[sacw] SACW (22 Dec. 01)
Harsh Kapoor
Sat, 22 Dec 2001 14:03:05 +0100
South Asia Citizens Wire | 22 December 2001
#1. Some very disturbing signs all over in Bangladesh society (Shiraj=20
Uddin Shopon)
#2. War Journal - September: Jihad (Aristides Sitas)
#3. THE BEAST WITHIN ----IV (Mohammad Wakil)
#5. Malaysia: Saving Secularism From Its Detractors
#6. India: AYODHYA An aggressive game plan of the Hindu
#7. India: Udder complexity (Dileep Padgaonkar )
#8. India: An Open Letter To The Left-Demcoratic Political Parties
News from Bangladesh
By Shiraj Uddin Shopon
New York City
The recent atrocities against the minorities have invalidated once=20
again the futile claims of the pro-Islamic forces that there exists=20
religious tolerance in Bangladesh. The political goons of the=20
fundamentalist alliance have tarnished the image of the entire=20
country. The majority of the common people are not hate-preachers,=20
hate-mongers and communal minded criminals.
Nevertheless, the politicians belonging to fundamentalist Jamaat and=20
semi-Islamic BNP think that they got the mandate with 2/3rd seats in=20
the parliament. What picture does this portray? Either the people=20
favor communal Islamic politics or the election results do not=20
reflect electorates' aspirations. The latter is true because the=20
people would not elect an alliance government whose cadres terrorize=20
them, capture their businesses and collect tolls from their shops and=20
establishments ad infinitum.
Did the people want to elect the four-party fundamentalist alliances=20
to annihilate minorities and their opponents? Especially, the people=20
of the country did not want to tarnish the image of the country and=20
see the torture on the minority population by the cadres of the=20
ruling fundamentalist parties.
This time however, the torture on Hindus was so intense, wide spread,=20
and long lasting [still continuing, which one will find in both=20
English and Bengali Newspapers] that many of the minorities are=20
requesting out of sheer desperation to take away their voting rights=20
in Bangladesh because they are targeted for torture and harassment=20
every time the voting season approaches. They are labeled as Awami=20
Leaguers. Many of the pro-Islamic forces justify their harassment on=20
this ground alone.
What is so wrong if they support the Awami League? It is not a crime=20
for them to support the Awami League, the party of their choice.=20
However, the Awami League opponents (ex Muslim Leaguers, Jamaatis,=20
and their likes in the BNP platform) consider this their prime crime.=20
Therefore, every time during the election the minority people are=20
subject to a wide-spread harassment and intimidation by the=20
communal-political hooligans of the anti-Awami League parties who=20
have no respect for human rights of the religious minorities.
If anyone analyzes the situation very carefully, they will see that=20
the present repression on minorities started immediately after the=20
takeover of governance by the Caretaker Administration headed by=20
Justice Latifur Rahman who had a strong penchant for partisanship.=20
Initially, the attacks by the cadres of the anti-Awami League forces=20
were characterized as a "Natural Phenomenon" by the Home Minister of=20
the Caretaker Administration. This was really a "Go Ahead" signal for=20
the hooligans. The same trend of characterization of the atrocities=20
such as "balancing acts against Awami hooligans," "Post-Election=20
Skirmishes," "Awami Fabrication," etc., continued for quite some time=20
to undermine the extent and severity of the atrocities carried out=20
against none but the non-Muslim citizens of our country.
After a long period of denial, the new government realized the=20
necessity to bring the situation under control. But, already, the=20
situation has gone beyond the limit. The Amnesty International (AI)=20
and other human rights organizations expressed their deep concerns=20
several times over the unfortunate incidents of minority repression.=20
There are citizens' protests in the neighboring India although their=20
government is more eager to get Gas, Transit, and Power deals done=20
than anything else at this time with the government of the=20
fundamentalist alliances of BNP (a reincarnation of old Muslim League=20
- a Bangladeshi version of Pakistan Muslim League), Jamaat-i-Islami,=20
and Islami Oyikko Jote.
