[sacw] SACW | 20 June 02
Harsh Kapoor
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 01:24:41 +0100
South Asia Citizens Wire Dispatch | 20 June 2002
South Asia Citizens Web:
South Asians Against Nukes:
#1. The relevance of d=E9tente (Praful Bidwai)
#2. Peace In South Asia Walk & Rally (Boston)
#3. A people's peace initiative & other letters (Shahid Anwar)
#4. Journalists appeal for de-escalation, release of Iftikhar Geelani
#5. Indian Presidential Elections: Women's Organisations Appeal To=20
Legislators To Vote For
Capt. Laxmi Sahgal
#6. Kalam Is Not Presidential Material (S. P. Udayakumar)
#7. Action against militants must be even-handed (Pritam Singh)
#8. Appeal for Contributions MANUSHI Gujarat Relief Fund
#9. Fascists looking for funds for their paper...
The News (Pakistan)
June 20, 2002
The relevance of d=E9tente
Praful Bidwai
After the visits of Richard Armitage and Donald Rumsfeld, which=20
formalised the commitments made by Islamabad and New Delhi to their=20
American mediators or "facilitators", the threat of overt war has=20
diminished in South Asia--although it has by no means disappeared. A=20
new triumphalism is now discernible in parts of political India, and=20
a pall of gloom has descended over sections of Pakistan's strategic=20
In India, PM Vajpayee, no less, has declared a "significant victory"=20
over Pakistan "without going to war". In an interview to a right-wing=20
Hindi daily, he says this became possible because the country "got=20
ready" for war, "the army ... was waiting for instructions ... and=20
India was prepared for nuclear war."
Since then, President Musharraf has boasted that it is Pakistan's=20
conventional and nuclear weapons "together" that "deterred" India's=20
aggression. These are both astoundingly irresponsible statements,=20
which demand a separate discussion. Yet, they underscore the case for=20
nuclear restraint and risk-reduction in South Asia. However, to start=20
with, it is relevant to take a look at some of the comments made on=20
the present situation from within Pakistan and India.
A number of Pakistani analysts have concluded that the=20
Armitage-Rumsfeld visits marked a "decisive" American tilt in favour=20
of India and that Pakistan capitulated to US pressure instead of=20
defying America and driving a hard bargain with it. Some writers have=20
convinced themselves that Musharraf is finally deserting/betraying=20
the Kashmir cause just as recklessly and wrongly as he turned against=20
the Taliban last September.
Musharraf's "capitulation" is attributed to Pakistan's internal=20
"weakness", which alone, it is said, allowed India to dictate to it a=20
pattern of behaviour, which it could not do even when Kashmir's=20
"freedom struggle" was at its "peak".
All these propositions are open to question. There has certainly been=20
a US tilt in India's favour (which for me is no cause for=20
celebration). But this "tilt" well predates last month or year. It=20
goes back to the year 2000, and represents a delayed or overdue shift=20
or "adjustment" in US' South Asia policy after the end of Cold War,=20
and other developments which occurred around Clinton's 2000 visit,=20
including a rise in non-resident Indians' profile in the US due to=20
the software boom.
September 11 impinged itself upon this context. It further=20
strengthened the pro-India tilt and presented Pakistan with a major=20
dilemma. Well before September, India's leaders had already adopted a=20
strong pro-American foreign policy orientation. They were beholden to=20
Washington for their remarkably slavish support to the US' aggressive=20
unilateralism, reflected above all in Bush's "missile defence" plans.=20
After 9/11, they successfully trapped the US in its "anti-terrorism"=20
rhetoric and linked America's anti-Al-Qaeda goals to their own=20
regional objectives.
