[sacw] SACW #2 | 10 Mar. 02
Harsh Kapoor
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 02:31:23 +0100
South Asia Citizens Wire - Dispatch #2 | 10 March 2002
[Gujarat, India & onward march of Communalism]
Join the struggle against fundamentalism and fascism. Dont let the=20
VHP thugs and sponsors from the "Jang Parivar" wreck peace in Ayodhya=20
on the 15th March 2002.!!
* For daily news updates & citizens initiatives in post riots Gujarat
Please Check: http://www.sabrang.com
** Also see new information & analysis section on the recent Communal=20
Riots in Gujarat on the SACW web site: http://www.mnet.fr/aiindex/
#1. Appointment of Justice KG Shah Commission of Inquiry opposed
#2. Update on Gujarat - Teesta Setalvad, Fr Cedric Prakash, Sushobha Bar=
- Movement for Secular Democracy: Appeal
- Gujarat 2002 - The Laboratory of Hindutva : State-sponsored terrorism
- How and when it happened
- Situation Today
- Intervention of the NGOs:
- number and location of the relief camps being run
- The demands of the people in the camps we visited:
- an appeal from the concerned citizens of Gujarat
- India's darkest hour
#3. Appeal International: Gujarat Holocaust (I.K.Shukla)
Date: March 9, 2002
Press Release
As concerned citizens from within Gujarat and the rest of India, we
strongly oppose the appointment of the Justice KG Shah
Commission of Inquiry on several grounds.
Firstly, we demand the appointment of a panel of diverse and
representative sitting judges of the High Court or Supreme Court from
outside Gujarat to conduct the official investigation.
The basis for our intervention is fourfold. Firstly, there has been
widely documented coverage, in the media of the State Sponsored
Genocide that has taken place in the State of Gujarat. There have been
frightening and disturbing reports of Government
complicity and participation in the violence. This is ground enough to
demand that a panel of judges from outside the state be
assigned this responsibility to enable free and fair judicial
The atmosphere of coercion and brutality that pervades Gujarat even
today requires that a panel of outside judges, less amenable
to local pressures and terror conduct the investigation. The reason we
are demanding a representative panel of sitting Judges and
not a single retired one is because the appointment of the former is
made by the Chief Justice and the latter by the State.
Secondly, the physical health of the Judge appointed =96KG Shah -- is
precarious. Thirdly, his past judicial record reflects a distinct
anti-minority bias.
Lastly, the concerned citizens group has also pressed for an expansion
of the terms of reference of the Commission appointed by
government to include,
The build up of the political and social atmosphere, short-term
and long-term, the background of which
led to the incidents at Godhra and the rest of Gujarat;
Whether individuals groups and/or organisations were responsible
for such incidents and their
Whether the State Government took preventive and precautionary
measures to protect lives and
property of citizens.
Girishbhai Patel, Valjibhai Patel, Valjibhai Patel, Gautam Thaker, Fr
Cedric Prakash, Sophia Khan, Dr Hanif Lakdawala (From
Mihir Desai, Teesta Setalvad, Javed Anand (From Mumbai).
Gujarat Update=20
March 8, 02
What we saw
"We have paid the price for living decently," a Muslim resident told=20
me (Teesta) today. He is a resident of Paldi, an area dominated by=20
Jains. Paldi is a locality in Ahmedabad inhabited by the upper middle=20
class. Of the 5-6,000 population, there are about 1,000 Muslims. From=20
11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on March 1, 02 the residents experienced utter=20
terror and helplessness as a mob of 3-5,000 surrounded the apartment=20
blocks dominated by Muslims and gutted them completely. Kazmi=20
Apartments, Elite Apartments, Delite Apartments, Corner 2 and Tarana=20
Apartments were gutted completely. Abdullah Motimahal, Nizamuddin=20
Momeen and Iqbal Hasmani, above 60 were attacked by men wielding=20
swords. Despite the fact that the violence raged for seven hours, and=20
not less than 100 calls went to the Commissioner, no help was=20
forthcoming from the police or the fire brigade. This area has been=20
the target of Hindu fanatics since February 2000 when a crude bomb=20
was placed in a flat in a building owned by one Naved Siddique ro=20
send a clear message-no Muslims moving into Paldi please. It has also=20
been the scene of communal polarisation in 1990, the year ofLK=20
Advani's infamous rath yatra.