Have the readers noticed that the liberal political parties are truly=20
in disarray after the debacle of Awami League in the last=20
conspiratorial parliament election? The terror has gripped the=20
nation. The liberal intellectuals and the members of different=20
cultural groups are under constant threats. Killing is the answer to=20
any protest against the fundamentalist cadres of the ruling parties.
They can come and kill anyone in the living room. That's how they=20
killed a respected Principal Gopal Muhuri. The Shibir cadres are=20
found to be responsible for such heinous crimes. Under the=20
fundamentalist alliance, Shibir and BNP cadres have merged and are=20
inseparable -- jointly working to annihilate the non-Muslims and=20
their opponents. The people of Bangladesh are lucky that the Mullah=20
Omar of Afghanistan is gone from the power. Otherwise, the ex Muslim=20
League BNP and the Jamaat would make Bangladesh a Talibani Utopia by=20
The world is not free of all the Omars yet; at least not yet. There=20
are many Omars still aspiring for Islamic Utopia in Bangladesh.=20
Surely, they have brought Bangladesh into the hands of the=20
semi-Islamic and fundamentalist terrorists through their devious=20
propaganda. The people are now paying a severe price for the=20
propaganda of the Omars on Islamic Utopia. None is safe in Bangladesh=20
anymore under the semi-Islamic Utopian system under the tutelage of=20
Jamaat and BNP envisioned by the Omars.
Indeed a bad time has befallen on Bangladesh. The nation has already=20
become a police state. The government unjustly is using the=20
repressive PSA clause of the constitution to harass one of the=20
freedom fighters cum newspaperman Mr. Shahriar Kabir.
The Amnesty International has already released two reports on=20
incarceration of Mr. Kabir who is in poor health. His only crime=20
being he went to Calcutta to interview some of the victims of=20
post-election violence against the minorities. The present government=20
of BNP (reincarnation of Muslim League of bygone days) is hell bent=20
on making Bangladesh a police state. All this talk about=20
democratization of Bangladesh only exists for electing the parliament.
Once that process takes place and a new government is formed, the=20
democracy exits through the backdoor. And then come undemocratic=20
police state. This writer is aghast hearing the news of Shahriar=20
Kabir. The police are now conducting an intense interview in the jail=20
to extract an admission from Mr. Kabir, which dwarfs Hitler's Gestapo=20
tactics. We never thought that Bangladesh would become a fascistic=20
nation in the beginning of this new century.
I am of the view that through our combined writings we can create a=20
public opinion to tell the world that Bangladesh has suddenly become=20
a Fascist Nation. A very irregular election, repression on religious=20
minorities, and then torturing a journalist, etc., have all the=20
underpinnings of making the government a totalitarian regime, which=20
it has become. The world should take a note of it.
War Journal
September: Jihad
Aristides Sitas
TNI Website, 13 December 2001
In The Ground Beneath her Feet we read about the invisible membrane=20
that separates the Rest from the West- a membrane that is difficult=20
to cross as it stretches everywhere to keep the pilgrims of these=20
crossings within the emotional worlds it demarcates. Rushdie's book=20
is a celebration of his tearing through, his breaking on through to=20
the other side: to America, to New York, to the site of rubble now=20
devastated by the Boeings made to fly and crash in the service of=20
first "jihad" of the new Christian millennium. He must be staring at=20
the tatters of the membrane with awe. Yesterday's Rushdie, the author=20
still caught in the membrane was the jihad's seismographer. The new=20
Rushdie has left all that behind. He is more concerned with the=20
earthquakes of love and rebirth. The carnage in New York though,=20
demands yesterday's author.
Rushdie, before the breakthrough, had become emblematic: martyr,=20
transgressor, "shaitan", genius. His work, "the" book, Satanic=20
Verses, stands still as the most tortured testament of three currents=20
at emotional war with each other. A testimony to the stretch-marks of=20
the membrane. The cruel passions of the new age were all there: the=20
preoccupations of postmodern western elites, the plight of emigre=20
intellectuals from the imputed "third world" searching for meaning=20
and "difference" in Europe and the US and, the expansive modernising=20
projects of Islamic intelligentsias. [...]
