[sacw] SACW | 7 June 02
Harsh Kapoor
Fri, 7 Jun 2002 00:13:21 +0100
South Asia Citizens Wire Dispatch | 7 June 2002
South Asians Against Nukes:
#1. India & Pakistan Crisis: Counterspin, Monday June 10 On CBC=20
Newsworld - Canada
#2. Reflections on 'Gujarat Pradesh' of 'Hindu Rashtra' (K Balagopal)
#3. U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom hearing on=20
Gujarat (June10)
#4. BBC Audio: on Hindu Muslim Tensions & Talk of War
#5. Rethinking Islam And Hinduism (S Irfan Habib)
#6. A peace march against communal hatred and violence (Sandeep)
#7. Advani Ban Move In UK (Shrabani Basu)
INDIA & PAKISTAN CRISIS: counterSpin, Monday June 10th on CBC=20
Newsworld - CANADA
On Monday, June 10th counterSpin will ask what are the issues that=20
are driving these nuclear neighbours to the brink? Is the disputed=20
region of Kashmir the only problem in the region? What role do=20
extremist or fundamentalist groups -- on both sides -- play in the=20
geopolitical tensions? Are both leaders capable of security peace and=20
stability? Do they both want peace and stability? Is nuclear war a=20
real possibility?
What can be done to appease tensions? Who needs to bend in order to=20
ensure peace and/or stability? Will US diplomacy help matters, or has=20
its war on terror contributed to the problems?
You are invited to join the on-air audience of Canada's leading=20
current events debate show counterSpin, CBC Newsworld and possibly=20
contribute your point-of-view to this debate. (Toronto, Canada)
Please forward this notice to members of your organization,=20
colleagues, students and friends.
Space is limited, and seats are reserved on a=20
first-come-first-service basis. Those wishing to be members of the=20
on-air audience MUST PRE-REGISTER their attendance with me either via=20
e-mail mw@c... or by phone at T 416.703.1268.
Audience members are asked to arrive at CBC Building at 7 p.m. - 25 John
Street entrance (between Wellington & Front Sts., Toronto CANADA),=20
where you will be met by
Audience Coordinator Nadine. The program is live, running from 8 - 9 pm
Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay)
June 01, 2002
Reflections on 'Gujarat Pradesh' of 'Hindu Rashtra'
The economic relation between the adivasis and the Muslims in rural=20
north Gujarat is of the kind that most radical analysts have deemed=20
to be sufficient to justify a violent class struggle. And that is=20
just how the VHP is likely to project it as in the coming days - an=20
explanation for adivasi participation in the violence that could be=20
quite embarrassing for radical analysts. It is time for radical=20
analysts to give up simplistic assumptions and modes of analysis, not=20
for the sake of the VHP, but for possible progress in human affairs.
by K Balagopal
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Thursday - June 6, 2002
June 5, 2002 Contact: Lawrence J. Goodrich, Communications=20
Director, (202) 523-3240, ext. 27
New Evidence on Mass Killings in India Prompts Commission to Hold Hearing
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom,=20
a federal agency advising the Administration and Congress, today=20
announced that it will hold a hearing to examine evidence suggesting=20
that recent communal violence in the Indian state of Gujarat, which=20
has killed at least 1,000 Muslims, was carefully planned and involved=20
the state government's officials and police. This hearing will assist=20
the Commission in developing further recommendations for U.S. policy.=20
The hearing will take place at 9:00a.m. June 10 in the Longworth=20
House Office Building, Room 1302, Washington, D.C. A witness list=20
will be released shortly.
"The extremist violence in Gujarat, a state located on the border=20
with Pakistan, threatens to exacerbate the already inflamed tensions=20
between India and Pakistan," said Commission Chair Michael K. Young.=20
"The Commission is very concerned that the United States government=20
has not spoken out forcefully against the attacks on Muslims in=20
In a press release dated March 12, 2002, the U.S. Commission on=20
International Religious Freedom expressed its alarm over the recent=20
violence and killings in Gujarat. After the killing of approximately=20
60 Hindu activists in the town of Godhra, retaliatory violence=20
against Muslims left at least 1,000 people dead. Reports cite=20
numerous persons shot, stabbed, raped, mutilated, and/or burned to=20
death. Hundreds of mosques and Muslim-owned businesses were looted or=20
destroyed. More than 100,000 persons have fled their homes and now=20
are in makeshift refugee camps. The violence has yet to be contained.