At the Naroda fruit mandi where we visited next, all seventeen=20
wholesale fruit godowns owned by members of the Memon community were=20
gutted with military precision. Apart from the wares (fruit),=20
offices, computers and trucks carrying fruits were destroyed. The=20
total loss from this is an estimated Rs 2.5-3 crores. Though=20
distraught businessmen, hearing news of the steady destruction meted=20
out selectively to their businesses, made no less than 50 calls to=20
the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) they received no=20
help or protection. The police are reported to have aided the mob, of=20
5,000 and there are also unconfirmed reports of daily wage earners of=20
Hindu businessmen being engaged to carry out the job. The Beben Shah=20
Masjid on the Swami Narayan Chawl road, just behind the fruit market=20
was turned to rubble; when we reached we found torn and burned pages=20
of the Koran strewn all over and the photograph of the idol of=20
Hanuman, some diyas and 'Jai Sri Ram' painted in red on the wall=20
This is the fate of 26-30 Masjids/ Mazhars all over the city and=20
unconfirmed reports say, 250 for all over the State.
Thereafter we visited Naroda pattiya, the scene of the worst violence=20
where nothing but burns and ruins greeted us. All the survivors of=20
the most brutal round of violence are in relief camps. Burned=20
remains, a gas cylinder inside the Mosque, used to blast it=20
effectively were all that we could see.
As we recorded yesterday, a primary assessment by the Muslim=20
community of total loss is Rs 3,000 crores. Seventeen-18 factories in=20
interior Gujarat, 1100 hotels belonging to chiliyas and at least=20
1,000 trucks owned by Muslims were targeted. All over Ahmedabad a=20
visual tour is enough to show that the violence was both targeted and=20
We had an intensive meeting to discuss legal strategies on the=20
Gujarat situation today. The good thing was that this was a=20
collective meeting and the strong mood was for concerted, not=20
dispersed action. By the weekend, initial drafts of different legal=20
interventions will be made ready.
"The voice of sane civil society needs to be asserted in a concerted=20
manner through mobilisation and legal action" said Girishbhai Patel,=20
senior jurist adding that we need to do whatever we can to build up a=20
stiff and concerted resistance. It was unanimously decided to make a=20
universal and public demands on the official Commission that has been=20
announced by the State Government. These are:
=A8 To reject the appointment of a local Judge and demand that due=20
to the extent of breakdown of the constitutional machinery of the=20
State a diverse and representative team of Supreme Court Judges be=20
appointed to conduct the inquiry;
=A8 That the terms of the Commission be made powerful;
=A8 That the State commit itself to accepting the recommendations.
In addition, a People's Judicial Commission of Inquiry with a time=20
frame of a few months and a series of other interventions have been=20
worked out and will be initiated shortly.
On the issue of relief and rehabilitation of no less than 35,000=20
displaced persons within Ahmedabad alone, we need to make a concerted=20
demand on the following issues:
=B7 Bare necessities like food, clothing and temporary shelter=20
have not reached several of the camps on the outskirts of Ahmedabad.
=B7 Tin sheets in large numbers are needed to make temporary shelte=
=B7 There are still unconfirmed reports of corpses lying in a=20
well at Naroda, the scene of the most brutal violence. It is=20
important that the Army goes, with some community leaders among=20
Muslims, to rescue these bodies and give them a dignified burial;
=B7 The issue of rehabilitation on government land with=20
constructed homes is looming large especially as in many areas,=20
persons are not willing to go back. Relocation without sensitivity=20
and examination can however be mindless as locations of communities=20
have more to do with economic reasons, the sources of livelihood=20
rather than any other; there needs urgent attention to be paid to the=20
=B7 Civil society groups need to ensure that ration cards are=20
made afresh and swiftly for all inmates of relief camps. If this is=20
not done there is a real danger of the State, which has already=20
displayed a blatantly partisan and fascist role may tomorrow actually=20
rob these residents of Ahmedabad their basic right, that of=20
=B7 All groups working in these areas and there are many need=20
to pay special attention to assisting eye witnesses and survivors=20
registering FIRs promptly.
=B7 The State government needs to provide on a mass basis bore=20
wells to the Muslim peasants of the State who have already been=20
targeted and their bore wells destroyed.
Please join our campaign for speedy and meanigful relief and=20
rehabilitation by faxing these demands to
K.Subha Rao, Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
Fax: 079-3250305
Teesta Setalvad=20
Fr Cedric=20
Sushobha Barve
Movement for Secular Democracy: Appeal
Dear Friends,
Today, i.e. Thursday-March 7, we held the first weekly meeting after=20
the beginning of the recent carnage. Of course, individually and=20
collectively all of us were as active as possible from the very first=20
hours of the Godhara kand.
While I would not like to go in to the details of past 6-7 days, may=20
I briefly mentioned that MSD colleagues thought it proper to help=20
build the citizens' initiative for peace. "Sarva dharma prarthana"=20
and peace march (5th March) were quite appreciated and they are now=20
to be followed up by the "Women for Peace" programme on 8th=20
March-International Women Day. These are supposed to be people's=20
statement that we do not want to be divided as Hindus and Muslims,=20
first and foremost we are citizens, peace and amity being our creed.