Full Text of this paper (103 k) is available to all interested. Ask=20
for a copy at: <aiindex@m...> before 24 December 2001]
by Mohammad Wakil
In Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia it is Al-Quaeda; in Palestine and Lebanon i=
is Hamas and Hezbollah; it is Al Sayyef in the Phillipines and Al Itihad Al
Islamiya in Somalia. The list goes on. Very soon it may add Jaish-e-Mohamme=
and Lashkar-e-Taiba in India and Kashmir. All of them have been dubbed
"Islamic terrorists" by the non-Islamic bloc of nations.
Jaded Islamists, however, imagine a hidden reference to something evil in
the adjective attached to the term, "Islamic Terrorism".
It may explain their glacial reflexes in acknowledging the menace this
terrorism has unleashed upon the world. Even among moderate muslims the
condemnation of "Islamic terrorism" is grudgingly reticent, often reduced t=
a stutter. It is as if there lies within this husk of terrorism, a kernel o=
reason, a justification that makes unconditional condemnation stick in our
throats. We can neither swallow it nor spit it out. [...]
Full Text of this paper is available to all interested. Ask for a=20
copy at: <aiindex@m...> before 24 December 2001]
Conference Against Emergency and External Intervention in Nepal
New Delhi, 17 December,2001
New Delhi.
Leading literatures, journalists, human right activists and people=20
associated with various public organisations of Delhi have criticised=20
the military aid being provided by the Indian government to its=20
Nepali counterpart for oppressing the Maoist rebels and have demanded=20
that it must be stopped immediately. In a conference organised at=20
Gandhi Peace Foundation various speakers termed the Indian action as=20
interference in the internal affairs of Nepal. An appeal has also=20
been made to Deuba government to immediately lift the emergency and=20
restart the process of dialogue with the Maoists so that a peaceful=20
solution could be found.
While acknowledging the impending threat of US imperialism in South=20
Asia, the eminent Hindi writer Kamleshwar pointed out that=20
pro-Hindutva forces are posing greater danger as they are bent upon=20
imposing their kind of Hindutva in the Nepal.
Describing the Maoists as the political force engaged in bringing=20
about social change, he said it is a part of American conspiracy to=20
call them terrorists. Shri Kamleshwar said that Nepali culture has no=20
place for the growth of terrorism, therefore to call the political=20
movement of Nepalese people a terrorist act is insult to them. While=20
pointing out that though presently only arms and other facilities are=20
being provided by the Indian government, he expressed his=20
apprehension that in civil-war like situation, Indian army may also=20
be sent there.
Shri Kamleshwar further said that it appears that a conspiracy is=20
being hatched by the pro-Hindutva elements in India and Nepal. He=20
also said that people's voice should not be confused with that of the=20
government since both are different. He also called upon all sections=20
of society to protest against the wrong policies of the government.
Suggesting that the Indian foreign policy is being totally guided by=20
US, senior journalist Anand Swaroop Verma regretted that Indian=20
Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh had to name the Maoist as terrorists=20
immediately after returning from US visit in September, while the=20
Nepalese government was still naming them 'Maoist rebels' and was=20
busy in organising third round of talks with them Even people in=20
Nepal felt offended by the statement of Indian foreign minister and=20
condemned it.
Analysing in detail the South Asian scenario, Shri Verma said that by=20
opting to be dictated by the US imperialism, the Indian government=20
has even endangered the sovereignty of the nation. He further said=20
that Maoist uprising is a political issue and to deal it militarily=20
would be suicidal.
Journalist Anil Chamaria pointed out that the Indian government is=20
not only supplying arms to Nepalese government but has also started=20
harassing the Nepali residents in India. Any Nepali resident in India=20
participating in political activities is being labeled 'Maoist' and=20
then subjected to police harassment. He cited the example of five=20
Nepalese residents of Rajnagar area of New Delhi who were arrested=20
and subsequently taken to undisclosed destination. These Nepalese are=20
still untracable.