Pervez Musharraf's post-September 11 options were extremely limited.=20
In fact, the choice was binary: fall in line or else... Musharraf did=20
try to sequester his policy towards Al-Qaeda/Taliban from Kashmir=20
when he told India to "lay off". But by February, this looked less=20
and less like a viable enterprise, not because the Kashmiri "cause"=20
(of autonomy/azadi/secession) is unworthy, but because the world has=20
increasingly begun to see Islamabad as substituting itself for the=20
Kashmiris with armed force, often brutally and indiscriminately=20
In the event, especially after US forces began to get active on=20
Pakistani soil, and terrorist attacks occurred in India in recent=20
weeks (regardless of who instigated them), Musharraf's options=20
further narrowed. He came under growing pressure to stop supporting=20
the Kashmiri "freedom-fighters" just as demonstratively, but not as=20
ruthlessly, as happened with the Taliban earlier. The difference was,=20
he was not being asked to actively join the fight against the=20
Kashmiri jehadis.
If South Asia's societies and political processes are ever to evolve=20
in a healthy pluralist direction, they must be liberated from devious=20
Machiavellian strategies--no matter how just the original cause for=20
their formulation. If our ruling dispensations are not to be=20
permanent hostages to the sleaziest and most ultra-conservative=20
right-wing components of the state apparatus represented by=20
cloak-and-dagger agencies and dirty-tricks departments, and if they=20
are to democratise themselves, they must be free to pursue rational=20
objectives in a relatively, clean, transparent fashion.
It's hard to say if Musharraf--or Vajpayee--believes in such=20
objectives or methods. But one hopes Musharraf will at least try to=20
move in that direction--albeit under duress.
In India, there is a good deal of crowing about having "successfully"=20
called Pakistan's "bluff" and forced it to bend the knee through=20
unrestrained military muscle-flexing at the border. Those who make=20
this claim strenuously deny the plain truth: namely, it is not on=20
account of fear of India's military might, or out of a rational=20
calculation to avoid nuclear conflict (which calculation, alas, many=20
generals refuse), but because of America's coercive mediation, that=20
Islamabad changed its tune and committed itself to verifiably halting=20
cross-border infiltration of militants into Kashmir.
What happened--and is happening--between India and Pakistan, and the=20
US, falls logically and firmly within the dictionary meaning of=20
"mediate" -- "form connecting link between; be the medium for=20
bringing about (result); intervene (between two persons) for purpose=20
of reconciling them", etc. India's leaders bristle at the word, and=20
the Americans duly humour them. But mediation is the unalloyed=20
The point is, many Indians, including strategic "experts", do not=20
fully realise that the present mediation is not cost-free. It comes=20
with strings attached. It could eventually extract a heavy price in=20
policy too. India will have to put the Kashmir issue on the table.=20
After all, India itself--rather, its present rulers--effectively=20
internationalised the issue in May 1998 by linking nuclear weapons to=20
>From the standpoint of secular, liberal-democratic Indians, the NDA's=20
triumphalism vis-a-vis Pakistan is inseparable from the BJP's=20
communal nationalism and its desperate need to whitewash the Gujarat=20
Of a piece with this is the NDA's nomination--regrettably supported=20
by the Congress too--of APJ Abdul Kalam for the presidency. Kalam,=20
the RSS' "poster-boy Muslim", represents the opposite of true=20
pluralist culture which India's non-executive president is supposed=20
to reflect and defend. The "Missile Man" symbolises militarism as=20
nobody else does.
The new hubris on display in India can only promote rabid militarism=20
and communalism and make another conflict with Pakistan likelier. But=20
the need of the hour is detente, reconciliation and denuclearisation=20
of the region. We shall soon see that this is not as romantic as it=20
might seem.
Saturday June 22, 11am, Cambridge City Hall to Copley Square.
Come join the South Asian Center and other members of the Greater Boston
Community as we walk in solidarity for peace in South Asia.
