[sacw] SACW #2 | 6 Dec. 02 [ Gujarat Special]
Harsh Kapoor
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 01:36:28 +0100
South Asia Citizens Wire #2 | 6 December 2002
CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY -- GUJARAT 2002: A report on the=20
investigations, findings and recommendations of the 8-member=20
Concerned Citizens' Tribunal, headed by Justice VR Krishna Iyer,=20
Justice PB Sawant and Justice Hosbet Suresh.
Is posted on www.sabrang.com.
#1. Culture of Communalism in Gujarat (Rajni Kothari)
#2. Truth About Gujrat Carnage -Concerned Citizens=B9 Tribunal=B9S Report=20
On Gujrat (Asghar Ali Engineer)
#3. The Rediff Interview with Achyut Yagnik
#4. Press Release : Attack by Sangh Parivar on Gandhians (Gujrat Lok=20
Sangharsh Samiti)
#5. "From the Babri Masjid Demolition To The Gujarat Genocide .....It's
Ten Years : Is There Possibility For Peace ? " Press conference by=20
Praful Bidwai (Ahmedabad, 6 Dec)
#6. Delhi Meet focuses on communal unrest (Adam Aspinall)
#7. Book Review: Violence, Stripped To Its Core - A public archive=20
that retells the March madness (Pratap Bhanu Mehta)
#8. Gujarat Election Watch and National Campaign follow up (Lok Satta)
Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay)
November 30, 2002
Special Article
Culture of Communalism in Gujarat
This article attempts to examine the larger and rapidly spreading=20
communalisation of the Indian polity as a whole and relating it to=20
the extent possible, to similar trends elsewhere in the world,=20
identifying those individuals and groups responsible for spreading=20
this culture of violence within and across regions. It attempts to=20
develop a broader understanding of the rarity of the threat posed by=20
what is happening in Gujarat.
Rajni Kothari
Gujarat poses one of the gravest threats so far because, in many=20
ways, it is the very survival of the humane and democratic polity of=20
the nation that is at stake. And with it an ever-growing erosion of=20
communities and lifestyles of the people at large. When I use the=20
word community I mean not only the two major communities but a number=20
of other groups at the grass roots which too we all know are not=20
entirely Hindu or Muslim but which are influenced by the growth of=20
the culture of communalism.
India for long had a pluralistic past but today faces an uncertain=20
future. Something which I have discussed through a set of three=20
articles in the Hindustan Times in May 2002. In them I have=20
highlighted how, an essentially pluralist state has increasingly come=20
to be polarised which leaves little or no space for the middle=20
ground. This shift from pluralism to polarisation is the main theme=20
that underscores this whole address, as well.
I think we have to look at the phenomenon of communalisation in a=20
broader framework of thinking and conceptualisation which in turn=20
could enable us to think of on the kind of efforts that need to be=20
made for containing it. To deal with what is at bottom our terrible=20
disappointment at the failure of our own democracy, of the various=20
efforts in the arena of citizen=B9s actions =AD be it the NGO groups, or=20
the Gandhians,=A0or even sections of the Left. There is something=20
seriously amiss about the manner in which these various groups have=20
locked horns with this particular phenomenon since the culture of=20
communalism seems to have made inroads in the very fibre of what we=20
once proudly called a democracy.
The larger trend I notice in the Indian polity is how notions of=20
citizenship and participation in a multicultural and multi religious=20
nation state came under threat, particularly at a time when the=20
spaces for citizenship and participation were actually widening.=20
India=B9s uniqueness lay not in being the largest democracy in the=20
world =AD a rather bland and rhetorical association =AD but in being a=20
politicised coalition of a vast diversity of interests, communities=20
and people; led by some kind of a vision that developed during the=20
course of the nationalist movement and continued for quite some time=20
after independence. The spread of communalism is now posing a threat=20
to some of these very distinguishing features that separated us from=20
many other parts of the world.
Faced with this new threat of communalism which is undermining the=20
various facets of the democratic and plural fabric of this country=20
there is the need for a new=A0imagination. This is related to the=20
question =AD=B3how does one rekindle the imagination of the middle class=20
and the middle class intelligentsia which is supposed to have played=20
a leading role in the nationalist movement and the immediate post=20
independence period=B2? How, in the course of confronting this growing=20
polarisation, to insist on still retaining the middle ground that=20
enabled us to remain a plural society and invoking the imagination=20
and the inner spirit of the intelligentsia and the activists, =AD=20
people primarily from the middle class but those who have been drawn=20
ideologically to a position where there is a convergence of left and=20
left-of-centre positions.