Shri N. D. Pancholi from 'Citizens For Democracy' and Shri Aurobindo=20
Ghose from 'People's Rights Organisation' expressed concern over the=20
imposition of emergency and subsequent violation of human rights in=20
Nepal. Shri Pancholi said that while the Monster of terrorism is=20
being created, no one is trying to analyse the factors leading to the=20
situation in Nepal. On the contrary in its shadow, efforts are being=20
made to suppress the popular uprising.
Shri Aurobindo Ghose blamed multinational corporations for creating=20
war-like situation in different regions so that they could have=20
access to the markets for their ammunitions. He said that Indian=20
government is trying to establish its military presence in Nepal as a=20
puppet of US government
Representative of the news publication 'Nepali Awaj', Shri P. Chhetri=20
focussed on genesis of Maoist movement in Nepal and alleged that the=20
imposition of emergency was a cowardice act aimed at throttling the=20
popular support to the Maoists. He also criticised the Indian=20
government's support to the emergency in Nepal and pointed out that=20
many of the present day ministers in the Indian government took=20
shelter in Nepal during the emergency rule in India. Shri Chhetri=20
also told that Maoist's demand for a constituent assembly is a=20
democratic demand and must be fulfilled.
Shri Anand Pradhan was of the opinion that it is for the people of=20
Nepal to decide what form of government they want. He called upon all=20
democratic forces to demand immediate cessation of interference in=20
the internal affairs of Nepal by the Indian government and=20
discontinue of supply of armaments to Deuba government as these arms=20
were being misused by the Nepali government against its own people.
Dr Anoop Saraya said that the way Indian government is publicising=20
the existence of ISI bases in Nepal is enough reason to believe that=20
it has a long term military design in Nepal. He expressed=20
apprehension that in the name of destroying ISI bases the Indian=20
government might send army in Nepal which will ultimately used in the=20
oppression of Maoists.
Senior Hindi writer, Rajendra Yadav said he is least surprised by the=20
role played by the Indian government. Criticising the US-dependent=20
foreign policy of India he said that it is beyond comprehension as to=20
how a nation giving shelter to Dalai Lama against the wishes of its=20
neighbour can blame its neighbouring countries for hatching a=20
conspiracy against it.
In the end Shri Yadav put a resolution on behalf of the conference=20
criticising the role of Indian government in providing support to=20
military campaign against Maoists in Nepal. The resolution also=20
demanded immediate stop to the interference in Nepal's internal=20
affairs by the Indian government. It also appealed to Deuba=20
government to lift emergency immediately and restart the dialogue=20
process with Maoists whose all the three demands regarding creation=20
of Republic, elections to the new Constituent Assembly and the=20
formation of an interim government are democratic.
Resolution adopted by the Conference
This conference criticises the role of the Indian government in the=20
context of the suppression of political movement in Nepal and demands=20
that India should immediately stop meddling in the internal affairs=20
of Nepal. Be it the case of Nepal or any other country in the world,=20
it is the prerogative of the people alone to decide what kind of=20
government they want. We, therefore, demand that the Indian=20
government should immediately stop providing military support to=20
Deuba government in Nepal. We further demand that the government=20
should refrain from calling Maoist rebels as terrorists and=20
unleashing a reign of oppression on Nepali people residing in India.
The conference feels that all the three demands i.e. the creation of=20
a Republic, the election of a new Constituent Assembly and the=20
formation of an interim government raised by Maoists are valid and=20
democratic in nature. It also feel that all the conflicts and=20
differences should be resolved through dialogue and not through=20
We, therefore, appeal to Deuba government in Nepal to immediately=20
lift the emergency and restore the process of dialogue with the=20
Contact Address:
C/o Q-63, Sector-12, Noida-201301/ e-mail: vermada@h...