MSD emerged as a joint movement of concerned citizens, students=20
groups, women groups, unionists, NGOs and activists of all hues-right=20
from Gandhians to Marxists in the wake of Ayodhya fever of 1992. It's=20
founding conference held in February 1993 was widely held as "by far=20
the most concerted action." One would vividly recall those days when=20
it was not easy to publicly stand up for secularism and be counted.=20
Only other day somebody recalled the attack on the sit-in at Town=20
Hall in December 1992. Even this time, the IIM event took place only=20
a few days ago. However, the founding conference as well as the peace=20
march and other programmes this time have vindicated our spirit and=20
support. From the very inception, we have been stressing and=20
emphasizing that secularism is not merely a political position. It is=20
a wider citizenship movement for civil society which has to be=20
supported by sustained social reforms movement along with many other=20
In all possibility, the fundamentalist political challenge can be=20
successfully met with as the hard core Hindu communalist voting has=20
never been more than 20-25 % of total votes cast. A little swing and=20
electoral adjustment among parties can make it possible to defeat the=20
communalists. But we are worried about the havoc the communal frenzy=20
has played with peoples psyche. It has to be taken on head long and=20
fought with an educational perspective.
With this view, along with the much needed relief work that is being=20
organized these days after initial delay, MSD looks forward to=20
planning inter-community interactions on social plane which may even=20
include an experiment in inter community living. We will be planning=20
young lecturers workshops along with dialogue and discussion with=20
young media friends so as to thwart misinformation and
disinformation as well as develop a liberal secular perspective=20
rooted in people's struggle for freedom as also striving for a just=20
Next Thursday, in our regular weekly meeting we will work out a=20
tentative timetable for all these things as also a few events for=20
coming days.
Feedback from all the colleagues and comrades is eagerly awaited.
Prakash N. Shah
Convener, Movement for Secular Democracy
7th March 2002
Gujarat 2002 - The Laboratory of Hindutva
State-sponsored terrorism
The prototype of 'Ram Rajya' and the laboratory of 'Hindutva' which=20
the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) had promised the nation have come to=20
fruition in Gujarat today. The cowardice, the dehumanised barbarity=20
and the criminalised hooliganism which have been on display since=20
28th February is the true face of the Sangh Parivar. The veil of=20
hypocrisy has been mercifully shattered once and for all - the only=20
outcome one can take solace in. What we have witnessed in Gujarat=20
this time is state-sponsored terrorism; all the arms of the state -=20
its ministers, the police force, the administration, the fire brigade=20
- chose to look the other way in the face of the violence being=20
unleashed on the Muslim population. It was not only restricted to=20
that. The victims who have been interviewed have reported that the=20
police have not just looked the other way but have actively colluded=20
and aided the rioting mobs everywhere. The fear, mistrust, tension=20
and uncertainty that the people of Gujarat are experiencing today are=20
certainly unprecedented and alien.
How and when it happened:
It all began on the morning of the 27th of February when a rioting=20
mob set fire to 2 bogies of the Sabarmati Express coming with kar=20
sevaks from Ayodhya where the VHP has given a call for the building=20
of the temple. When the train took off from the Godhra station after=20
a stop of about 3 minutes, the chain was pulled and the train stopped=20
just outside the Godhra station. Immediately a mob of about 500 -=20
1000 came on the scene and set fire to the two bogies - S-6 and S-8.=20
This condemnable act of inhumanity took the life of about 58 persons=20
and many more were in hospital with second and third degree burns.
Following this incident violence broke out in various parts of=20
Gujarat starting with Godhra. The VHP gave a call for a state-wide=20
bandh on 28th February to protest against the brutality in Godhra.
On the day of the bandh all hell broke loose as rampaging mobs,=20
mainly comprising members of the VHP, RSS, Bajrang Dal and ABVP (all=20
members of the Sangh Parivar), went around spreading terror, looting,=20
burning, rioting, murdering and raping. All this was being done with=20
the active encouragement of the state Home Minister Mr. Gordhan=20
Jhadaphia. He is reported to have told a police personnel trying to=20
do his duty to let the mob do what it wanted: "don't stop them; they=20
are holy and what they are doing is a holy act". At another place a=20
fire brigade member who was trying to put out the fire was told by=20
the mob "tamare holavu chhe ke mari javu chhe" (do you want to put=20
out the fire or die?). The fire brigade reportedly had clear=20
instructions not to act anywhere without police protection and no=20
police protection was provided to them anywhere therefore they have=20
not acted anywhere.
At many places the rioting mobs, in a repeat of the Godhara incident,=20
set fire to many houses, burning the persons inside the house.