The escalation in tensions between India and Pakistan and subsequent
threat of war are a great concern to all of us. As members of the South
Asian community, we must take a stand against the senseless verbal and
physical violence. To this end, the South Asian community of Greater
Boston calls for peace in South Asia. We urge the people and
governments of India and Pakistan to:
1. Abandon threats of war and to begin an immediate bilateral dialogue
to peacefully resolve issues of conflict.
2. Work towards and ultimately achieve a de-escalation of the military
build-up on both sides of the border.
3. Devote resources to implement policies that will end social
injustices, rather than to empower military ends.
4. Promote peace and social progress based on democratic principles and
the guarantees of fundamental human rights.
5. Make a long term commitment to peace, friendship, and cooperation in
South Asia.
Latecomers may join at the following checkpoints:
Shalimar, 571 Mass Ave., Central Square
Mass Ave. Bridge and Beacon St.
India Antiques, 279 Newbury St.
Info: Vinay Kumar - vkumar@a.../617.661.5845, Anjali Khurana
khurana@f..., Anita Sharma nitesharma@y..., Jaspal Singh
Dawn (Karachi)
03 June 2002
A people's peace initiative
In the backdrop of the potentially dangerous standoff between India=20
and Pakistan, writers, analysts, defence experts, and world leaders=20
across the globe have rightly expressed their concern about a=20
possible nuclear holocaust in South Asia.
The lives of more than a billion people are being held hostage by a=20
small number of decision-makers on both sides of the border.=20
Unfortunately, the ruling elite of the subcontinent seems to hardly=20
factor in the human aspect in their respective strategic gameplans.
Ordinary people will be biggest losers in case hostilities do break=20
out. A tiny minority takes such decisions with scant regard for the=20
wellbeing of the people, while the majority is considered not wise=20
enough to have any say.
Now is the time for us to voice our concerns to build public opinion=20
for the cause of peace. In this regard, we want to share our thoughts=20
and a tentative blueprint for action with civil society. Our=20
objectives are to educate and inform the public through informal=20
direct social contacts about the dangerous consequences of a nuclear=20
exchange, and to mobilize people at the grassroots level.
We want to bring the humane dimension of such conflict into the=20
consciousness of those decide policy and influence public opinion. To=20
start with, we intend to get the signatures of people on a draft=20
resolution for peace. We also plan on launching a website to put this=20
idea on the Net and get feedback from people. A real sustained effort=20
at the ground level is needed to create awareness and a strong lobby=20
for peace.
Our base would be our own city of Toba Tek Singh. Yet we hope a=20
snowball effect might happen and generate similar activity in other=20
cities of the subcontinent. The voices of sanity are scattered=20
everywhere and what we need is to get them all together and=20
articulate them.
We invite suggestions in this regard from people who believe in the=20
principle of peaceful co-existence and of 'live and let live'. We can=20
be contacted via email at the following address:=20
Toba Tek Singh
The News (Pakistan)
June 12, 2002
Misguided symbolism
Shahid Anwar
We have mindlessly erected the monuments of Chaghai nuclear tests and=20
Ghori missiles. These symbols of our military power welcome the=20
visitors at the entry points/public places of our main cities. May I,=20
as a taxpaying citizen of Pakistan, question the rationale of this=20
senseless display of jingoism? Undoubtedly, we are committed to=20
defend our homeland like other self-respecting nations. However, the=20
idea of turning our cities into cantonments, is not only absurd=20
rather damaging to our national image. It portrays us in bad light:=20
either we are scared or immature, or may be both. Whom do we intend=20
to impress or reassure, about our military might, by installing the=20
models of deadly weapons in and around our cities?
Common sense dictates that things should be placed where they belong.=20
Cities grow great by educational, economic, cultural and political=20
activity, not by putting up a Dracula's face. Similarly, a nation=20
emerges strong by developing its economy, education, and human=20
resources. Rhetoric and slogans cannot provide the solid bases to=20
build a great nation.