Ph.: Anand Swroop Verma: 91-4524504, Gautam Navlakha: 6476580, Anoop=20
Saraya: 6195692,
Anil Chamaria:7853886, N.K. Bhattacharya: 7580073
for New Straits Times:
Saving Secularism From Its Detractors
By Farish A. Noor
The 'Islamic State' debate is upon us once again. Just when we=20
thought it was safe to read the newspapers, we are now confronted=20
with the same dilemma that has been haunting this nation for the past=20
two decades. The recent publication (and subsequent withdrawal) of=20
the government-sponsored pamphlet that explains just how and why=20
Malaysia should be thought of as an Islamic state has left the public=20
with more questions than answers. The public now waits with bated=20
breath the publication of the follow-up pamphlet and PAS's blueprint=20
for the Islamic state in Malaysia.
Yet in the midst of all this, few of us have dared to ask the obvious=20
questions: Just when did we cross the threshold that has brought us=20
to the current impasse? Just when did the issue of the Islamic state=20
become part of mainstream political discourse in the country? And why=20
is it that so many of us now accept this idea as a fait accompli, and=20
no longer have any will to question or resist?
The problems are manifold and there are no easy solutions in sight.=20
For millions of ordinary Muslims the world over, to even question the=20
idea of an Islamic state is thought to be bordering on the heretical.=20
This situation has been made worse by the Ulama, who have gained=20
control over the discourse of political Islam and who continue to=20
remind ordinary believers that they alone comprehend the message of=20
Islam in its totality. The Ulama have succeeded in closing the minds=20
of Muslims in general, and thanks to them and their fatwas, many=20
Muslims no longer have the moral and intellectual courage to=20
challenge their narrow interpretation of Islam. To interrogate the=20
moral and political logic of the Islamic state, we are told, is to=20
challenge the status of the Ulama and by default Islam itself.
Then there is the obvious politicisation of the issue by practically=20
every Muslim party and government in the Muslim world. As Muslim=20
governments and opposition parties utilise the concept of the Islamic=20
state in their war of words against each other, the hope to slow down=20
the Islamisation race recedes further and further beyond the horizon=20
of possibility.
As the Islamisation race gathers momentum, the first victim to this=20
intra-Muslim struggle has been the concept of Secularism itself. For=20
more than a century now, Muslims have been taught that Secularism is=20
an evil invention of the West, designed to weaken the faith of=20
Muslims and to diminish their will to struggle for a better future.=20
Described as an infernal plot against Islam by its enemies,=20
Secularism has been demonised to the point where it now stands as a=20
counter-factual example of all that is un-Islamic.
Yet this understanding of Secularism is both caricatural and=20
dangerous. For a start, it completely ignores the fact that=20
Secularism is too big a concept to be reduced to such simplistic=20
stereotypes. For in no way could Secularism be equated with crass=20
materialism, hedonism and a purely sensate culture solely.
Secularism, it must be remembered, is a worldview that focuses on the=20
here and now and the needs of the immediate present. This does not=20
and need not mean that other dimensions of thought, belief and=20
practice are to be forever relegated to an inferior, secondary=20
register. All it says is that the worldly needs of the present are=20
just as important in our struggle for daily existence. It arose as a=20
reaction to an other-world outlook that belongs more to the medieval=20
past where scientists and rational thinkers were burnt at the stake=20
because they dared to think critically and desired to know more about=20
the internal workings of the material universe around us.
Secularism also led to the cultivation of critical thought and=20
scepticism, which paved the way for the intellectual revolution that=20
freed us from our superstitions and taboos of the past. By doing so,=20
it allowed us to base our faith and beliefs on firm convictions and=20
not blind idolatry. This intellectual revolution not only gave added=20
impetus to scientific and philosophical innovations, but also opened=20
the way for radical changes in the socio-cultural and political order=20
of the time. It was thanks- in part- to the changes brought about by=20
Secularism that we came to understand and appreciate our status as=20
free-thinking rational individuals endowed with reason and will. This=20
then opened the way for the creation of modern day democracies where=20
the rights of all are equally respected and treated with the same=20
degree of deference and esteem.