The politicisation of communities, the various alignments of forces,=20
laterally as=A0well as vertically and at all levels, is all under=20
threat. The reason why I am positing all=A0this within a broader=20
framework is that I want to link it to what is happening in Gujarat =AD=20
to see if there is anything unique about Gujarat. Such a broader=20
framework is not complete without taking into account the new=20
reassertions of Hindutva that has taken place, the hardening of their=20
positions. There is a tendency now of invoking a line of thinking=20
among the BJP ranks that we need to go back to that original phase=20
and move out of the short phase of invoking the symbols and concepts=20
of liberalism. And that this new hard line could be used as a=20
catalyst for electoral calculations. The slogan now is =B3back to=20
Personally I think that this is, quite apart from being dangerous,=20
completely misleading even for those who had believed in the=20
rationale of the Hindutva mind set. If anything, Hindutva in my view=20
has failed to invoke the psychology and spiritual thrust of the=20
nation. Today, at a time when there was some kind of a broader=20
coalition being attempted, there is a concerted effort to enrol the=20
same forces back into the overall Hindutva fold, something that=20
started in=A0Goa with Vajpayee=B9s conversion; when he attempted to=20
explain away many things. This whole argument that unless we=20
reassert=A0in a hard way the Hindutva fold of which Narendra Modi=20
becomes the pivotal symbol, there is no hope for the BJP and the=20
Sangh parivar, there is no way of retaining a hold on the minds of=20
the people.
In the process it has redirected Vajpayee=B9s role and made Advani take=20
a deliberately moderate line. The coming forward of the hardline=20
elements of the Sangh parivar =AD Uma Bharati, Vinay Katiyar =AD=20
represents the next rank of the Hindutva forces=A0joining the broad=20
coalition that Vajpayee had attempted. I am not going to delve deep=20
into the political elements that have provided=A0a structure to=20
Hindutva but thought that we need to see how relevant some of these=20
elements were to our discussion. On the=A0one hand, many of us are=20
deeply worried about the threat to our imagination of India; at the=20
same time the continuously hardening stance of Hindutva is to be=20
taken into account.
There is a certain kind of singularity of the communal happenings in=20
Gujarat in terms of a widely held opinion that is taking place within=20
the Gujarati society. It has not merely to do with what is happening=20
in Gujarat in the last few months or, what happened earlier, based on=20
a simple recounting of what happened in 1969, and since, that makes=20
Gujarat unique. The broader pathology of Gujarat =AD what is happening=20
now in the current phase, inspired by Narendra Modi and supported=A0by=20
(and this is the important part) the central government including its=20
NDA allies being no more than a logical outcome of that pathology=20
which is what makes it a singularly different phenomenon. Hence=20
the=A0notion of the singularity of Gujarat nurtured over time, from one=20
generation to the other, across genders. For instance, middle class=20
women played an equally significant role in the communalisation of=20
Ahmedabad and Baroda as middle class men. Unfortunately this has not=20
remained confined just as a typical middle class reaction. The=A0dalits=20
and the adivasis and others have also been mobilised as part of the=20
communal frenzy.
There has therefore been a systematic communalisation of all social=20
strata across class and gender and generations and women, dalits,=20
young and old and a variety of other strata who, at one time had been=20
thought of as providing the basic elements of a people=B9s coalition.=20
In some ways it seems that a war is being fought between two hostile=20
nations in some ways, in a manner worse than what had taken place=20
before and following the partition. The=A0very nationalism, which is=20
supposed to have liberated us, is turning into a mutual animosity=A0and=20
hatred. Incidentally we seem=A0to be=A0going through a new incarnation of=20
the=A0two-nation ideology, a polarisation which is undermining the=20
basic pluralism of the social structures once again=A0between=A0a=20
majority community and a minority=A0community as formed before=20
The new kind of majoritarianismvis-a-vis the minorities not only=20
highlight the sense of humiliation felt by the minorities but also by=20
the members of the majority community. Critical to this current phase=20
as signified by Gujarat is the fact that the majority itself feels=20
isolated, exploited and humiliated today. It is within this framework=20
that the ideology of Hindutva spreads. There is a feeling that in=20
tampering with the minorities it is the majority community that has=20
been left behind and has not enjoyed the full fruits of our=20
democratic initiatives. Therefore what may have initially started as=20
a middle class syndrome is fast spreading militancy on the one hand=20
and a neurotic emotionalism on the other which is spreading to those=20
very layers of society who at one time had been thought would form=20
the vanguard in the struggles against communal forces.
Future Scenarios
Having laid out this chilling scenario I would now like to come to=20
the possible attempts to deal with this genocidal culture of violence=20
involving the larger civil society. What kind of a future is in store=20
Personally I tend to be an optimist and I do not think that the=20
Hindutva forces have gained much politically. It however does seem to=20
be gaining in terms of the psychosocial phenomenon that is taking=20
place. For instance, each time any of the major attacks that took=20
place in Ahmedabad and Baroda; it was difficult even to dialogue with=20
one=B9s own family members many of whom could not understand my=20
position. It is no more about what positions the educated=20
intelligentsia take, nor is it about what positions women take.=20
Neither is it about what position the other oppressed sections like=20
the dalits and the adivasis take. It is something far larger that=20
confronts us and it would be a complete mistake to think that it=20
could be contained at this or that level. It is bound to spread and=20
as it spreads, it would make the nation itself a polarised entity.=20
The nation which was against the two-nation theory seems to be=20
nurturing another two-nation theory where the Hindu=B9s and Muslim=B9s=20
within this country would represent two separate nations.