In Deesa, a Muslim doctor was called on emergency duty and killed.=20
In several places in Ahmedabad Muslims have reported that the police=20
smashed their cars and vehicles or threw stones on the masjids or=20
There was a system to the apparent madness which seemed to have=20
seized Gujarat. The mobs were going around with computerised lists of=20
Muslim owned shops, factories, godowns, houses, hotels, restaurants,=20
and other properties. They systematically traced out these in various=20
localities of towns and cities and villages and after looting these,=20
set fire to them. It is apparent that all of this would not have been=20
possible without the active connivance and encouragement from the=20
state administration.
The mayhem continued unabated for 4 days. The people were crying out=20
for the army to be deployed. The state administration dithered,=20
deliberately so, for 3 days. It kept reiterating that the army has=20
been put on stand-by duty and would be called in only if needed. It=20
is clear that this was done to give the rioters a free hand.
In a horrific incident, an ex-MLA, Mr. Ehsan Jaffrey, was threatened=20
in his house. His friends and party colleagues tried to do what thye=20
could but they could. They contacted the Congress (I) President Ms.=20
Sonia Gandhi. They tried to ask for an appointment from the Prime=20
Minister, the Home Minister but to no avail. They were not granted an=20
appointment. Mr. Jaffrey was set on fire in his house. Ironically=20
this happended inspite of the fact that several important persons -=20
the Prime Minister, the Home Minister of India, the Chief Minister of=20
Gujarat, the Home Minister of Gujarat and the state Police Chief -=20
knew of his impending fate. They did nothing to stop this.
Furthermore the utterances of the Chief Minsiter, Mr. Narendra Modi,=20
and the state police chief Mr. P. P. Pandey have betrayed their=20
saffron colouring. The Chief Minsiter, responding to the arson and=20
violence in Gujarat said: "Every action has an equal and opposite=20
reaction". The state police chief had this to say about the police=20
inaction or culpability: "the police force is also human after all=20
and they also have emotions and we can understand them".
The situation today:
The Muslims of Gujarat are today a shattered, battered and petrified=20
people. The recent incidents have so shaken them that they trust no=20
one - not the state administration, not the police, not the doctors,=20
not their neighbours, not any one. Their perception of the people=20
about the role of the police is this:
=FC The police have fired on the Muslims
=FC The police have misguided them
=FC Helped to burn the vehicles of the Muslims
=FC Provided diesel to the rioting mobs to put fire to the Muslims=20
and their property
=FC Taken the lead of the rioting mob
=FC Taken away the ambulance belonging to the Muslims and being=20
used to take the injured to the hospital
Those who help the Muslims or try to protect them are being attacked=20
and in this way the community is being isolated and ghettoised.
What is worse is that this time it is no longer confined to the=20
cities and towns but has spread to the villages. Several villages=20
have reported violence and loss of property of the Muslims.
Intervention of the NGOs:
In this situation the NGOs of Ahmedabad came together to provide=20
relief and succour to the affected people. The following NGOs are=20
involved in the relief of the riot-affected:
1. Behavioural Science Centre (BSC);
2. St. Xavier's Social Service Society (XSSS);
3. Saath;
5. Janvikas
6. Navsarjan;
7. Sanchetna;
8. Darshan;
9. Vishwa Gujarat Samaj;
10. Anjali Hospital (Ranasar);
11. Gurjarvani;
12. Premal Jyoti;
13. St. Xavier's College;
14. Ahmedabad Community Foundation;
15. Samarth;
16. Mahila Patchwork;
17. Action Aid;
18. Oxfam;
19. Abhigam Collective;
20. Darpana Academy;
21. Eklavya Foundation;
22. Prashant;
along with numerous other committed individuals and volunteers. The=20
headquweters fo the relief initiative is at St. Xavier's Social=20
Service Society (XSSS), Ahmedabad.
The number and location of the relief camps being run are provided below:
Number of people in the camp
Gomtipur, Saraspur and Bapunagar
Aman Chowk, Bapunagar
Chartola Kabrastan, Gomtipur
Bombay Housing, Saraspur
Anand Flats, Bapunagar
Municipal School No.s 5 & 6
Patrawala Masjid, Saraspur
Monogram Mill Compound, Rakhial
Sundramnagar, Bapunagar
Vhora-ni-chawl, Saraspur
Samundar Khan ni Latti, Saraspur
Bakarshah Roja
Pirshah Ahmed na Roja
Madhavbhai Mill Compound
Municipal School, Sundramnagar
AMC School, Rajpur Tolnaka
Jamalpur, Shah-e-alam and Vatva
Al-madina, Vatva
Darga Sharif, Vatva
Qutub nagar, Vatva
Sha-e-alam Roja
Jehangir nagar, Bibi talav, Vatva
School no. 5 & 6, Dani Limda
Telephone Exchange, Jamalpur
Mustafanagar, Vatva
Baba Heer, Charvat
Navi Mohalat, Panch Kuva
Maktampura Panchayat School
Near Abad Society
Municipal School No. 1& 2
They are disbursing relief in the form of foodgrains, vegetables,=20
milk, sugar, tea, firewood and other essential items of daily=20
Relief was undertaken under tremendous tension and fear.