In announcing the hearing, the Commission, referencing its previous=20
recommendations, calls upon the U.S. government to press the=20
government of India to provide security for those people who remain=20
under threat of attack, including Muslims and Hindus who may be=20
subject to retaliation, and to see that those responsible for violent=20
acts targeting members of religious groups are held accountable. In=20
its May 2001 Annual Report, the Commission identified the need for=20
India's government to do more to protect religious minorities and to=20
bring those responsible for violence to account. The Commission=20
further stated its serious concern about the association of increased=20
violence against religious minorities and the rise in power of Hindu=20
nationalist groups in India. Recent violence underscores the need,=20
expressed previously by the Commission, for the U.S. government "to=20
urge the government of India to speak and act in ways that make clear=20
its lack of=8Asupport for religious intolerance and persecution."
Recent reports implicate the government of Gujarat and some members=20
of the police force in the recent violence in that state. According=20
to India's National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), an official body,=20
the events leading up to the Godhra tragedy and the killings and=20
destruction that followed were marked by a "serious failure of=20
intelligence and inaction by the [Gujarat] State government." The=20
NHRC noted that there are "media reports attributing certain=20
statements to the Police Commissioner and even the Chief Minister=20
which, if true, raise serious questions=8A." The NHRC also noted=20
"widespread reports and allegations of well-organized persons, armed=20
with mobile telephones and addresses, singling out certain homes and=20
properties for death and destruction in certain districts - sometimes=20
within view of police stations and personnel," suggesting the attacks=20
may have been planned in advance.
Officials have publicly reported that 443 "major communal incidents"=20
have occurred in Gujarat since 1970. Given the region's history, the=20
number of deaths and other reported abuses, the reported impunity of=20
perpetrators of such violence poses a continuing threat of recurrence.
In 2001, the Commission noted that although reports do not implicate=20
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government in organizing or=20
carrying out violence against Christian and Muslim religious=20
minorities (which has grown since the BJP-led government came into=20
office nationally), there is serious concern that the central=20
government is not doing all that it could to pursue and punish the=20
perpetrators of the attacks and to counteract the prevailing climate=20
of hostility, in some quarters in India, against these minority=20
The preliminary report by India's National Human Rights Commission=20
contains several recommendations to the government of India,=20
including the restoration of the "integrity of the process" of police=20
investigations; the establishment of "Special Courts" to try these=20
cases under judges handpicked by the Chief Justice of the High Court=20
of Gujarat; the prompt restoration of destroyed places of worship;=20
and the immediate implementation of reforms of the police.
On June 10, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom=20
will hold a public hearing to examine the information about the=20
situation further, look into new evidence of possible involvement of=20
local officials and police in the incidents in Gujarat, and consider=20
the NCHR recommendations and other measures that could be effective=20
in response to the communal violence.
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom was created by=20
the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to give independent=20
recommendations to the executive branch and the Congress.
Michael K. Young, Chair * Felice D. Gaer * Firuz Kazemzadeh *=20
Richard D. Land * Bishop William Francis Murphy * Leila Nadya=20
Sadat * Nina Shea * The Hon. Charles R. Stith * The Hon. Shirin=20
Tahir-Kheli * Tad Stahnke, Acting Executive Director
202-523-3240 | 202-523-5020 (FAX)
BBC Audio: on Hindu Muslim Tensions & Talk of War
[6 June 2002]
S Irfan Habib
(New Delhi)
There has been a lot of noise about rethinking in Islam, particularly=20
post September 11,2001. I feel it is long overdue and September 11=20
has just given us a rude shock to get into action. Within India,=20
Godhra and the ensuing Gujarat carnage has added urgency to the=20
question of rethinking, making us conscious of the fact that there is=20
something seriously wrong somewhere. Yes, if September 11 and Godhra=20
are the ugly faces of Islam than the burning of Graham Staines and=20
his children and the ongoing Gujarat carnage is the depraved and=20
distorted face of Hinduism. Both of them are threats to the secular=20
and pluralist fabric of India. Unfortunately Islam and Hinduism have=20
allowed their respective faiths to be hijacked by the lunatic fringe,=20
which appears to be calling most of the shots on behalf of their=20
faiths. Pakistan is an apt example of this perversion in Islam while=20
the Sangh Parivar is the mirror image of this aberration in India.=20
The Islamic variety appears to be more threatening to world peace due=20
to Islam=92s multinational character and the diverse political problems=20
involving these so called Islamic nations. However this does not mean=20
that the sangh parivar=92s machinations and hate filled campaign=20
against its fellow citizens is a lesser danger to civil society.=20
Striking terror and causing mayhem and misery among fellow human=20
beings is nothing but terrorism. It is time to wake up and seize=20
control from those who have no qualms about vulgarization of their=20
religion as long as it serves their sectarian agenda.