We rightly proclaim that we want South Asia to be a non-nuclear=20
region. Understandably we were entrapped/enticed by the Indian tests=20
and provocative statements of Indian leadership to commit the same=20
folly. However, for what have we installed the symbol of MAD (mutual=20
assured destruction)--replica of Chaghai mountain in every big city?=20
What message it coveys to our people and visitors and tourists to our=20
cities? As a peace-seeking nation, such hollow show of militarism=20
only tarnishes our image. These monuments in no way raise our spirits=20
or enhance our defence capabilities. Rather they paint us as confused=20
as if we were either not sure of our muscle power or confused about=20
our self-image.
Now is an appropriate time to act in this direction. As we want to=20
project ourselves as a peace loving, responsible and a mature nation.=20
Our foreign policy has remarkably changed for the better and the=20
government enjoys the support of the cross sections of the society in=20
this regard. We must review our symbolism which portrays us as a=20
people ignorant of the consequences of nuclear holocaust.
Toba Tek Singh
Dawn (Karachi)
June 10,2002
Peace initiative
This refers to the letter 'A people's initiative for peace' (June 3).=20
It is heartening to receive tremendous response from the people=20
across the border. We want to pay our thanks to all those who=20
contacted us and offered their services for the cause of peace in=20
South Asia.
We do acknowledge the remarks of appreciation by Noam Chomsky, Dr=20
Manzoor Ejaz and Dr Farukh Saleem. However, we feel encouraged in the=20
real sense by messages of support from common people, particularly=20
from India. This strengthens our belief that people, both in India=20
and in Pakistan, do not want war; only the vested interests on both=20
sides have been thoughtlessly pushing them towards nuclear madness=20
(collective suicide).
In addition, people are mindful that instead of addressing genuine=20
public issues, war drums are beaten to cover appalling failures in=20
good governance and problem-solving. As an Indian citizen from=20
Ludhiana puts it: "For the last 52 years people are being fed on=20
Kashmir. It is shameful that the literacy rate as per unofficial=20
reports is 33 per cent in Pakistan and about 50 per cent in India.=20
Both the countries have failed to provide adequate irrigation=20
facilities for agriculture, which is the backbone of survival of=20
people on both sides of the border. People are longing to switch on=20
the lights in their homes. The roads are in pitiable conditions on=20
both sides of the border. The nuclear weapons will not provide roti,=20
kapra and makan."
These messages demonstrate quite emphatically that despite the=20
partisan propaganda, the common people see reason in universal values=20
of peace and harmony.
Toba Tek Singh
Kashmir Times (Jammu)
Journalists appeal for de-escalation, release of Iftikhar Geelani
LAHORE, June 15: Condemning the arrest of Ifikhar Gilani, Kashmir=20
Times reporter, South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) has called=20
upon the two governments of India and Pakistan to take all-sided=20
measures to deescalate the current military standoff, including an=20
end to an ongoing propaganda warfare.
Expressing serious concerns over military and nuclear brinkmanship,=20
the senior journalists have asked the people of subcontinent to press=20
their governments to retreat from the brink of a potentially=20
devastating war.
SAFMA has also called upon the media fraternity in the subcontinent=20
to discourage war mongering and demonisation of one another.
It called upon the two governments to lift restrictions on road and=20
rail links and revive people to people contacts. Appreciating certain=20
de-escalatory measures, the editors and columnists appealed to both=20
the governments to take confidence-building measures. While welcoming=20
the measures taken by General Pervez Musharraf they asked the Indian=20
government to reciprocate by announcing the withdrawal of Indian=20
troops from forward positions. The meeting demanded the release of=20
Iftikhar Gilani and condemned "the killing of a journalist in a=20
crossfire across the LoC."