My own reading of the situation is that the Hindutva force will fail=20
once again, just as they had failed earlier. There are internal=20
frictions within the BJP and it is important to remember that the BJP=20
itself is not a solid single ideologically driven party any more.=20
There is great deal of internal erosion that has taken place. I see=20
no future for the Modi-led faction. At the moment Modi is a serious=20
threat to the secular democratic and pluralistic polity that we=20
thought we were engaged in building. Other allies outside the party=20
are turning away from each other. Allies like Mamta Banerjee and=20
Mayawati might be clinging on for the sake of retaining power but=20
there is a general sense that one has gone too far. It is a complete=20
mistake on the part of the hardliners of the Hindutva fold to think=20
that this hardline that they have taken will bring all the allies=20
together. Yet this is the line that is being taken. So there is an=20
inner crisis within the Hindutva forces, an inner crisis that the=20
Sangh parivar and their ideology faces. The shift towards the=20
increasing use of more and more violence by the communalists is=20
symptomatic of these inner tensions.
There has been a shift within the Hindutva fold from the first=20
Rathyatra of Advani and the gauravyatra that Modi wanted to lead=20
(although he was stopped for a while). How does one redefine issues=20
in such a context of a crisis within a crisis? The BJP and the Sangh=20
parivar have lost the inner core that made them a force to be=20
reckoned with: the singularity of Gujarat lies also in this. The=20
challenge before us is this new fangled communalism, which is=20
continuously more and more violent, different kinds of rathyatras=20
have been planned (every Saturday and Sunday and so on). Right now=20
despite Vajpayee going along with Advani from time to time he=20
retracts from this position (getting Advani to call Modi and postpone=20
the rathyatra).
With the broader struggles in mind it has something to do with the=20
other areas of the country. In Kashmir, the economical problems that=20
the dalits and the tribals are facing, a new definition of the state=20
in a period of globalisation, a new definition of nationality where=20
Hindus and Muslims become psychologically separate nations is again=20
happening. In doing this the real issue facing the masses like=20
poverty, unemployment, the need for sustained sources of livelihood=20
are being put in the=A0back -burner. There is growing amnesia about=20
these real issues facing the country.
It is cruel to the people of these countries in both ways. First that=20
the real issues that affect them do not get addressed. And second,=20
they are also the worst sufferers of communal violence. Poverty as an=20
issue has been laid aside but the poor stand to be the worst=20
sufferers of communalism. So I feel that it is very important to bear=20
in mind these issues of the economy, of people=B9s livelihoods, and how=20
the communal forces are undermining education and employment, and the=20
whole agenda of=A0empowerment and dignity for the deprived=A0sections=20
(which include the minorities).
Given all this, there is probably a need for a new intellectual=20
agenda, which is fundamentally political, but at the same time=20
economic and socio-anthropological. A new challenge of theory=20
building is now required as poverty on the one hand and communalism=20
on the other are together undermining the fundamental democratic and=20
secular ethos of this country.
I would like to locate the struggles against the growing=20
communalisation that has taken place within Gujarat, the steady=20
undermining of the polity, the growing criminalisation and the manner=20
in which this is giving rise to some of the wider struggles of=20
democratic rights that are taking place as a response to Gujarat. We=20
have to keep learning from the similar struggles that we have faced=20
earlier. How in each case there was a convergence between communalism=20
and what can be called a fascist and neo-fascist ideological turn.=20
And yet I personally think that there are major failings within the=20
Sangh parivar, and if only the basic thrust of the struggles of=20
the=A01970s and the 1980s can be once again recovered then I do not see=20
Hindutva to be able to thrive. What can thrive is the psychological=20
undermining of the self and=A0the communities particularly of the=20
middle class as well as a number of the peripheral communities that I=20
mentioned earlier.
It also seems to me that we are caught between the extremes of=20
Hindutva and Jehadi Islam, particularly if we take into account the=20
international dimension. In the Indian polity with the growing=20
polarisation there is no middle ground left anymore; especially after=20
Bush=B9s declaration of a war on terrorism. I want to draw your=20
attention to the possibility of taking into account that=20
anti-minority genocides earlier like the anti-Sikh riots after Indira=20
Gandhi=B9s assassination, so that we have it where it was the citizen=20
who was communal and not the parties.
Therefore there is the spectre of children becoming gene pools of=20
future violence, the spectre of women participating in the killings.=20
These are completely new phenomena which are not just political, not=20
just intellectual, but are deeply psychic in nature: where all the=20
jealousies and ha treds and =A0the gleeful sport that many people=20
engage in during these killings. And in all that you introduce a=20
phenomenon like K P S Gill who was introduced to put an end to the=20
violence that was taking place but ends up saying that this is the=20
right time to hold elections!
To conclude and provide an overview we notice that some completely=20
tortuous phenomena characterise this new phase of communalism in this=20
country. Gujarat today presents a singular phenomenon no doubt but=20
similar trends are taking place in other parts of the country as well=20
as at other points of time in different parts of the world. Together=20
they all pose a challenge to the likes of us who are discussing these=20
developments and beating our chests but are nevertheless quite at a=20
loss as to how to deal with it all. I presume as we deliberate and=20
discuss further we should be able to identify how we can rebuild the=20
middle ground that I spoke of earlier, to contain the polarisation=20
that is taking place and to rebuild the pluralistic framework, which=20
at the moment is under terrible attack. Pluralism as I said earlier=20
is being replaced by polarisation. This is the fundamental threat=20
that needs to be addressed as it underscores the crucial link between=20
the communal threat and the fast growing crisis of democracy. How=20
into the democratic gene has been introduced the communal gene and=20
how the communal gene is overtaking the democratic gene.