These were also the foundational principles upon which Malaysian=20
democracy was built. While it cannot be said that the secular=20
rationalist culture of the West has always kept it on the path of=20
enlightenment and progress (two world wars were fought in Europe and=20
the Scientific revolution did not prevent the emergence of the=20
anti-humanist Fascist and Nazi regimes), it cannot be denied that the=20
values of secular democracy remain cardinal values that guide many=20
political movements and political projects in the West and elsewhere.
It would therefore be prudent to pay respect where it is due and to=20
understand that Secularism is not necessarily the 'evil' thing that=20
its detractors claim it to be. Flawed though it may be, the secular=20
democratic culture that we have today has proven to be the best (and=20
in many cases, only) defence against the tyranny of majoritarianism=20
and the rule of the over-zealous mob. While Islamists in=20
predominantly Muslim countries like Malaysia claim that Islam is the=20
only solution to the problems of the Muslim Ummah, we should remember=20
that in every other country where Muslims are a minority (India,=20
Europe and the United States), Secular Democracy- and not political=20
Islam- has been the goal that they have been fighting for, for the=20
simple reason that it is in a secular democracy that the rights of=20
religious minorities are best protected.
An aggressive game plan
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad's aggressive stance on the construction of=20
a Ram temple raises the suspicion that the Sangh Parivar plans to=20
spring a surprise in Ayodhya.
in New Delhi
COME December, the country hears the rumblings of the Ayodhya issue.=20
This year the noises from the Hindutva brigade have been louder than=20
usual, for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections are just round the=20
corner. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), which has been in the=20
forefront of the campaign for the construction of a temple in=20
Ayodhya, however, maintains that its plan to begin the construction=20
in March has nothing to do with the elections. It has announced that=20
the work will start any day after March 12, on a date to be announced=20
by the Dharma Sansad. The VHP has also made it clear that it does not=20
care if its programme leads to the fall of the National Democratic=20
Alliance (NDA) government and that it is ready to face even violent=20
consequences as it did in October-November 1990 when the Mulayam=20
Singh Yadav government opened fire on kar sevaks in Ayodhya.
The Times of India SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2001
TALKING TERMS/Dileep Padgaonkar
Udder complexity
The Sangh Parivar [ The family of Hindu Supremacist Right=20
Organisations] remained largely in the shadows during the struggle to=20
free India from British rule. Since independence it has sought to=20
overcome that ignominy through one stratagem or the other. Time and=20
again it has taken to the streets, or used state power, to demand a=20
total ban on cow slaughter, stop religious conversions, revise=20
history text-books to ensure that they upheld 'Indian' culture and,=20
by the same token, denigrated the depredations caused by various=20
'invaders', emphasised, with just a hint of compulsion, the need to=20
study Sanskrit, astrology, Vedic mathematics, yoga, ayurveda and=20
other 'Indian' subjects and, when shove came to push, gone about=20
intimidating the minorities and vandalising their places of worship.
Dr Murli Manohar Joshi's [ India's Minister of Education] call for a=20
"second war for the country's cultural freedom'', is thus part and=20
parcel of the Parivar's ideological agenda. Its leading lights make=20
no bones about the identity of those from whom 'liberation' is=20
sought: the children of Macaulay, the disciples of Marx and the=20
alumni of madrassas. These terms, as even a political novice will=20
recognise, are synonyms for western educated liberal or leftist=20
Indians, Christians and Muslims. Dig just a little deeper and you=20
find that the synonyms in fact cover large swathes of the country's=20
population which do not subscribe to the Parivar's definition of=20
India's culture and of Indian nationhood: Dalits and tribals who have=20
been at the receiving end of the varna system, women, who continue to=20
suffer gender discrimination, and indeed millions and millions of=20
Indians whose primary concerns focus on bread-and-butter issues.
However, the cultural war that the Sangh Parivar is hell bent on=20
waging - and, in the process, jeopardising the very foundations of=20
the Republic - needs a riposte which cannot be in the nature of=20
name-calling. To dub Dr Joshi's offensive as 'fascist' may serve a=20
polemical purpose but that is not effective enough. Indeed, it can be=20
even misleading for it is entirely possible to point to the=20
double-speak of the leftist ideologues.