No drivers or vehicles available because they fear being targeted -=20
therefore help is being denied
The situation in the relief camps is terrible. There is a severe=20
sanitation problem, water shortage, and cramped living conditions.
The biggest hurdle at the moment facing us is to try and restore=20
their trust in the state, the police, and the judiciary. In the=20
present scenario it is not only a Herculean task but also one which=20
seems tragically impossible.
Myths shattered
These riots have shattered some myths related to the links which the=20
ruling party BJP has with the other members of the Sangh Parivar.=20
There has been an overt link which the government has maintained with=20
these outfits which are avowedly communal and thrive on communal=20
hatred. They derive their popularity from feeding canards about=20
minorities and people of other religions.
It also shatters the myth of India being a secular nation. When the=20
ruling government is reduced to using the "good offices" of religious=20
leaders, sadhus and the Shankracharya in order to "placate" the VHP,=20
then this government must be branded as blatantly and flagrantly=20
violating its allegiance to the Constitution of the nation.
The looting and arson which have been carried out in the cities like=20
Ahmedabad and Baroda and even in small towns has been done by the=20
middle class and the upper middle class sections. People have=20
reported that they have seen women and men coming in posh cars to=20
carry away the loot.
The fall out of this brutal murder of humanity by the state=20
administration are going to be very grim indeed.
Firstly, there will be complete ghettoisation of residential and=20
commercial localities. Whatever few voices of sanity were trying to=20
put up a resistance to communalisation of the atmosphere have also=20
now been terrorised into silence and conformity.
Secondly, for the Muslims the concept of rehabilitation has changed=20
completely. Would they want to be rehabilitated in this country?=20
Would they even want to remain citizens of this country? Not very=20
Terrorism will be on the rise in the state which has so far remained=20
free of these influences, by and large. It would become very=20
dangerous for ordinary citizens to roam the streets freely as they=20
used to do earlier.
The demands of the people in the camps we visited:
1. The present government has lost the moral right to govern and=20
therefore must step down immediately. What happened in Godhra is=20
certainly to be condemned. What happened after Godhra in not a=20
reaction but is an act of terrorism abetted by the State. The motive=20
of the people behind the massacre is premeditated ethnic cleansing.=20
No conscientious Indian can and should allow this to happen.
2. The guilty in Godhra as well as those who have masterminded=20
the massacre in Ahmedabad and in rural Gujarat must all be=20
apprehended and punished.
3. Since the state is accused of being a party to the carnage=20
with the police acting as an accomplice to this crime the=20
investigation be handed to the CBI.
4. An inquiry commission must be set up with more than one=20
judge. The judges should represent the secular ethos of this country.
5. The commission must submit its report within two months and=20
the report must be acted upon unlike many other such fact-finding=20
reports which are not made public or acted upon.
6. All organisations of the Sangh Parivar like the RSS, VHP,=20
Bajrang Dal, the ABVP, the Durga Vahini, must be banned.
7. Full compensation to the victims of Godhra and the systematic=20
carnage after Godhra. The damage to property and assets inflicted on=20
the minority community must be fully compensated by the State.
Subject: an appeal from the concerned citizens of gujarat
Dear Friends,
This e-mail is the first of a series of notes, voices, impressions=20
and views from inside the eye of the storm. The first e-mail=20
newsletter has been sent to us by an alumni of IIM-Ahmedabad who=20
expresses his concern on the situation in Ahmedabad and Gujarat.
Please feel free to respond to this email and also become members of=20
the e-group peaceinguj by sending an email to
All subsequent newsletters will be sent to subscribers.
What can you do to help?
1. To reach out to your friends from the affected communities and=20
share with them your dissent towards the chain of events. There is=20
nothing more disheartening that a feeling of betrayal and nothing=20
more demeaning that a feeling of being hunted for the
religion that one practices. It is in these times that we need to=20
vocally, physically and emotionally stand for and with our brothers=20
and sisters and keep out the forces that stand to gain from this=20
2. To help put pressure on the Govt of India to stop this carnage and=20
to respect the sanctity of human life irrespective of religion.=20
Please send e-mails to the concerned officials making them aware that=20
the silent majority is not going to carry the cross of shame for the=20
3. To insist that the government immediately respond by recognizing=20
the camps set up for relief as official camps and use government=20
machinery to supply necessary items.
4. To reach out to international agencies to come and document the=20
situation inside the camps and take first hand reports from the=20
affected communities and expose the collusion of the Government,=20
Police and Fundamentalist groups.