Address for correspondence:
[This paper was originally presented as the keynote address at a=20
seminar on =8CLessons of Gujarat=B9 held in Mumbai on July 12 to 14, 2002=20
organised by Vikas Adhyayan Kendra in collaboration with Focus India=20
Programme and YUVA.]
Asghar Ali Engineer
(Secular Perspective December, 1-15, 2002)
The communal carnage in Gujarat early this year had shaken the whole=20
world. The country had never witnessed such carnage before and after=20
independence. Day after day for more than three months Muslims were=20
massacred most brutally, toll unofficially mounting to more than 2000=20
though officially admitted deaths do not exceed one thousand. Heinous=20
crime of rape was committed by the VHP provoked hoodlums against=20
several women. In one case Kausar Begum from Naroda Patia, an eight=20
month pregnant was raped, her womb split open and child extracted and=20
thrown into fire. The chief Minister Narendra Modi justified all=20
this as equal and opposite reaction to an action based on Newton=B9s=20
The Government of Gujarat later constituted a commission of inquiry=20
under a retired Gujarat High Court Judge but was seen as partisan by=20
the people. Justice Nanavati, a retired judge of Supreme Court was=20
then appointed to head the inquiry commission. The official inquiry=20
commissions usually take long time to complete the inquiry and even=20
then they are hardly ever implemented.
The example of Srikrishna Commission appointed to inquire into Mumbai=20
riots of 1992-93 is before us. It took several years to complete the=20
inquiry but did a thorough job. Unfortunately when the inquiry=20
commission report was submitted there was Shiv Sena-BJP Government,=20
which obviously refused to implement recommendations of the=20
Commission. Those who were accused were themselves in power. But what=20
was worse was that the subsequent PDA Government led by the Congress=20
which appealed to Muslims for votes on the ground that it will=20
speedily implement the Srikrishna Commission Report, itself never=20
bothered to implement it. Now its counsel pleaded before the Supreme=20
Court that there is no need to revive it
After Mumbai riots also People=B9s Committee for Human Rights headed by=20
Justice Krishna Iyer had constituted a People=B9s Inquiry Committee=20
consisting of Justice Suresh and Justice Dawood, retired judges of=20
Bombay High Court which helped inquiry and speedily completed it. Its=20
findings were almost same as those of Srikrishna Commission, which=20
took several years to complete.
After the Gujrat carnage the concerned citizens took initiative to=20
appoint an inquiry committee called Concerned Citizens Tribunal=20
headed by Justice Krishna Iyer, retired justice Supreme Court. It=20
consisted of several eminent justices and citizens like Justice=20
Samant, retired Supreme Court Judge, Justice Suresh, retired Bombay=20
High Court judge, K.G Kannabiran, an eminent advocate and Chairman,=20
People=B9s Union for Civil Liberties, KS Subramanian, Ex-Director=20
General of Police, Aruna Roy, a noted social activist and former IAS=20
officer, Ghanshyam Shah and Tanika Sarkar, professors from JNU, Delhi.
The report has been published in three volumes, the third volume=20
being compilation of important documents on the carnage. The whole=20
report is tilted as Crime Against Humanity =AD An Inquiry into the=20
Carnage in Gujarat. One does not know when the Government appointed=20
Commission will come out with its report but this Concerned Citizen=B9s=20
Tribunal has already completed its inquiry and put it before the=20
people=B9s court. The VHP has dubbed it as mere slander and has even=20
threatened to sue the tribunal for defamation, which it may never do.=20
The evidence against VHP is so strong that this report will stand in=20
any court of law.
The tribunal collected 2,094 oral and written testimonials, both=20
individual and collective, from victim-survivors and also independent=20
human rights groups, women=B9s groups, NGOs and academics. The tribunal=20
says, =B3 After recording evidence, visiting sites, placing on record=20
statements and collecting other material, the Tribunal arrived at=20
some prima facie conclusions.=B2
The Tribunal does not entirely dismiss the surmise that the Narendra=20
Modi Government was panicky for its continuously loosing ground in=20
election after election despite its Hindutva hyperbole and it is=20
likely that to retrieve the lost ground it might have tried to=20
polarise the Gujarat people along religious lines by organising such=20
a carnage.
Thus the Tribunal report says, =B3Given the continuous downslide of the=20
BJP in the state since =B998, the question has been raised by many as=20
to whether there were any electoral political calculations and=20
machinations behind what subsequently happened in the state from=20
February 28 onwards. While this remains in the realm of speculation,=20
the fact is that the Modi government prematurely dissolved the state=20
assembly and pushed very hard for early election even though the=20
situation in the state was far from normal. For this he was widely=20
criticised and the BJP was charged for trying to cash in on the=20
What a way to run democracy in the 2nd greatest democracy in the=20
world if there is in truth in this charge. The Sangh Parivar is=20
trying to convert our pluralism into a nightmare for the country and=20
for its peace loving citizens. The statements of top VHP leaders are=20
clear proof of this, if any proof is needed. The Gujarat carnage=20
leaves no one in doubt about intentions of the Sangh Parivar. It can=20
go to any extent or realising its objectives.