It is their narrow vision, dogmatism, intolerance and indulgence=20
towards reactionary beliefs and practices of non-Hindu communities=20
that have allowed the likes of Dr Joshi to pursue his agenda with=20
increased vigour. What is required now is to get away from leftist=20
doublespeak and, at the same time, engage in a painstaking exposure=20
of the contradictions, inconsistencies and the plain baloney in the=20
Parivar's agenda.
The good doctor needs to be reminded, for instance, that as a Hindu,=20
if nothing else, his eagerness to instil in Indian children, and in=20
the Indian citizenry at large, 'pride' in the country's culture is=20
the very antithesis of the Vedantic spirit.
When the Gita discourages such 'pride' even in relation to near and=20
dear ones, how can it be justified in relation to such arbitrary and=20
ambivalent constructs as 'culture' or 'nation'?
At a more mundane level too Dr Joshi's programme is problematic.
In his quest to spread harmony through education and culture, he=20
simply wants to excise all references that are likely to "hurt the=20
sentiments'' of this or that section of the citizenry.
This benchmark is bizarre for no other reason than that there is=20
simply no way to sweep under the carpet the often bitter differences=20
not only between religions but between sects in a religious=20
community, not to speak of differences in secular areas of public=20
To ensure that no one casts a slur on a community is one thing. To=20
ignore the fact that individuals have different value systems - and=20
that they are entitled to this provided no offence is caused to=20
another - is something altogether different.
For several years now Red Indians, Blacks and women, not to speak of=20
homosexuals, have bitterly complained about the history that is=20
taught in schools and colleges since it reflects the concerns and=20
interests of WASPS. The debate is far from conclusive though=20
progressive institutions now teach history from various points of=20
view. What is wrong with this approach? It is the Parivar's intent=20
that is wrong. Take the controversy over whether or not a child=20
should be told that Indians consumed beef in ancient times - a fact=20
that is mentioned in the shastras and endorsed by archaeological=20
evidence. It would not have arisen at all, and indeed would have been=20
of no consequence, if the Parivar had not aggressively projected the=20
cow as a prime symbol of Indian 'culture'. Dr Joshi's "war for the=20
country's cultural freedom'' could have been dismissed as a=20
vaudeville show had he not enjoyed the power to cause turmoil in=20
India's soul. Spare us, Joshiji, this udder complexity.
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001
(Issued at the INSAF Consultation on "Peoples=92 Agenda for=20
Intervention in the forthcoming State Assembly Elections in Uttar=20
We the delegates representing some 80 social action groups, social=20
movements, trade unions, people's organisations and academic=20
institutions, etc. met on 15th & 16th December, 2001 at Lucknow (UP)=20
in a Consultation "to formulate strategies and agenda for=20
constructive intervention in the forthcoming State Assembly Elections=20
in Uttar Pradesh". In turn, we have renewed our commitment to work=20
towards building a secular-democratic-socialist nation state.
With a resolve to strengthen the secular-democratic polity in the=20
country, we realise that the forthcoming State Assembly Elections in=20
Uttar Pradesh are crucial for determining the future political course=20
of the country. There is need for all secular and democratic=20
political parties to bridge their parochial political considerations,=20
and join forces to build up a broad alliance to defeat the communal=20
The Sangh Parivar's attempts at redefining "nationalism" in the=20
context of Hindu Rashtra, and its agenda of imposing "cultural=20
nationalism" cut at the very root of the guiding principles of the=20
Indian Constitution. The Hindutva Agenda is, thus, to be countered by=20
the secular and democratic political parties through a=20
Secular-Democratic-Socialist Agenda to strengthen the nation state,=20
rather than limiting it to the "safety and security" of or working=20
for "peace and harmony" among religious minorities.