5. To voice a strong dissent against the senseless escalation of=20
tension in Ayodhya and to prevent any repetition of Gujarat in any=20
other part in India.
6. To voluntarily support the activities of groups reaching out to=20
the affected communities in terms of money/ time/ infrastructure.
7. To circulate this email to your friends, colleagues, family and=20
all people who you think stand for values such as honesty, humanity=20
and truth.
We all are being held to ransom by groups for whom human life is=20
expendable at the high altar of power politics. Today the ire is=20
being directed at a community that chose to stay back and be a part=20
of this nation, tomorrow it might be individuals like you and me who=20
might want to stand up against atrocities being committed against=20
fundamental values such as Truth, Honesty
and Humanity.
Let us extend our hand in support and heart in empathy for those in=20
grief and shock. Please talk up because your silence is as violent=20
as violence itself.
Concerned Citizens of Gujarat.
February - March 2002
Email newsletter: Vol 1 Issue 1
Date: 6th March, 2002
India's darkest hour
Little did we know on the eve of the Godhra incident that it would=20
lead to such an escalation of violence, anger, hatred and communal=20
acrimony. For a city and a state that has seen three riots and=20
innumerable incidents of communal flare-ups, it would not take a=20
four-year old to realize that things "could" get out of hand and=20
additional forces would be needed.
The morning after dawned for some as just another morning with the=20
breath of fresh morning air in their homes but for an unfortunate=20
few, the stench of fire was palpably close - to close for comfort. A=20
lot of us got up to get the news that the tinder-box had ignited but=20
this time it was not restricted to the walled city or the sensitive=20
areas - it had spread to the "safe"
areas of Vastrapur, Satellite, Navrangpura etc.
There seemed to be no reasoning behind the seemingly indiscriminate=20
burning of the shops, restaurants, dry-cleaners, bedding makers. But=20
as the news filtered in it was evident that the design was clear from=20
the previous night itself. A couple that had gone to have dinner in a=20
recently built restaurant called "Tasty" on the Judges Bunglow Road,=20
were witness to a vicious warning by the VHP/ Bajrang Dal/ RSS group=20
that threatened dire consequences to the owners of the restaurant on=20
the night before.
The morning saw the brand new restaurant torched by elements that had=20
fed themselves on a number of such restaurants right from 4 am in the=20
morning. The crowd that had gathered to see the spectacle was not=20
ashamed at the devlishness being played in front of their eyes but=20
were almost a party to it. Two days later the stench of rotting flesh=20
indicated that it was just more than chairs, tables, equipment and=20
hard earned investment that had got torched. The anonymous bodies=20
recovered from the restaurant had screamed for their lives and their=20
screams had maybe got drowned in the frenzy of the crowd celebrating=20
another target being ticked off the list.
As the afternoon wore on, the people were trying to outdo each other=20
by claiming knowledge of more restaurants, shops and establishments=20
that were brought down and the common response was "Was that also=20
owned by a Muslim?" Nervous voices in housing societies realized that=20
the locus of control had shifted into the hands of extremely=20
dangerous elements that kept on leash to be released in such volatile=20
situation. People who were pained rushed to the terrace to see their=20
city burn but the ones who wanted more - whizzed past in cars and=20
mobikes ghoulishly gazing at one destroyed establishment after=20
Both my wife and I retreated to the refuge of television but even=20
that was "off the air", so we tried to close our eyes and forget that=20
we would never be able to face our friends without feeling ashamed of=20
being a part of a larger collective that thought
venomously for their brother countrymen because of a difference of=20
religion. The helplessness was painful and we prayed that the madness=20
stop but it went on and on...
As the evening bore on it was clear that the government had given a=20
free hand to the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes against=20
humanity. The crowds that were the masterminds of the violence never=20
assumed the proportions of a mindless, amorphous mob; but remained=20
cold-hearted, scathing groups that did not shrink back from=20
committing the most disgusting
crimes against innocent people of a particular community.
What has transpired in the past few days has been given a=20
justification by the highest authorities holding public office with=20
the responsibility of the lives of all people irrespective of caste,=20
creed or religion. The justification of this "retaliation" has
emboldened the perpetrators of the crime to attack, maim, burn and=20
economically destroy a full community.
Given below is a list of statements made and the facts behind them
1. Statement: The people of Gujarat have acted with utmost restraint=20
in face of extreme provocation by the Muslim community that attacked=20
and burnt innocent women, children and men returning from Ayodhya
Fact: The scale of violence and mass killings are comparable (not in=20
scale but in intent) to the genocide committed by Hitler. An entire=20
community that has aimed to be an integral part of the fabric of this=20
nation is being systematically eliminated.