How well planned the Gujarat carnage was is evident from the fact=20
that the Sangh Parivar hordes attacked several areas and towns in=20
Ahmedabad simultaneously on 28th February itself. More than 100=20
persons were killed on the very first day of the carnage. On 28th=20
February in the morning a mob consisting of 20-22,000 holds the whole=20
of Gulberg society to ransom for over seven hours and this mob in=20
over seven hours hacked more than 70 persons to death and burnt them=20
alive (10 -12 women and girls were raped). The former Congress M.P.=20
Ahsan Jafri was killed in this operation and despite desperate phone=20
calls the Police Commissioner Pande did not save these helpless=20
And at the very time mobs of 15000 or 10,000 were killing, burning=20
and looting in Naroda fruit market, Naroda Gam and Naroda Patiya=20
which was worst affected by violence where more than 100 people were=20
brutally done to death or burnt alive. And simultaneously similar=20
operations of killings, lootings and burnings were going on in Odhav,=20
Gomtipur, Amrawadi, Paldi, Kabadi Market Vatwa and several other=20
places. The Tribunal Report lists all these areas. How this could be=20
possible without meticulous planning. And the mobs everywhere were=20
well equipped with gas cylinders, trishuls, swords and other sharp=20
All this started after the burning of coach S-6 in Godhra in which 58=20
persons perished. The assumption was that the Ghanchi Muslims of=20
Signal Falia set fire to the coach. But this has come under doubt and=20
it is very difficult to say who did it. The Forensic experts say it=20
was inside job and 60 litres of petrol or some highly combustible=20
substance was used to set fire from inside. The Tribunal report also=20
raises several questions and throws light on the character and=20
behaviour of the kar sevaks right from the time they boarded the=20
train. It was certainly not a peaceful lot and were misbehaving with=20
people on every station. All this has to be taken into account.
The Report gives detailed account of all major incidents not only in=20
Ahmedabad, which was worst affected but also in various towns and=20
villages. It is an important document for all those interested in=20
studying the carnage in detail. It also provides extremely valuable=20
material for future researchers and scholars.
The Report throws light on various aspects of carnage =AD the state and=20
central government complicity, role of police and bureaucracy and=20
opposition parties and communalisation of public space like hospitals=20
and other institutions. About the Police system the Tribunal observes=20
that =B3Evidence before the Tribunal establishes the absolute failure=20
of large sections of the Gujarat police to fulfil their=20
constitutional duty and prevent mass massacre, rape and arson =AD in=20
short to maintain law and order.=B2 Continuing further it says, =B3Worse=20
still is the evidence of their active connivance and brutality, their=20
indulgence in vulgar and obscene conduct against women and children=20
in full public view. It is, as if, instead of being impartial keepers=20
of he rule of law, they were a part of the Hindutva brigade targeting=20
helpless Muslims.=B2
The Report also says that, =B3To begin with, the Godhra incident would=20
not have taken place; had the police taken due precautions right from=20
the beginning. Given Godhra=B9s history and communal background, the=20
police should have maintained a strict vigil as the kar sevaks=20
crossed Godhra, on their way to Ayodhya and their return journey,=20
more so because the climate in the country was already tense because=20
of the VHP=B9s Ayodhya plan. On their way to Ayodhya, the kar sevaks=20
had indulged in provocative acts at Godhra station.=B2
The Godhra and post-Godhra carnage was a grim tragedy for democratic=20
and secular India and for which the entire responsibility goes to the=20
Sangh Parivar. It has been creating climate of intolerance and abuse=20
of Hindu religion for political ends which clearly defeats the very=20
ideal of secularism in our country. One can say that Gujarat carnage=20
is a direct result of Mr. L.K.Advani riding rath yatra in 1990 and=20
subsequent demolition of Babri Masjid in December 1992. The BJP used=20
only Hindutva plank for coming to power. Since then it has been=20
systematically destroying the secular and democratic values in the=20
country. One can say and the Tribunal Report also supports this idea=20
that Gujarat carnage was possible only because there was BJP-led=20
Government at the Centre.
Centre for Study of Society and Secularism,
Mumbai:- 400 055
December 04, 2002
The Rediff Interview/Achyut Yagnik
Achyut Yagnik is=A0honorary secretary of the Centre for Social=20
Knowledge and Action, an Ahmedabad-based non-governmental=20
organisation working for=A0vulnerable communities in western India.
He has published several books in Gujarati and has, with sociologist=20
Ashis Nandy and others, co-authored Creating a Nationality:=20
Ramjanmabhoomi Movement and Fear of the Self. He is currently engaged=20
on a book on the history of Gujarat.
Subject: Attack by Sangh Parivar on Gandhians
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 20:51:46 +0530
Gujrat Lok Sangharsh Samiti
Lok Samiti Compound, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad - 38001;
Ph: 5507296, 7557199
Press Release
The Editor / Bureau chief
Attack by Sangh Parivar on Gandhians
Ahmedabad: 30th November:
As the fateful election date 12th December - is approaching, the=20
patience of Sangh Parivar, it
seems, is fast reaching the breaking point. Now they seem to be=20
shifting from dialogue to aggression and are trying to intimidate the=20
opposition- this is the conclusion drawn on by the Gujarat Lok=20
Sangharsh Samiti.