It is a known fact that Islam did not undergo any meaningful reform=20
to cope with the challenges of modernity. Any serious attempt at=20
ijtihad- a reasoned struggle and rethinking to reform Islam had been=20
countered by specious arguments saying Islam is beyond time and=20
context thus any talk of rethinking is un-Islamic. This was seen=20
during the 19th century when Syed Ahmed Khan, Jamaluddin Afghani,=20
Mohammad Abduh and others gave a call for ijtihad. The so-called=20
defenders of faith take refuge in Islamic tradition to counter any=20
suggestion for change, which conforms to changing times. They fail to=20
realize that Islam came in with a dynamic and revolutionary social,=20
political, and moral message. It can never be a creed to resist=20
change in accordance with the changing contexts. Alam Khundmiri, the=20
late activist and thinker of Hyderabad who died in 1983, was right=20
when he said that most Muslim social reform movements commit a common=20
error of identifying a particular medieval religious tradition with=20
Islam itself, which as a religion was itself a revolt against the=20
superstitions of the age in which it was born. It is a pity that in=20
an attempt to preserve the Islamic tradition, this revolutionary=20
tradition of early Islam is being completely ignored. The Book has=20
many passages that should inspire man to use his reason and elevate=20
the status of man as an agent of change. Islam left it to the=20
creative intelligence of the believer to translate the essential=20
vision of the Book into an idiom, which suits the requirements of the=20
modern age. This early vision of Islam and its reverence for human=20
reason and respect for human experience was revealed in a limited=20
manner in the magnificent achievements of Muslims in the fields of=20
science, mathematics and philosophy. All this was possible in an era=20
of Mutazilite ascendancy when ijtihad reigned supreme and the=20
shackles of tradition had not yet trapped the vibrant faith. The=20
believers were still conscious of the fact that the only thing=20
eternal about Islam is Quran and the relationship with the Quranic=20
text has to be interpretative, more so if it is perceived to be=20
eternal. Once interpretation or ijtihad was outlawed, any scope of=20
adjustment with the changing times and contexts became impossible.=20
Alam believes and rightly so that the medievalists committed an error=20
by putting the seal of finality on Islam=92s historical achievements.=20
Let us stop finding medieval solutions to our modern day concerns and=20
reinstate ijtihad to open up Islam, bring back its dynamism so that=20
it stops being an obstacle to progress.
Another much talked about feature of Islam is its Shariah. It is=20
being interpreted in its most revile form by the believers themselves=20
and in the process invites ridicule and scorn of the civilized world.=20
It is perceived as a divine code of conduct applicable forever=20
without any spatial or temporal constraints. This has led to serious=20
complications with respect to women=92s rights. It is unfortunate that=20
in Islam religiosity and morality have become synonymous with=20
legality, while in fact legality should be subordinate to a moral and=20
ethical vision. There is an urgent need to make necessary changes in=20
Shariah under the Quranic gaze so that it conforms to the moral=20
fervour of the Prophet and the ethical vision of Islam. Ziauddin=20
Sardar is right when he says that Shariah is nothing more than a set=20
of principles, framework of values that provide Muslim societies with=20
guidance. But these sets of principles and values are not static=20
given; they are dynamically derived within changing contexts. Taliban=20
misadventure in Afghanistan has shown to us how narrow adherence to=20
the text and tradition takes us away from the real world. What we=20
have today is the caricature of Islam being projected as the true=20
face of Islam.