The common Muslims have categorically condemned the killings in=20
Godhra and have publicly denounced the act and have called for=20
judicial enquiries for ascertaining the people responsible for this=20
act. To use the Godhra incident as an excuse for killing innocent=20
women, children, elders and economically strangling a full community=20
makes one wonder if the incident itself was stage-managed to provide=20
the avenue for display and translation of a deep-rooted hatred and=20
insecurity in the minds of a few.
2. Statement: The situation is under control and most people are=20
feeling safe and are slowly resuming almost normal lives.
Fact: More than 20,000 Muslim families are struggling without=20
shelter, food, sanitation facilities and more importantly medical=20
attention. The camps set up have been due to the efforts of Muslims=20
themselves and there is absolutely no support from the Government in=20
recognizing the camps as formal relief centers.
If the authorities just ignored the efforts made by the Muslims and=20
left it at that things would have been taken over by Civil society=20
that understands the needs of terrified, panic stricked communities.=20
But all efforts of secular forces have been summarily silenced by=20
fundamentalist elements in collusion with forces in power and any=20
group wanting to help these
communities is being threatened with dire consequences. But this has=20
not stopped a few from risking their lives.
3. Statement: All Hindus feel that the Muslims deserve the punishment=20
meted out to them.
Fact: A group of students and professors of Indian Institute of=20
Management, Ahmedabad, wanted to express
their dissent and they organized a "Day Long Fast" as a sign of=20
protest. The congregation was situated outside the gates of IIM and=20
in a matter of hours had 300 signatures from passerbys denouncing the=20
actions of the fundamentalist forces and appealing for peace.
This effort was forced to retreat inside the campus by a group of=20
saffron banded youths stoning the peaceful congregation, dispersing=20
and silencing the nascent effort even before it could register its=20
presence in a democratic way.
4. Statement: The fabric of society that lives for communal harmony=20
is being rewoven and bridges are being built to reach out to help the=20
communities in distress.
Fact: The people of Gujarat have become numb at the scale of the=20
mayhem perpetrated by so-called upholders of Hindu religion. The=20
common person in Gujarat today is not concerned about the temple in=20
Ayodhya but s/he is trying to make two-ends meet and fighting for a=20
decent living in an increasingly competitive world. In such a complex=20
situation there is an
increasingly venomous campaign being carried out by the Hindu=20
fundamentalist who are poisoning the minds of all adults to reject=20
the Muslims completely and to economically boycott them so that the=20
Muslims would never be able to "raise their heads" again. The=20
systematic targeting and torching of economic establishments such as=20
restaurants, fruit and
flower markets, shops, industries of the Muslims is no coincidence or=20
just a frenzy of a mob.
The people who are helping reach out to these communities are doing=20
so fully realizing that they could be the next statistic in the ever=20
increasing toll.
5. Statement: The government is doing all it can to restore normalcy=20
and discharge its duties impartially in this time of crisis.
Fact: The government "does not" feel that there is a crisis or feels=20
that the "worst" is over. What is shown is the majority out in the=20
streets tasting the fruits of freedom after long hours of curfew, but=20
what is unseen is the bewildered families huddled together in camps,=20
not knowing where their next meal is going to come from, or when the=20
hyena like groups will take
its gaze off its prey. The strategies being applied are the ones used=20
in war to break the enemy by strangling supply lines and maintaining=20
a sense of helplessness. Trucks coming from out of state are being=20
looted with drivers being slaughtered. After
having broken the economic lifeline of this community, the designs=20
seem to be aiming for nothing short of a pogrom. Welcome our own=20
version of an unsecular, undemocratic, rogue state.
All secular voices are being threatened and fear elimination if they=20
are voiced publicly. Children questions are being answered with=20
insidious statements that are going to leave their mark for a whole=20
generation of people who will be separated by a wall
of suspicion, hatred and anger. Large sums of money are being pumped=20
in to buoy up the spirits of the anti-social elements and rumor=20
mongers. Housing societies are being fed on a nightly diet of rumors=20
of approaching "Muslims" out for revenge. The elders in the minority=20
community are fighting forces from within and outside provoking the=20
mind, body and spirit for a retaliation that they know will lead them=20
to a darkness at noon.
09 Mar 2002 17:46:59 +0000
The carnage in Gujarat on Feb.27 and days thereafter was a naked=20
state-sponsored pogrom against Muslims. Gujarat has had numerous dry=20
runs of such a massacre before. Gujarat became the workshop of the=20
devil officially when BJP government there came in power. These past=20
several years have been years of terror and tyranny for the=20
minorities, the HinduTaliban having preceptors and patrons in the=20
state administration. Both the political echelons and the=20
bureaucratic machinery of the state
were viciously geared to a communalist enterprise. It involved avowed=20
genocide and ethnic purges of the minorities, the brunt being borne=20
alternately by Muslims and Christians. This project of blood and fire=20
became a grand success, in the main, with generous help in myriad=20
ways, from a rump of complicit co-conspirators at the federal lwevel=20
in New Delhi.Those guilty of mayhem and malfeasance, the Lucifers and=20
Mephistopheleses of HinduTaliban, were guarding the chicken coop both=20
in NDelhi and Ahmedabad. There was nothing surprising in the=20
slaughter and scorch spree that VHP-RSS-BJP-BajrangDal-ShivSena=20
performed with singular savagery and beastly brutality in Gujarat.=20
They were trained for it, they were sworn to it by their desperate=20
mentors who were in a funk at having been drubbed in four states in=20
the recent polls. Power comes from terror and violence, this they=20
preached and practiced.