Shri Chunibhai Vaidya, the convener of the Gujarat Lok Sangharsh=20
Samiti states, "this is the second
incident of violent attack in the Jotana assembly constituency in=20
the Mehsana district." This bloody
attack on the volunteers of Rashtriya Yuva Sangathan and Sarvodaya=20
took place just when they were
preparing to go to bed. This team of 3 girls and 7 boys has come=20
from various parts of country, to
propogate against the communalism and are a part of a larger=20
Abhiyan. Under the guidance of Gujarat Lok Sangharsh Smiti, around=20
100 volunteers of Rashtriya Yuva Sangathan and Sarvodaya are working=20
in 10 assembly constituencies.
Team convener Krishnakant, working in Bahucharaji of Jotana told the=20
press that on 28th November a crowd of around 150 people along with=20
local BJP candidate T. I Patel, Vitthal bhai Patel of Shri Umia=20
Pathik Ashram and Adv. Manoj Kumar attacked their team, while they=20
were preparing to go to sleep. They were abused and called Muslim=20
terrorist, betrayers, and Pakistani agents. The crowd also looted the=20
baggage of the volunteers and destroyed valuables. They were=20
threatening the team to confess that they are a Muslim terrorist=20
group. After a long episode of abusing and threatening they started=20
beating the volunteers, they did not even spare the girls. They hurt=20
and injured this non-violent group of youth
with slaps - punches - shoes - Chappals. Senior Sarvodaya volunteer=20
Shri Devram Ambure was also
beaten with chappals. Girls were abused and called characterless,=20
people were provocating the crowd to rape them and they were=20
physically assaulted. All the drama was being played under the=20
direction of BJP candidate T. I. Patel, 70 years old Hindutvavadi=20
Vitthalbhai Patel and his misbehaved partner Mukesh and VHP local=20
leader Harshadbhai. After the torture of around two hours they=20
themselves informed the police that they have caught a Muslim=20
terrorist group. Station In charge Mr. K. D. Chohan immediately acted=20
on the complain and caught the terrorist group and dragged them to=20
the police station. The girls were arrested without any lady=20
constable and kept in the police station the whole night; no one had=20
any explanation for this, neither Mr. Chouhan nor the SP...! Through=20
out the night they kept interrogating the group one by one in a bid=20
to prove them Muslim terrorists. Immediately in the morning the=20
Hindutva brigade reached the police station, they threatened the boys=20
and girls. And
here again there was no one to stop them from doing so.
Famous journalist Shri Kumar Prashant, who is also the coordinator of=20
this whole Abhiyan, told the
press reporters in Ahmedabad, that when they reached the police=20
station in the morning at around 10 am, the crowd surrounded the=20
police station, and police was interrogating. Even after constant
interrogation of 12 hours, the police was unable to decide whether=20
the volunteers are Muslims or Hindus, they did not even file FIR, nor=20
were they interested in filing one. They were not even willing to=20
write down the names of the rioting Hindutva Brigade, leave alone=20
catching them or arresting them. After a lot of discussion they=20
called up their DCP to find out if they should file FIR? This drama=20
went on from Bahucharaji Police station till the SP office at=20
Mehsana. SP also greatly hesitated in filing FIR.
Famous Gujarati journalist Digant Oza said that the whole=20
administration was under a great-unseen
pressure. According to Digant Oza, the officers had no explanation=20
as to what took them so long to file
an FIR. Atlas the FIR was recorded only after an intervention of=20
some senior officers.
Kumar Prashant said that all those supporting Bhartiya Janta Party=20
in such cowardly attacks and
terrorising activities will only dig a grave for the democracy and=20
Indian culture. This violence will not
put off the Gandhians. The works of Rashtriya Yuva Sangathan in=20
Bahucharaji will not only go on but a
special effort will be made to strengthen the team there.
( Well-Known Columnist, Writer, Peace Activist and Human Rights Campaigner =
will address a Press Conference on :
6th December 2002
At 12.00 noon
Near Kamdhenu Hall, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad 380 052.
Tel: 7449744 / 7455913
The Press Conference will be followed by lunch.
Later, Mr. Bidwai will also address the Festival for Peace Convention=20
which will be held in Tagore Hall from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
We request you to cover both the programmes..
Fr. Cedric Prakash
Mr. Hiren Gandhi
The Hindustan Times
Friday, December 6, 2002=A0
Meet focuses on communal unrest
Adam Aspinall
(New Delhi, December 5)
South African Parliamentarian Ela Gandhi spoke passionately about the=20
potential for reconciliation that exists amongst the victims of the=20
Gujarat riots at a symposium at the Constitution Club on Thursday.
The symposium was organised by SAHMAT, as part of their month-long=20
programme to highlight ten years of communal unrest, following the=20
demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya in 1992. The topic was =8CThe=20
Hindutva Onslaught: Ayodhya to Gujarat=B9 and was the second in a=20
series of symposia designed to analyse the implications of communal=20
violence and unrest for India's future.