Those who signed the statement include Imtiaz Alam, secretary general=20
SAFMA, Irshad Ahmed Haqani, senior editor Jang, Khalid Ahmed, Friday=20
Times, Zaffar Iqbal Mirza, Resident Editor Dawn, Mujeebur Rehman=20
Shami, Editor Pakistan, Salim Bokhari, Editor The News, Munno Bhai,=20
columnist, Hussain Naqi, columnist Nation, Ahmed Bashir, columnist=20
Maidan, Kamila Hyat, journalist, Sheerin Pasha, TV producer, Abdul=20
Qadir Hassan, columnist, Anjum Rashied, Editor Reporting Jang, Atthar=20
Nadeem, Assistant Editor Din, and Mushtaq Soofi, Prime TV.
We welcome the Presidential candidature of Captain Laxmi Sahgal. More tha=
fifty years after India became a Republic, this is the first time that a
woman has been nominated for the highest public office in our country,
thanks to the decision of the Left Parties and the Janta Dal(S). Captain
Sahgal is, moreover, a veteran freedom fighter and champion of the rights
of women, the poor and the marginalized, a fitting guardian of our
constitutional order.
As a leading figure in the country's progressive movements, Capt Laxmi
Sahgal has demonstrated in clear and unambiguous terms her deep commitment
to the pillars of India's constitution: secularism, self reliance,
democracy, and socialism. Through these commitments and practices, she
brings to contemporary politics a continuity with the ideals and dreams of
the freedom struggle for an India where all citizens will be equal and free=
She has an outstanding record in over sixty years in public life. As a youn=
woman she first joined the Indian National Army under the leadership of
Subhash Chandra Bose. As such she represents the progressive and secular
political platform opposed to the right wing and highly communalized
platform of the BJP led NDA alliance.
The terrible events of Gujarat have pointed to the harmful consequences of
the policies followed by the BJP led Government and the very grave danger t=
the secular fabric of India. In such a situation secular and progressive
forces cannot endorse a candidate put up by the BJP led alliance. We are
convinced that the name of Dr. Kalam, whom we regard as an eminent
scientist, has been proposed with the cynical purpose of concealing the
shame of Gujarat and to continue with their efforts to strengthen the
platform of aggressive Hindutva nationalism. Citizens of this country are
yet to know the views held by the NDA's presidential candidate on many of
the most urgent issues facing the nation, such as the assault on the rights
of minorities and the killings of thousands of innocent men, women and
children in Gujarat, the attempts to erode the federal character of the
Constitution through various means, the challenges to democracy and
secularism posed by communal forces and so on.
We urge all secular and progressive forces to extend their support to Capt.
Laxmi Sahgal and call upon all legislators who are opposed to the politics
of communal hatred to vote for Capt. Sahgal and ensure that the august
office of the President continues to be occupied by a politically mature an=
tested person whose guidance can help our nation in these difficult times.
Support to Capt Sahgal will in addition greatly strengthen the cause of
women's movements in India for justice and equality.
On behalf of and signed by:
Brinda Karat (AIDWA) Sehba Farooqi (NFIW) Mohini Giri (Guild of Services)
Syeda Hameed (Muslim Women's Forum) Jyotsna Chatterjee (Joint Women's
Programme) Belinda Bennet (YWCA of India) Aruna Roy (MKSS) Rooprekha Verma
(Sajhi Duniya) (Ritu Menon (Kali for Women) Niloufer Bhagwat (Indian Lawyer=
Association) Alka Srivastava (Women's Unit-Indian Social Institute) Devika
Singh (Forces) Runu (Jagori) Jaya (Nirantar)Jaya (Ankur) Tulika
Srivastava(Aali)Madhavi Kukreja (Vanangana) Naish (Vama)
Kalam Is Not Presidential Material
S. P. Udayakumar
The Indian political scene that is not unknown for quirky events and=20
bizarre developments is faced with a rather interesting predicament=20
now. The highly political Indian polity that is tormented by serious=20
socioeconomic-political issues of some 1.2 billion people is going to=20
have a completely apolitical President. It may not be the first time=20
that a savant has been chosen for the President=92s post. After all,=20
eminent educationists such as Dr. Zakir Hussain and Dr. S.=20
Radhakrishnan served the nation creditably and honorably. What is=20
quite peculiar now is the fact that the political stand and=20
commitment of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is completely unknown. In=20
fact, one shudders at the thought of having a President who has had=20
little transparency and accountability in his scientific and defense=20
research career and has rarely engaged in democratic decision making=20
in his world of military R&D.