Since it was all pre-planned and executed methodically (voter lists,=20
marking of Muslim houses and establishments), the state being the=20
aiding and abetting instrument of the saffron gangsters, the state=20
had no qualms in obstructing relief to the victims of the pogrom. It=20
went far beyond. It targeted those seeking to help the victims.=20
Taliban and Hitler could learn a lesson or two from these depraved=20
creatures masked as humans. All masks were ripped apart. In a clever=20
platitude Bazpayee called it a blot. Not the deeds of the=20
saffronazis, but a blanket and vapid denunciation of all violence.=20
Gleeful AdolfVani rued not the massacre, but the undoing of the good=20
dispensation that Hindutva had inducted at the center. What this good=20
work amounted to, ask the minorities, and refer to uncountable=20
scandals like Coffingate and Kargil.
Neither shame, nor a sense of statutory responsibility, nor=20
constitutional accountability, nor a twinge of morality, nor a whiff=20
of transparency, would be given a damn by the rogues gallery that the=20
mobsters of Hindutva are. In fact, the perpetrators of these heinous=20
and barbaric crimes are calling themselves nationalists and patriots.
In their hearts they know that they are Quislings, moles of foreign=20
powers and anti-social traitors, they are death squads financed by=20
domestic and foreign money to subvert India. They are hired assassins=20
and mean mercenaries of moneybags, alien and native. They were chosen=20
for this role because of their antecedents: they were stool pigeons=20
and collaborators of India's enemy, Britain. And, their gurus and=20
guides, Mussolini and Hitler, have been their exemplars since their=20
anti-national and anti-social origins.
The dimensions of the human tragedy in Gujarat are staggering. Unless=20
the saffronazis are publicly flogged and hanged trust in human=20
decency can neither be restored nor a modicum of justice ensured.=20
Since this will not be, as the state itself is among the guilty, let=20
us sort out priorities.
1. Gujarat and New Delhi governments be indicted in the World Court.=20
Human Rights organizations, of the UNO and the rest of the world,=20
must see to it that the criminals don't go unpunished. The snag is,=20
the BJP govt. in New Delhi is now a satellite of Washington,=20
therefore it is unlikely that the UN can be persuaded to do the right=20
and the humane. Repeatedly, the UN has shown it can fail at will,=20
manipulated by imperialist powers old and new. It is against such an=20
impediment that the world conscience has to arouse itself.
2.The relief agencies of the UNO and others like Oxfam must bestir=20
themselves in face of this massive massacre and wanton destruction of=20
property of the victims (Muslims) in Gujarat. Unless they step in,=20
thousands more will die for want of basic human needs. The state has=20
refused to supply it. More, it has targeted for killing and=20
anyone who tries to help these survivors of the holocaust. Therefore,=20
only the international agencies can, with their expertise and=20
experience, resources and reputation, come effectively and=20
expeditiously to the rescue of the damned of Gujarat's earth. Any=20
delay on their part can only aggravate the tragedy of human misery,=20
thus accomplishing the objective of the HinduTaliban - the Gujarat=20
govt. and New Delhi govt.: liquidation of minorities.
By their default or delay let the international agencies not help or=20
promote the genocide launched by the Hindu fascists. Let them not=20
aggravate the misery, exacerbate the agony, of the hounded and=20
traumatized and brutalized Muslim victims in their thousands of the=20
blood- spattered and fire-singed earth known as Gujarat.
Gujarat is now an inferno of crimes and inhumanity that human=20
imagination is unable to believe or comprehend. Let this shame of=20
India not go unnoticed and unchastised. Let the survivors of those=20
burnt alive be given succour and solace immediately, let them bury=20
their dead with a smidgen of respect, let them have some basics of a=20
human existence of quotidian nature, let them be assured of peace and=20
safety, let them not see all humanity as HinduTaliban.
I will urge the UNO, Secy.-General Kofi Annan, the General Assembly,=20
the Human Rights agency of the UN, and Human Rights Watch of various=20
nations, and the various relief agencies like Doctors Without=20
Borders, Oxfam, etc. to rush to Gujarat. Any delay means death to=20
humanity, and victory to the criminals of saffronazi gangs ravaging=20
India and Gujarat.
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