Gandhi spoke of South Africa's past and the lessons learnt through=20
the violent years of Apartheid. She warned that similar events were=20
taking place in Gujarat but stressed that =B3Prejudice is a learnt=20
behaviour and not something that our children are born with, and so=20
just as change was achieved in South Africa so can it be achieved in=20
Historian Irfan Habib, however, warned about the dangers of Hindutva=20
forces. He spoke of what he sees as worrying parallels between=20
present day Gujarat and the rise of Fascism in Europe in the 1930=B9s.=20
=B3Fascism succeeded in Europe because its perpetrators divided their=20
opponents and that is just what we are seeing from the BJP in Gujarat=20
today. It is high time the Congress woke up to this threat. Or else=20
resistance will become even more difficult,=B2 said Habib.
Book on Gujarat
Releasing a book Gujarat: The making of a tragedy, edited by senior=20
journalist Siddharth Varadarajan, Fali S. Nariman said on Thursday=20
justice to Gujarat victims was as elusive as that of victims of the=20
1984 anti-Sikh riots. Other panelists were Varadarajan, Ashok Desai,=20
B.G. Verghese, Barkha Dutt and Farah Naqvi.
Outlook Magazine | Dec 09, 200
Violence, Stripped To Its Core
A public archive that retells the March madness, but tries not to explain i=
by Siddharth Varadarajan
RS 295; PAGE: 457
As the atrocities carried out in Gujarat earlier this year already=20
begin to fade from public memory, drowned out by the shrill rhetoric=20
of recrimination and the absurd drama of personalities that passes=20
off as serious politics these days, Gujarat: The Making of a Tragedy=20
comes as a chilling account of the murderous edges of Indian=20
politics. Intelligently assembled from various sources, newspaper=20
articles, first-hand interviews, opinion columns and speeches, this=20
volume will serve
as a modest and accessible public archive of events that unfolded in=20
Gujarat. It chronicles the unspeakable carnage unleashed on the=20
passengers of the train at Godhra, the mayhem and barbarity visited=20
upon Muslims in the riots that followed, the depth of state=20
involvement in violence, the agony of victims at the receiving end of=20
brutalities wilfully inflicted upon them and the discourse of a=20
public culture that can sink low enough to legitimise these acts of=20
violence. The story is, for the most part, judiciously told. But=20
perhaps it is a sign of the deep divisions within society that even=20
the compliment judicious might have lost all meaning. Judicious has=20
now come to mean "blame all sides equally" rather than its original=20
meaning of fidelity to facts. This book has more of the latter than=20
the former.
Most of the facts presented in this book, the sentiments of outrage=20
at the events and the laments for a lost Gujarat that accompany them,=20
are unimpeachable. The slight exception is Jyoti Punwani's complex=20
opening narrative of the carnage at Godhra. Although Punwani refuses=20
to condone the burning of the train at Godhra, her account comes=20
perilously close to framing Godhra within a provocation narrative.=20
The relatively greater emphasis of this essay on the actions of the=20
kar sevaks almost seems to suggest that the burning of the carriages=20
was an over-determined outcome of their own actions, such as their=20
intimidation of Muslims at the platform and so forth. This is perhaps=20
an unwitting result of two things. First, we seem to know more about=20
the kar sevaks' actions than we know about those who perpetrated the=20
violence. What is the sequence of events amongst those who inflicted=20
the violence? Second, the very enterprise of trying to explain the=20
events in terms of motives or a comprehensible narrative risks=20
explaining away the incident. Even Punwani's careful account, which=20
contains rare sympathetic interviews with survivors at Godhra,=20
succumbs to these hazards. If Gujarat teaches us anything, it is=20
this: the language of provocation is too self-justifying and=20
self-fulfilling and should be interrogated in all contexts.
But while the exact causes of Godhra still remain something of a=20
mystery, the pogroms and atrocities that followed against Muslims are=20
not. The violence was organised, systematic, brutal and carried out=20
with state support. The patterns of violence are well described by=20
Nandini Sundar and Barkha Dutt; the abdication of the judiciary and=20
the police are well documented by Teesta Setalvad and Vrinda Grover;=20
and the role of the press in both producing violence and exposing it=20
is ably discussed by Rajdeep Sardesai and Siddharth Varadarajan. Anil=20
Chamaria's essay leaves the overwhelming impression that it was not=20
just the vernacular press in Gujarat that played a particularly=20
subversive role in producing violence by its partisan coverage, even=20
major Hindi channels like Zee TV and Aaj Tak were sloppy in the way=20
they highlighted Muslims as perpetrators but not as victims of=20
violence.This essay suggests that there was almost no Hindi-language=20
reporting that got the balance right in the way Star News almost did.=20
The collapse of Hindutva and Hindi is almost complete. Although=20
plausible, I am not sure the documentation in this book is enough to=20
warrant such a drastic conclusion, but this is a matter that will=20
bear more investigation. In any case, if secularism remains the=20
province only of the English press, we are in deep trouble and much=20
of what this volume has to offer will carry little authoritative=20
Ramachandra Guha's characteristically lucid essay tries to make a=20
plea to the vhp to listen to alternative voices within Hinduism. But=20
it is difficult not to come away with the impression that those=20
voices are muted indeed. Sure, many citizens will recoil at the=20
scenes of atrocity that this book so powerfully presents, but whether=20
that will lead to a delegitimisation of the ideological premises of=20
Hindutva is more doubtful. This volume, with the exception of=20
Ghanshyam Shah's essay, does not even attempt to explain much of what=20
happened. But perhaps that is altogether a good thing. We have, for=20
too long, exonerated heinous crimes by thinking that there must be=20
some explanation for such acts of violence, some motives, some=20
historical considerations that explain why people burn trains or=20
brutalise minorities. But perhaps it is a mistake to think that=20
perpetrators of such violence share anything beyond a readiness to=20
commit atrocity. The sobering message of this book is that there are=20
too many people living simply to commit atrocities and many of them=20
are part of the Indian state.