All the Indian political parties barring the Left parties have been=20
propping up the eminent scientist, Dr. Abdul Kalam, as a candidate=20
extraordinaire for Indian presidency. Almost all the prominent=20
political leaders from Delhi to Chennai are literally elbowing each=20
other to point out the merits of Dr. Kalam and the great fortune of=20
having him as President of the Indian Republic.
It is quite ironic that most of these parties and leaders who=20
incessantly invoke the name of Mahatma Gandhi and his cardinal=20
principles of Ahimsa, Satya, Sarvodaya and Satyagraha as their=20
political foundation go for a man whose claim to fame is mainly=20
fathering the Indian atomic bomb and fostering the missiles to carry=20
them across the border. The country that gifted the world with so=20
many nonviolent luminaries such as Buddha, Mahavir, Ashoka, Gandhi,=20
Guru Nanak and Mother Teresa is going to be headed by a man who has=20
designed and delivered inhuman nuclear bombs. In all fairness, Dr.=20
Kalam may not believe in violence and may be an ardent patriot. But=20
would the =93Father of Nation=94 be comfortable in Kalam=92s company?=20
Would his Satyagraha be compatible with Kalam=92s strategic security=20
calculations? If these conundrums sound awkward or uncomfortable,=20
maybe we should be more truthful to ourselves and declare Dr. Abdul=20
Kalam as the =93Father=94 of our modern, middle class, missile nation.=20
Dr. Kalam=92s supporters and admirers hail him as a person with=20
non-controversial attitude. Controversies emerge only when someone=20
takes a stand on issues that affect people=92s lives. A technocrat or=20
a scientist who believes in having more technology and more science=20
to solve the society=92s problems without ever acknowledging the=20
socioeconomic-political undercurrents can certainly afford to be=20
=93non-controversial.=94 Apolitical neutrality is and should be=20
impossible in public affairs because simple-minded scientific=20
truth-claims may be valid in research laboratories but not in the=20
public arena where they tend to affect some group interests and=20
create controversies.
Dr. Kalam=92s apologists also cry from the rooftop that he has ideal=20
vision for the country. Vision he sure does have and he deserves=20
credit for that. Whether that vision is =93ideal=94 depends on one=92s=20
politics which Dr. Kalam so painstakingly tries to avoid.=20
In his 1998 book India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium that he=20
co-authored with Mr. Y. S. Rajan, Dr. Abdul Kalam presents a rather=20
dangerous vision for India=92s future. He seeks a self-reliant=20
national security system, a strong economy and a superpower status by=20
holding strong defense technologies as the basis for his vision.=20
This blatant apology for the national security industry is cunningly=20
portrayed as the much needed =93development=94 of the country. Kalam=20
invokes politically-correct notions and standpoints in this book=20
without sincerely subscribing to any. For instance, he along with=20
his co-author talks about =93development as if people mattered=94 but do=20
not tell us where or how the poverty-stricken Indians fit in their=20
vision of a Huxleyan =93brave new India.=94 Interestingly enough, the=20
phrases =93sustainable development=94 and =93appropriate technology=94 do n=
appear in the India 2020 book at all.
The =93developed India=94 that the security stalwarts and the Hindutva=20
brigade want to build has been unfolding steadily ever since the=20
nuclear blasts in May 1998. Series of various types of missile=20
tests, the announcement by the chairman of the Atomic Energy=20
Commission that India is self-reliant in the nuclear field, and the=20
assertion by Abdul Kalam that India would be a formidable missile=20
power with indigenous strategic and tactical missiles are all signs=20
of this =93development.=94 One cannot overlook the overriding=20
militaristic tendencies and values in this =93development=94 scheme.