Meeting in the shadow of a systematic build-up for the continuation=20
of a war-like situation in the world led by the USA, we are concerned=20
that the NDA government led by BJP is cashing in on war fervour. The=20
recent terrorist attack on Parliament is also being used to mobilise=20
public opinion in favour of passing draconian black laws like=20
Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance (POTO). The secular and democratic=20
political parties must disassociate themselves from the above two=20
anti-national and anti-democratic acts. They must also convince the=20
public about their commitment towards building up peace and defeating=20
dictatorial designs of the NDA government, and take concrete steps in=20
this direction through political processes.
All secular and democratic parties should clarify their stand on=20
"Globalisation", that has pushed further the vast majority of our=20
population into poverty, hunger, illness and illiteracy,=20
unemployment, not to speak of the threats it has posed to the=20
sovereignty and survival of the nation and peoples. The way BJP and=20
its partners in power have gone far ahead in implementation of the=20
globalization agenda in India, it has confirmed our conviction that=20
globalization and communalism are complementary to each other. Thus,=20
there is no other option before the secular-democratic parties but to=20
resist globalization, and reassure the public that they would reverse=20
the process of liberalization, and aim at withdrawing India from the=20
World Trade Organization (WTO).
We also express concern at the growing "criminalisation of politics,=20
and politicisation of crime" in Uttar Pradesh. Not only did it=20
receive a new lease of life under the BJP-rule, the state has utterly=20
failed in providing security to the people. It is, thus, obligatory=20
on the secular-democratic political parties to demonstrate their=20
resolve by not fielding candidates with criminal records in the=20
forthcoming elections. They should also ensure that 33 percent of=20
seats are reserved for women candidates.
We would also like to draw the attention of all such political=20
parties that are committed to building the=20
secular-democratic-socialist state in Uttar Pradesh, to clearly state=20
their position on some of the people's crucial issues as mentioned=20
below, and incorpore these in the Election Manifesto:
1. Directive Principles should be made enforceable under the Constitut=
2. The following to be made Fundamental Rights :
a) The Right to Food
b) The Right to Water
c) The Right to Work
d) The Right to Shelter
e) The Right to Basic Education
f) The Right to Primary Health Care
3. Formation of the State Human Rights Commission;
4. Formation of the State Women's Commission;
5. Ensure thirty-three per cent reservation for women in all=20
legislative bodies in the State;
6. Demonstrate their commitment to fight the criminalisation of=20
politics by refusing to field candidates with criminal records;
7. REPEAL and/or Reject Prevention Of Terrorism Ordinance (=20
POTO) in its entirety without any compromise by bringing amendment=20
into it ;
8. WITHDRAW FROM World Trade Organisation ( WTO );
9. Implement Panchayati Raj ( 73rd Amendment);
10. Land Distribution to the landless and actual cultivators; and=20
restore people=92s collective control and common usage over water,=20
land, and forest ( Jal, Jangal aur Zameen);
11. Legislate and implement Labour Laws for unorganised workers;
12. Implement the Unemployment Guarantee Scheme, especially in the=20
rural areas by providing work for a minimum of 150 days in a year and=20
/or provide unemployment allowance;
13. Ensure Farmer's Rights to natural resources, cultivation, food=20
security, and equality in procuring fair and reasonable prices for=20
the farm products;
14. Ensure Adivasi population its identity, dignity and self-hood by=20
implementing Self-rule under Vth Schedule;
15. Reinforcing Reservation Policy by implementing the Mandal=20
Commission Report;
16. Development Policy must clearly state that it would not displace=20
people from their habitat and livelihood. It shall review all=20
existing developmental projects.
Lastly, we would like to reassure all the secular and democratic=20
political parties that commit themselves to the above political=20
issues and considerations, that we would unitedly work in defeating=20
the fascist forces in Uttar Pradesh during the forthcoming state=20
assembly elections.
Dated : 16th December, 2001 LUCKNOW UP
On behalf of the participants, issued by:
Wilfred D'Costa (Secretary, INSAF) insaf@v...
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South Asia Citizens Web (http://www.mnet.fr/aiindex) since 1996. To=20
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