But what about Hinduism and its vulgarization at the hands of sangh=20
parivar? A group of rabble-rousers have legitimated themselves as=20
representatives of Hinduism and its believers. They leave no=20
opportunity to malign their bete-noire Islam but tend to do exactly=20
the same while articulating their brand of Hinduism. They have=20
brazenly adopted the most un-Hindu version of Hinduism called=20
Hindutva, propounded by Vir Savarkar in the early last century. Being=20
a proclaimed atheist, Savarkar had no qualms in defacing Hinduism to=20
suit his politics of social engineering. It was treated with contempt=20
it deserved all these years till L K Advani revived it in 1989/90,=20
providing it legitimacy and respect. Simultaneously Advani promoted=20
the idea of cultural nationalism, which was again inspired by the=20
mischievous ideology of Savarkar who unabashedly made Hindutva and=20
nationalism interchangeable. This exclusivism automatically drove out=20
Maulana Azad, Ashfaqullah Khan, Frontier Gandhi, Ajmal Khan and=20
scores of others from the nationalist gallery of the sangh parivar.=20
Contrast this cultural nationalism with that of Jamaluddin Afghani,=20
who was in India during the 1880s, just when the nationalist=20
discourse had begun. While addressing a group of young Muslims in=20
Calcutta, he emphasized on the composite strength of Indian=20
nationalism where all communities had to be equal participants in=20
their struggle against the British colonialism. He emphasized on the=20
common secular heritage including its science, technology and=20
literature reminding the Muslim youth present that they were the=20
inheritors of a civilization that produced arithmetic and geometry=20
for the world. He further went on to say that `Human values spread=20
out from India to the whole world=85. The Indians reached the highest=20
level of philosophic thought. The soil of India is the same soil; the=20
air of India is the same air; and these youths who are present here=20
are fruits of the same earth and climate.=92 Here we find a clear=20
enunciation of shared heritage that is not conflict-ridden and is not=20
grounded in religious exclusivism. Hindutva is unfortunately rooted=20
in the revival of a sectarian past and not the common past of all=20
Indians. It seeks to construct an unadulterated Indian past after a=20
careful sifting of icons and ideas, leaving out a large section from=20
our heritage as something not only alien but also defiling. And the=20
most unfortunate aspect of it all is that Hindutva=92s concerted=20
hammering of lies had trapped a substantial Hindu population in its=20
Hinduism and Islam have had their bumpy patches but they never hated=20
each other as much as they do now in their new avatars of Hindutva=20
and jehadi Islam. Both these versions have purged their respected=20
faiths of all humanity, morality and spiritualism. They merely=20
represent crass jingoism, fanaticism and hatred for each other. Both=20
are haunted by the images of their golden pasts which are lost in the=20
march of history and which both of them want to rediscover. This=20
reinventing of sectarian pasts has messed up our present and will=20
certainly blight the region=92s future.
dear friends,
The pad yatra is just 60 kms away from Varanasi.
Sandeep bhaiya had written an on-site account from the
padyatra two days back in Hindi, which has been
translated and reproduced below. Please go through it
since it gives a better picture and captures and
experiences and discussions brewing up there.
The momentum towards Manav Dharam Sammelan is slowly
building up. Please do join us at Raja Talab on June 8
& 9, and feel free to contact us for any logistical
assistance or help required.
Sandeep's article is attached below. (translated).
best regards,
Sandeep & Arundhati
National Alliance of People's Movement NAPM
A=3D893 Indira Nagar LUCKNOW-226016. India
Ph 0522 347365, 9839073355
A peace march against communal hatred and violence
We started off in the form of "Shanti Evam Sadbhavna PadYatra" from=20
Chitrakoot on May 27, 2002. It is sweltering hot but splitters of=20
stormy winds and brief spell of rains, have brought some relief to=20
the heat-stricken people. But we find no relief when we read the=20
newspapers. On one side tensions are being made to scale up on=20
Indo-Pak border and situations indicating towards a war are being=20
fabricated, and on the other side in the backdrop of singing Gujarat,=20
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is trying to re-stir communal=20
polarisation on the pretext of "Purna-Ahuti Yagya" in Ayodhaya.
The challenge that faces us is indeed extremely critical with trouble=20
brewing on the borders of our country and communal divide sharpening=20
up inside the nation. After a turn of half a century, it again looks=20
like a conspiracy to divide our country. Our padyatra is an=20
initiative to warn the people of the impending danger and also an=20
effort to prevent the further breaking of our society. People have=20
also begun to understand now that on the pretext of Ram Mandir, their=20
emotions were made to scale high to serve a purpose. When VHP=20
declared to perform Shila Poojan in Ayodhaya during March this year,=20
we responded by organizing fasts and peace marches in Lucknow,=20
Barabanki and Faizabad. Our overall experience from the discussions=20
we had with the people during fasts and marches in March this year=20
and in the past 10 days of this Chitrakoot-Ayodhaya Pad Yatra, makes=20
it ample clear that people are too frustrated and fed up to talk any=20
further on this issue, and want to get rid of those who use religion=20
to serve their political interests.