Dr. Kalam is reported to have presented his rural development plan to=20
the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Ms. Jayalalitha, who called on him=20
recently to congratulate on his presidential nomination. She is=20
reported to have accepted his plans and undertaken to implement them.=20
And nobody knows what those messianic plans are. This kind of=20
elitist top-down approach to India=92s development will only result in=20
more of Narmada-type schemes, political repression, further=20
oppression of the poor and anti-democratic attitudes and behavior.
Interestingly enough, Kalam=92s India 2020 book does not discuss the=20
financial dimension of his technological vision. Maybe because this=20
=93future=94 project will also be a state-sponsored one as all his=20
expensive and sometimes wasteful scientific experiments have been.=20
There are hardly any facts and figures about the various activities=20
of Dr. Kalam while he worked as a nuclear/missile/space scientist or=20
as the Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister. As mentioned=20
before, this complete lack of transparency and accountability is=20
quite troubling. The hi-tech nuke future Dr. Kalam and his=20
associates envision for our country will be marked by a high-handed=20
nuke culture. An old-boys network would run the affairs according to=20
their whims and fancies.
In today=92s complicated world, to borrow the phrases of Jimi Hendrix,=20
it is =93love of power=94 and =93power of love=94 that compete with each=20
other to rule human affairs. Atom bombs and missile technology=20
represent naked love of power. More than lack of political=20
experience, and Constitutional expertise, it is this basic value and=20
attitude of Dr. Kalam that is more troubling. The love of power has=20
torn India along communal and caste lines and pitched the country=20
against its neighbors and other countries in dangerous war games. As=20
the country is crying for a Gandhi, we are giving her a Kalam.
To sum up, you don=92t have to be a rocket-scientist to know that Dr.=20
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is not presidential material.
S. P. Udayakumar is Executive Director of South Asian Community=20
Center for Education and Research, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu. He can be=20
contacted through spuk@v...
[ The following letter was photocopied and distributed to the=20
participants in the
demonstration at the Indian High Commission in London yesterday (18=20
June,2002). The
demonstration was against the massacre in Gujarat and was aimed to
coincide with Advani's visit (which was cancelled).
Financial Times (London, UK)
18 June 2002
Comment & analysis / Letters
Action against militants must be even-handed
By Pritam Singh
Published: June 18 2002 5:00 | Last Updated: June 18 2002 5:00
>From Mr Pritam Singh.
Sir, Jack Straw, the foreign secretary, has assured L. K. Advani,=20
India's home minister, that Britain will cut off millions of pounds=20
being channelled from Islamic extremists in the UK to Islamic=20
militants in India (June 13).
Your report mentioned that Mr Straw is initiating action on this=20
issue after the Indian government passed on evidence detailing=20
payments from UK-based Muslims to militants groups in India. Mr=20
Straw's action will certainly contribute to reducing tension and=20
building peace in India if the funding from UK to both the Muslim and=20
Hindu militant groups in India is stopped. Mr Advani's government is=20
supported by several well-known militant Hindu organisations in India=20
that are known to have received funds from UK-based Hindus. Several=20
well-documented reports in India have shown that these organisations=20
have recently been involved in organised violence against Muslims in=20
the Gujarat state of India, which is ruled by Mr Advani's party.
Mr Advani himself led a country-wide march in 1992 to campaign for=20
building a temple in the name of Hindu god Rama at a place in=20
Ayodhaya where an ancient mosque stood. His campaign led to the=20
demolition of the mosque on December 6 1992 by violent Hindu mobs=20
which were directed by militant Hindu organisations supporting Mr=20
Advani and his party. In the aftermath, country-wide violence=20
spearheaded by these militant organisations against Muslims in India=20
resulted in more than 2000 deaths. Many Hindu organisations and=20
individuals in the UK openly funded these militant organisations=20
supporting Mr Advani's campaign and involved in anti-Muslim violence.
