in a nation of one billion, one-sixth of the=20
population is no small number.

It is high time the government changed its laws, as modern countries=20
all over the world have done, and made life a trifle more hospitable=20
for its sexual minorities. If nothing else, we constitute a huge=20

(The writer is a poet and professor of English at the University of Pune)


Karnataka PUCL
Anatomy of a Communal Riot in Kodagu

A. Introduction:
PUCL-Karnataka recently conducted a fact-finding inquiry to go into=20
the communal disturbances that took place in Kodagu from 9 Dec. 2001=20
to 17 Dec. 2001. The committee, which consisted of Prof. H.=20
Govindayya, Dr. V Lakshminarayana, Shri Ramdas Rao, and Shri Nitin,=20
visited Madikeri, and the towns and villages of Bettigeri, Palur,=20
Kottamudi, Napoklu, Bagamandala, and spoke to the residents. We also=20
met representatives of the media, the state administration, the=20
police and Hindu religious organisations. We are bringing out the=20
this fact-finding report for the attention of the public. [...].




The Hindustan Times
September 3, 2002
Window dressers' delight
A.G. Noorani

They use the snaffle and the bit all right/ But where's the bloody horse?

-Roy Campbell, On Some South African Novelists

South African poet Roy Campbell's famous lines are an apt comment on=20
the Election Commission's labours on the mechanics of a poll in=20
Kashmir. Conspicuously absent is any popular enthusiasm for=20
participation. New Delhi is out to perpetrate a monumental fraud on=20
the people of the state. It seeks to stage the polls, with all the=20
mechanics in place amidst noises of 'a fair and free poll', in order=20
to legitimise the status quo and declare the Kashmir issue 'closed'.

o o o o

The Hindu
Sunday, Sep 01, 2002
Opinion - News Analysis
Education and jobs, the crying need
By Kalpana Sharma



The Hindustan Times
September 3, 2002
Save science in MP

We, members of the scientific community, are shocked and dismayed by=20
the recent decision of the Madhya Pradesh government to close the=20
30-year-old Hoshanga-bad Science Teaching Programme (HSTP), being=20
implemented in about 1,000 government and private middle schools of=20
Hoshangabad and 14 other districts. We had watched the emergence of=20
this unique effort from the 16-school experiment in 1972 to its=20
expansion to all the middle schools of Hoshanga-bad in 1978 and then=20
to other districts in the Eighties. The MP government has justly won=20
national and international acclaim for its support to the programme.

HSTP is widely acknowledged as the only macro-scale initiative in the=20
country where children learn modern concepts of science through the=20
method of inquiry, experimentation and analysis and relate their=20
newly acquired knowledge to their own environment. Nowhere else in=20
the country could the children approach the entire science curriculum=20
through the method of science, not even in the elite public schools.=20
Thus in HSTP, the scientific community saw a hope for better science=20
education for the rest of the country. The state government's=20
decision has extinguished this hope.

The logic extended by the government that a uniform textbook needs to=20
be used in the whole state is questionable. Indeed, successive=20
governments of the state established the principle of plural and=20
contextualised learning materials, as also advocated by the National=20
Policy on Education (NPE).

Through HSTP, the state government demonstrated its commitment to=20
allow more than one system of evaluation in consonance with the=20
globally accepted attributes of the scientific mind, instead of=20
imposing the colonial and outmoded examination system. Even if one=20
accepts the logic of uniform syllabus or textbook, we expected the=20
government to extend the curricular and pedagogic principles of HSTP=20
to the entire state, instead of closing down grassroots initiative of=20
this kind in the district of its birth.

We express our anguish that this retrogressive decision has undone=20
the gains made in education over the last three decades. We appeal to=20
the chief minister to intervene and reinstate the programme so that=20
more than one lakh children of these districts will not revert to the=20
rote-learning of science. We urge the chief minister to involve=20
leading educationists and scientists to extend the principles of HSTP=20
to the entire state.

M.G.K. Menon, Yash Pal, C.N.R. Rao, Jayant Narlikar and others, Delhi


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