The Chief Priest (Mahant) of Kamadgiri Pramukh Dwar in Chitrakoot=20
Dr.Purshottam Das, recited his poem during the start of=20
Chitrakoot-Ayodhaya padyatra in the honor of the forthcoming Manav=20
Dharm Sammelan in Raja Talab Varanasi. This is a very moving and=20
sentimental poetry and we have got it printed in form of pamphlets=20
and are distributing it all along the course of this yatra. Clear=20
all-out support of Dr.Purshottam Das to this yatra has definitely=20
fortified the morale of all of us. During the opening ceremony of=20
this yatra, about 400 women mobilized by Vanangana organization took=20
part. Mahant of Nirmohi Akhara also participated in this program. But=20
the environment of this opening ceremony really became very sensitive=20
and sombre when reports of atrocities and abuses on women during=20
communal violence in Gujarat were being read.
People attending this meet could not help but cry unashamedly and=20
unabatedly on this grotesque inhuman violation of each grain of=20
dignity and moral conduct that could be attributed to any religious=20
exercise or human act. Undoubtedly all present, felt miserable with=20
an overwhelming sense of shame on what happened to women during=20
communal violence in Gujarat, that too, in the garb of a religious=20
exercise. As Kuldeep Nayyar says, even the partition riots were not=20
as inhuman and ghastly as the recent violence in Gujarat. After going=20
through the reports of what our women (most of whom were muslim) had=20
to face and undergo during recent Gujarat riots, one thing is certain=20
: it is extremely tough to believe that a human being can commit such=20
acts of sin.
Those who conducted such gory and blood curdling sinful acts of crime=20
on women, neither are Hindus nor human beings in the basic essence of=20
these terms. I am unable to understand how can such a big part of=20
society like Gujarat turn vitriolic and communal to such a high=20
grade-overnight. But this is definitely certain that people in rest=20
of our country have clearly understood the gameplan of hindu=20
fundamentalist forces and have slowly started rejecting Bhartiya=20
Janta Party (BJP) in elections. During this padyatra we passed=20
through a village called Dodiya Maafi, which is a stronghold of RSS=20
(Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh) and in 1992 many people from this=20
village participated actively in Babri-Masjid demolition. The people=20
of this village although still believe that a Ram Mandir should be=20
constructed in Ayodhaya, but are quite vocal that the main agenda of=20
VHP or BJP is not to build this temple but to do politics under the=20
garb of religion. They clearly stated that they can never support the=20
call for violence on muslim population of VHP or BJP or Bajrang Dal,=20
as happened recently in Gujarat. They also said that they will=20
continue to live in harmony and peace with about 20 muslim families=20
in this village and will never be lured again by hindu fundamentalist=20
forces to commit such mistakes as Babri Masjid demolition in 1992.=20
On our way to a village called Dhabhora, we met a Sanyasi-Ram Lakhan=20
Das. He also participated in the Babri Masjod demolition of 1992. So=20
far he has been to Ayodhaya atleast 10 times. But instead of feeling=20
more committed to Ram Mandir movement, he feels exactly the opposite=20
: he feels utterly disillusionized by this mobilization of=20
VHP/RSS/BJP on the pretext of Ram Mandir movement to serve their=20
political interest. He was vehemently critical and angry on the use=20
of religion in politics. He said that he is not going to be a mute=20
spectator or a part of silent majority and will not sit quiet after=20
seeing the atrocities and violence that his muslim fellow-beings had=20
to undergo in recent Gujarat carnage.