If Mr Straw takes one-sided discriminatory action only against UK=20
Muslims supporting Muslim militancy in India, that will contribute to=20
increasing sectarian polarisation between Hindus and Muslims in India=20
and in Britain. He should also target the Hindu organisations in the=20
UK funding Hindu militancy in India. National Criminal Intelligence=20
Services and the police should be involved in gathering evidence on=20
the activities of these organisations. An even-handed approach on=20
this issue is absolutely necessary for reducing sectarian=20
polarisation and violence in India.
Pritam Singh, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Oxford Brookes University=20
Business School, Oxford OX33 IHX
Appeal for Contributions to Gujarat Relief Fund
The Gujarat riots have rendered nearly 2 lakh people homeless in=20
their own home land. Equally alarming is the government's refusal to=20
provide necessary relief and rehabilitation. Moreover, very few=20
secular agencies have undertaken relief work. Victims from the=20
minority community have been left at the mercy of their religious=20
leaders. This is bound to sharpen the already dangerous communal=20
divide. It is specially important that young children who have=20
experienced or witnessed gruesome forms of communal violence do not=20
grow up feeling totally estranged and bitter from other communities.=20
For this we need to build concrete bridges of communication and=20
caring. Towards this end, Manushi invites contributions for=20
supporting the education of children from riot affected families and=20
help in rebuilding destroyed homes. We will identify recepients in=20
collaboration with local NGOs and keep you informed about the use of=20
the money through pages of Manushi and our website.
MANUSHI Gujarat Relief Fund
I am enclosing a sum of Rs =8A=8A=8A=8A................. by cheque=20
of........................................bank drawn in favour of=20
Manushi Trust dated......................towards the following:
1. Supporting the education of a child from a riot affected family.
2. Rebuilding the destroyed home of a riot affected family.
I would like / not like to be in touch with the recepient.
Please mail your contributions to:
DELHI - 110054
PHONES: 4044879,
TEL - FAX: 3916437
Madhu Kishwar can also be contacted on week days at
DELHI - 110054
PHONES :3951190, 3943450
FAX: 3943450
[ ***Posted below is message from the peddlers of hate in India=20
trying to fundraise abroad for their new publication. This is being=20
circulated to draw your attention ***]
----- Original Message -----
From: krk4568
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 6:26 PM
Subject: Hindu voice needs support
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hindu Voice is becoming popular in Bombay as it has appeared on news
stands around the city. The problem is expenses. It is costing our
editor around 25,000 rupees per publication and the newspaper is
still localized in a sense.
We have over 5000 members as of date on our lists. If just 3% of
these members donate, that's is 150 people. We urge members to donate
atleast $100.00 to this paper as soon as possible. Our aim is to
raise $15,000 for this paper.
$100 or 105 Euros is currently equivalent to about $4896.00 rupees.
We know $100 is a lot for many of you (especially students) but try
your best, this is a matter of emergency and help is direly needed.
Any amount is ok. Just try your best to get some money into
this paper and urgently.
The Hindu Voice is a verified and supported paper by HinduUnity.org.
Please we urge you all to support The Hindu Voice to the fullest. HU
is working very hard to spread this news paper all across India. We
need funds badly.
HinduUnity.org has never asked for funds since our conception. We
strongly believe that this newspaper is the future of Hindutva in
Bharat. We will see to it that it grows into a national publication
that all Hindutvaadis can have access to. Here is our
chance to make a difference, bring out the truth and open the eyes
and ears of our Hindu brethern.=20
Please arrange with the editor to send the funds over:
The Hindu Voice website is located at:
Funds can be sent via western union offices to his location.
Please send e-mails to : hinduvoice@v... or saravana@b...
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