[Gujarat Election Watch and National Campaign follow up]
December 5, 2002
Dear Dr Trilochan Sastry and friends,
Thanks for the email.
1.=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0I am delighted to note that you have listed 135 candidates=
with criminal record, and over 90% are covered by the affidavits=20
filed by the candidates. I am certain you have taken all necessary=20
steps to guard against malicious attacks on the scrutiny. This=20
revelation is bound to generate a major public debate on candidate=20
choice and disclosures. I have seen Mr. Rama Reddy's email to you. I=20
would be grateful if you could send the entire list with full details=20
to us by email/courier. In addition, it would be useful if a detailed=20
explanatory note is enclosed.
2.=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0In the light of our earlier experience, may I suggest that=
should consider explaining to the media and public the following two=20
a)=A0=A0=A0=A0The list is based on objective and verifiable standards, and=
names of certain candidates may have been omitted for want of=20
verifiable information.
b)=A0=A0=A0=A0Equally, it is possible that some of the candidates whose nam=
have been included may not be guilty of any wrong doing, and may be=20
eventually let off by the courts. However, their names satisfy the=20
objective and verifiable criteria for public scrutiny, and voters are=20
entitled to all information pertaining to them.
Such explanation will help ward off uninformed criticism=20
and malicious attacks.
3.=A0=A0=A0=A0In addition, I suggest that Gujarat election Watch should=20
formally give a call to the voters to consider voting only for those=20
candidates who voluntarily disclose their full criminal and financial=20
record, irrespective of the current legal provisions. Already=20
criminal disclosures are provided in law. Therefore financial=20
disclosures must be insisted upon, and we must focus public attention=20
on full disclosures.
4.=A0=A0=A0=A0Finally, I understand that a few of the names now being=20
released are not covered by the disclosure provisions of the current=20
law. We need to keep the public fully informed of the details, and=20
why and how their names satisfy the objective criteria we have laid=20
5.=A0=A0=A0=A0We should fight for the whole gamut of electoral reforms,=20
taking advantage of all these developments. I am briefing the MPs of=20
Congress Party in Delhi on 7th December on the issue of disclosures=20
at their request. We should make Gujarat elections the test case for=20
voluntary and full disclosure of financial records of candidates.=20
After the din of Gujarat election subsides, we should get together a=20
group of serious activists across the country to finalize the agenda=20
for national campaign. All these small, but significant steps must=20
converge in the national campaign for electoral and governance=20
reforms. The nation's potential cannot be held captive forever by the=20
vested interests who seek to preserve status quo. The people are=20
clearly ready for major reforms. In fact, voters in India are far=20
ahead of the politicians. We need vigorous, collective action over=20
the next few months and years.
6.=A0=A0=A0=A0The supreme court's delay in delivering a verdict on our appe=
challenging the constitutional validity of Section 33 B of the=20
ordinance is somewhat disappointing. It is possible that the court is=20
worried about the likely confrontation between the legislature and=20
judiciary. The court may exercise the option of referring the matter=20
to a larger Constitutional Bench to examine its own powers and the=20
scope of basic features and judicial review. But that need not deter=20
us. If court judgment is delayed, we will do everything to see that=20
the legislation to replace the ordinance is referred to a joint=20
select committee of parliament for a thorough examination. And=20
irrespective of whether this right to know candidate's antecedents is=20
a fundamental right under Art 19 (1) or not, people in a democracy=20
are supreme. If people as one want disclosures, then they shall have=20
disclosures. We should therefore conduct people's ballots in all=20
major states in line with the ballot conducted by LOK SATTA in AP.=20
Even a low key effort without much publicity or fanfare, and at=20
little cost, attracted nearly a million voters (854,000) in 500=20
places all over AP. 98.1% of them wanted full disclosures as per the=20
Supreme Court verdict of May 2, and EC's order of June 28. I am=20
certain that in all major states public opinion will be equally=20
7.=A0=A0=A0=A0These and other strategies and action programmes need to be=20
finalized once Gujarat elections are over to unwaveringly focus=20
public attention on disclosures, candidate choice and electoral=20
reform. Once again, Gujarat team deserves our congratulations and=20
best wishes.
Warm regards
Jayaprakash Narayan
National Coordinator
Lok Satta
401/408 Nirmal Towers
Dwarakapuri Colony, Punjagutta
Hyderabad - 500 082
Tel: 040 23350778/23350790
Fax: 040 23350783
E-mail: <mailto:loksatta@s...>loksatta@s...
url: <http://www.loksatta.org>www.loksatta.org
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