Likewise the Sadhus-Sants-Pujaris we met during this padyatra were of=20
the clear opinion that the acts and doings of VHP and 'Sangh parivar'=20
are not only a potent threat to our nation and society as such but=20
also to Hindu Dharma in it's entirety. Before this padyatra began in=20
Lucknow two Mahants from Ayodhaya addressed a press conference.=20
Mahant Jugal Kishore Shastri and Baba Bhavnath Das categorically=20
stated that VHP is a terrorist organization and as there is a lot of=20
demand on banning 'SIMI' and "Jaish-ai-Muhammad", similarly there=20
should be a demand for a ban on VHP. They said that VHP workers=20
should be arrested under "POTA" and if there is going to be any=20
genuine effort to find an amicable solution to Ram-Mandir-Babri=20
Masjid dispute, VHP has to be kept outside the forum for discussion.=20
A common human ofcourse never intends to indulge in any sort of=20
violence or conflict-whether it is a communal riot or the war between=20
India and Pakistan.
A common human being is more inclined to live life peacefully and=20
amicably with those he interacts in every day-to-day life. He=20
indulges in violence or conflict only under extreme circumstances and=20
when there looks to be no way out. Otherwise he wishes to live life=20
in harmony and peace. While on our way in this padyatra, passing=20
through the districts of Chitrakoot, Satna, Rewa and Allahabad, we=20
got an opportunity to pass through very remote and interior villages.=20
Vanangana and Sankalp organizations organized many meetings with=20
tribals and dalits. Living conditions here were extremely pathetic=20
and trying. Even safe drinking water was not available. People living=20
in this region have to bring drinking water from far-fetched areas.=20
In many of such meetings people narrated the tale of criminal=20
atrocities, they have to face at the behest of feudal lords or people=20
of higher caste. We got a glimpse of tough and extremely trying=20
living conditions of workers in stone granaries and those who pick=20
tendu leaves (for Beedi) have to live in.
Most often their reaction was that for them their priority is to=20
resolve their daily life issues =96 and whether a temple gets erected=20
or a mosque, it will make no difference to their daily life. For=20
these people struggling for their daily bread on day-to-day basis,=20
Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid dispute is not an issue they can relate to.=20
They were agreeing to this belief that religion cannot be the root=20
cause of any conflict or violence and similarly those who indulge in=20
violence cannot be truly religious.
Many-a-times I cannot help pondering over the possibility of an=20
informal agreement between Bhartiya Janta Party, it's supporting=20
political parties and the opposition combined, to keep us all=20
distracted towards emotive issues like India-Pakistan tension,=20
communal polarization and religious divide and away from basic issues=20
pertaining to day-to-day life of a common man. This also saves them=20
(the grand union of political parties =3D BJP + supporters +=20
opposition) the ignominy of being answerable for the plight we are=20
living in today, for which they are wholly and collectively=20
responsible. In a way to campaign for Ram Mandir should be a contempt=20
of court because this issue is still in court of law and judgment is=20
awaited. Even before the court ruling can come, VHP collected over=20
Rs.100 crores from all over the world and began it's grand=20
preparations for temple construction. All this is being done with no=20
clue whether the final judgement from the court of law will come in=20
VHP=92s favor or not, and whether Nirmohi Akhada will allow them to=20
build this temple even if court ruling comes in it=92s favour. Now this=20
fact has come in open that there is a larger number of Sadhus-Mahants=20
against VHP than are in support of it. So this fact should be made=20
clear that what to talk of VHP representing the hindu community as a=20
whole, it is not even a representative of Sadhu-Sants. VHP =96 which is=20
merely a NGO =96 Non-Governmental Organization =96 registered under the=20
Societies Registration Act of 1860 with due permission from Home=20
Ministry to take financial aid from foreign countries, has used=20
Sadhus-Sants for political gains which created a havoc in our country=20
during the past ten years. But none of the mainstream political=20
parties including those in the opposition, have face enough to=20
publicly question the activities of VHP and demand accountability.=20
The never-ending lust for positions of power in politicians like=20
George Fernandes, Chandra Babu Naidu and Farookh Abdullah, numbed=20
them to compromise on issues of extreme communal intolerance. Other=20
political parties like Congress and Samajwadi parties restrained from=20
openly coming out against VHP because they never wanted to project an=20
Anti-Hindu image and lose out on Hindu vote banks. The inherent fear=20
to lose Hindu votes of samajwadi parties has given communal forces a=20
free hand to indulge in unhindered violence and crime in the garb of=20
religion and politics.
During the process of organizing this padyatra, the most horrifying=20
truth that came into light was the assumption of all political=20
parties, different collectives associated with Ram mandir-Babri=20
masjid dispute and most of the Sadhu samaj that ultimately it is=20
going to be a temple, which will be built on the disputed spot. In=20
Uttar Pradesh before the assembly elections, when Mulayam Singh Yadav=20
incidently crossed paths with Acharya Giriraj Kishore, then Mulayam=20
said to Giriraj Kishore that "Acharya ji, mandir to main hi banaonga"=20
(Acharya ji, eventually I will build the temple). So the race now is=20
who is going to snatch away the credit to build this temple. In the=20
main pamphlet of our padyatra, a poem authored by Dr.Ranjit is=20
printed on the rear-side "Masjid bhi rahe, Mandir bhi bane" (Let the=20
masjid remain, and let us build the temple too).
Even the sadhu-sants openly opposing VHP are not able to digest this=20
concept of mutual co-existence of religious institutions. The=20
possibility that a masjid may be re-constructed looks bizarre and=20
'impossible' to all. This is a matter of deep shame because in other=20
words it is like acknowledging the unruliness of VHP.=20
Knowingly-unknowingly we have granted an honorable position to a=20
terrorist organization which has unhesitatingly made a mockery of=20
government, judiciary and constitution, and therefore VHP is taking=20
full benefit of it's respectable position and abusing the entire=20
system to serve it's vested interests. Before Shila-Daan program of=20
VHP on March 10, 2002, when we wanted to take renowned Gandhian and=20
social worker former MP Nirmala Deshpande to Faizabad to participate=20
in the joint Hindu-Muslim peace march, we were held up by=20
administration at Ram Snehi Ghat for over one and a half hours in the=20
name of 'security'. However when on the very next day Ashok Singhal=20
came to Lucknow, he was rushed from the airport in a car with a blue=20
beacon light straight into the Governor's House. He received=20
Governor's permission and entered not only in Faizabad but even=20
reached Ayodhaya, despite of the fact that Faizabad-Ayodhaya were=20
under declared curfew. Will our administration tell us that on what=20
basis, a head of an NGO (VHP) and it's workers have been granted such=20
privileges and special prerogatives? Towards the end of February,=20
when workers of Bajrang Dal, with a declared purpose of building the=20
Ram temple (which is a direct contempt of court), enter into Ayodhaya=20
with dangling 'Khanjar' or knife, they were provided with security=20
cover of police administration. But the same administration=20
'welcomed' the workers of CPI (ML) with Lathi-blows, arrested them=20
and sent them to far-away jails, who had assembled in Faizabad with=20
an intention to conduct a peace meeting in a closed hall space during=20
April this year. The administration really has to take a stand now :=20
which type of forces is it going to align itself with? Is it ready to=20
remain a puppet in hands of communal forces? And if yes, then till=20
Since the time BJP came into power, the situation on many fronts has=20
further worsened successively. Moreover, it has done exactly the=20
opposite of what it claimed it will. For instance, it gave a=20
resonating slogan of 'swadeshi' or indigenous goods but in comparison=20
to all previous governments, BJP not only opened up the widest gate=20
for multi-national companies and provided the most congenial=20
environment for them to work in India but also implemented World Bank=20
directives as such in relation to our economy. BJP has always given a=20
reverberating call to safeguard our 'cultural heritage' but the=20
transition during it=92s regime is evident right on the front page (and=20
other pages inside) of all mainstream newspapers all of which carry=20
coloured photographs of scantily clad girls, many of whom are foreign=20
models, on the top-left corner. During BJP's tenure in power, the=20
markets got flooded with products, which fail to gel with Indian=20
culture. In 1998, BJP conducted the nuclear tests in the name of=20
'security and peace' after which all discussions with Pakistan came=20
to a sudden end. Now even the transport between two countries has=20
been stopped. The entire nation is a witness to the reality that=20
because of all steps which BJP took in the name of "security" we are=20
condemned to live in circumstances far more insecure and=20
unpredictable. Any moment the situation can turn explosive!
Similarly BJP used to give this assurance that in states where BJP is=20
in power, no communal riot can take place. But when Narendra Modi=20
decided to run an orchestrated show of communal violence in Gujarat,=20
then such riots and inhuman massacre was unleashed on innocent people=20
that never took place before in our history. When BJP was campaigning=20
for elections to form a central government, it came up with a slogan=20
"Sabko Dekha Bar-Bar, humko dekho ek bar" (You have tried all others=20
many-a-times, now give us just one chance). A vegetable vendor in=20
Lucknow commented on this slogan that "Atal Bihari Vajpayiji ne to ek=20
bar me aisa dikhaya hai ki sab kuch tabah kar dala" (Atal Bihari=20
Vajpayiji has shown such a performance in just one chance that has=20
destroyed everything irreparably). Possibly the citizens of this=20
country will feel that they may never have to bear the tenure of BJP=20
anymore. A sensational statement of VHP's General Secretary Praveen=20
Togdiya did further damage to already disheveled state of affairs in=20
our country. Togdiya said that if Prime Minister orders our armies to=20
march towards Lahore and Rawalpindi, then they will withdraw the Ram=20
Mandir movement.
Such fiery statements are further fueling up tensions and sentiments=20
on the border and inside our country too, which is definitely very=20
unfortunate and more like moving towards self-annihilation. No war or=20
acts of violence has ever given any happiness or solace to anyone.=20
Countless number of innocents will lose their lives. Our women and=20
children face unspeakable and unthinkable degree of crime and abuse.=20
On both the sides there is a heavy grade of destruction and loss of=20
human life. This has been the experience of human history in acts of=20
war and violence. In such grave and sensitive circumstance, such=20
irresponsible and inflammable statements as those made by Togdiya,=20
should be considered an act of crime. Moreover it also raises a=20
serious question : that whether the hindu society, whose emotions=20
were charged to the degree high enough to make them demolish the=20
Babri-Masjid in 1992, and Sadhu-Sants, who are frequently being=20
convened by VHP to seek directions and blessings, agree to Togdiya=92s=20
statement that as an alternative to Ram Mandir construction, India=20
should attack Pakistan? And if this is true then not only we are=20
marching towards total devastation but we have also rendered=20
ourselves insane.
(translated, original written by Sandeep in Hindi)
Sandeep, A-893, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016. India.
Phone : (0522) 347365
Email : ashain@s..., ashaashram@y...
The Telegraph , 7 June 2002
London, June 6:
British Indian Muslims have called on the Labour government to ban=20
home minister L.K. Advani from entering Britain on the grounds that=20
he is directly linked with the communal violence in Gujarat and will=20
provoke communal hatred and racial tension if he enters Britain.
The Council of Indian Muslims, an umbrella organisation that is=20
planning to sue Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi for genocide,=20
has sent a petition to British foreign secretary Jack Straw calling=20
for Advani being barred from entering Britain. Advani is expected to=20
visit UK this month.
The petition requests the bar on Advani, saying: "There is compelling=20
evidence to suggest that Advani has links to the RSS movement in=20
India, who, it is submitted, have directed the recent communal riots=20
in Gujarat."
It also states that the government should consider the security=20
issues on the grounds that "Advani holds racially divisive and=20
anti-secular views, more potently towards Muslim and Christian=20
minorities in India. It was Advani's rath yatra, his nationalist=20
pilgrimage of 1992, criss-crossing India and sparking anti-Muslim=20
riots in many places, which culminated in a Hindu tearing down Babri=20
Masjid mosque in Ayodhya. Thousands died in the subsequent communal=20
The petition also stated that if the home minister were allowed in=20
the country he could "pose a significant threat to community=20
relations and public order and would therefore be contrary to the=20
public good". It quoted the government as saying "wherever Muslims=20
are living. =8AThey don't want to live in harmony, they don't mix with=20
the society and they are not interested in living in peace".
"Advani would incite extreme racial tension if indeed he would=20
advocate such views in the UK," the petition said. "We would like the=20
government to take note of the fact that Advani is charge-sheeted in=20
the Babri Masjid demolition case and his government is directly=20
linked to the RSS," said Zafar Sareshwala, spokesman for the group.
"The British government banned Louis Farrakhan from entering the UK=20
because of his anti-Semitic views. Farrakhan had never done anything,=20
it was only his utterances which made the Jewish lobby have him=20
banned," said Sareshwala.
"We want to send a definite message to the government about Advani.=20
India is a secular democracy and his actions are not acceptable."
British Indian Muslims are calling on the British government to=20
proscribe groups like the VHP and RSS in Britain and freeze their=20
Families of the victims who died in the Gujarat riots are also=20
organising a major public meeting on June 22, where British MPs from=20
Batley, Dewsbury and MEPs will address those concerned about the=20
communal violence in Gujarat.
Another meeting organised by several secular organisations in the UK=20
will take place in Southall on June 23.
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