[sacw] SACW #2 (27 Oct. 01)

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 12:32:45 +0100

South Asia Citizens Wire | Dispatch #2.
27 October 2001


#1. Winning the battle, losing the peace (Praful Bidwai)
#2. Helpless in the eye of the storm (Ayaz Amir)
#3. Bangladesh: Attack on Minorities: Why This Pretension? (Ali Ahmed Ziaud=
#5. India: Chennai to Hold Anti-War Meet
#6. Public Lecture in Bombay: "Political Islam: yesterday, today and tomorr=
#7. 'People's Film Festival on South Asia' , Bangalore



Frontline (India)
Volume 18 - Issue 22, Oct. 27 - Nov. 09, 2001

Winning the battle, losing the peace
by Praful Bidwai

The West is set to lose the struggle for the hearts and minds of the=20
global public unless it radically and substantially reforms its=20

AS the first fortnight of the United States-led military operation in=20
Afghanistan draws to a close, none of its stated strategic objectives=20
has been achieved, barring the establishment of Western air=20
supremacy, and destruction of Taliban air defences. The Al Qaeda=20
network remains in place, Osama bin Laden is untraced, and their=20
Taliban military support-base virtually intact. Contrary to certain=20
expectations, the Taliban regime is not about to disintegrate or=20
"collapse upon itself". The Northern Alliance has not made a decisive=20
advance upon Kabul. The morale of America's adversaries remains=20
remarkably high, while an anthrax panic prevails in the U.S.

Meanwhile, the "collateral damage" (read, avoidable death of 300-400=20
noncombatants, and damage to civilian life and property) continues to=20
mount. "Smart" bombs, meant to reliably hit targets within a 12-metre=20
diameter, are straying 1,600 metres away. United Nations personnel=20
have died and Red Cross food depots have been destroyed. More than=20
200 innocent people have died in Khorram (also spelt Karam and=20
Kharam), 40 km from Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan, in unexplained=20
bomb attacks.

The peace movement is gathering momentum even as the U.S.-led=20
"international coalition" frays at the edges, amidst confusion in=20
Western capitals, and with Saudi Arabia and Indonesia entering strong=20
reservations. There have been hundreds of demonstrations in numerous=20
cities - not just in the "Muslim world", but in "Catholic" Italy,=20
"Protestant" Germany and America, "Buddhist" Korea and "Hindu" India.=20
(In Italy, a broad Left-led alliance spectacularly mobilised 300,000=20
people in a march from Perugia to Assissi.) The U.S. is in no hurry=20
to bring about the fall of Kabul and facilitate the Northern=20
Alliance's takeover of Afghanistan. It is under pressure from=20
Pakistan on this count and at the same time badly dependent on it for=20
intelligence on the Taliban.

Under the circumstances, the "other" war, the fight for the hearts=20
and minds of the world public, or as many Western leaders see it, the=20
"propaganda war" (the tile of The Economist's cover story of October=20
6-12) has become crucial. Many American and European leaders have=20
made public statements to that effect. There are sharp differences in=20
their approaches - ranging from outright censorship, to subtle=20
distortion of news, to calls for transparency. Following President=20
Bush's recent remark that "anybody who discloses classified=20
information could literally endanger somebody's life", orders have=20
been issued to U.S. officials to be circumspect in their remarks.

Government websites are being sanitised and vital information about=20
military operations withheld. No "official" casualty figures have=20
been put out. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice's attempt to=20
muzzle U.S. television channels in respect of relaying footage from=20
independent Arabic channel Al Jazeera was the most widely reported=20
manifestation of the new censorship approach. The extraordinary claim=20
that video sequences from Al Qaeda may contain "coded messages"=20
speaks of paranoia. It is surely far-fetched to imagine that bin=20
Laden would need to communicate with his followers through Western TV=20
channels rather than through means which were presumably established=20
before September 11, assuming that Al Quaeda was indeed involved in=20
that terrorist carnage.

Equally deplorable is the U.S. government's attempt to buy up all=20
imagery from the commercial satellite Ikonos, containing one-metre=20
resolution pictures of what's happening in Afghanistan. The U.S. does=20
not need these pictures. Its own "Keyholes", military satellites,=20
produce photographs which are six to ten times superior. The decision=20
to purchase exclusive rights to Ikonos' pictures was taken to prevent=20
the international media from getting them - after the heavy civilian=20
casualties of October 10-11.

Even more pernicious is U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's=20
declaration from the Pentagon podium that he does not "intend to lie"=20
to the press about military operations, while repeatedly citing=20
Winston Churchill's infamous words: "In wartime, truth is so precious=20
that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies!" Rumsfeld=20
turned so paranoid in the first week of operations that he refused to=20
confirm that U.S. personnel had landed in Pakistani bases at=20
Jacobabad and Pasni - even after Islamabad confirmed this (while=20
claiming they are not combat troops).

The spin that Western TV channels are putting on news, analyses,=20
interviews, even headlines pertaining to the "anti-terrorism war" has=20
become increasingly crude. CNN has emerged as the biggest outpost of=20
the U.S. government's propaganda apparatus after it shamefully=20
declared that it would submit sensitive material to the "appropriate=20
authorities". Even the BBC has presented news from a distinctly=20
Western, rather than an international, point of view. Its=20
preoccupations make more sense in Western capitals than in Kabul or=20
Karachi, Delhi or Islamabad, Kuwait or Jakarta. It is a disgrace that=20
the Indian media has been uncritically reproducing the worst of these=20

A subtler approach to information is to be found in Tony Blair's=20
statement after his recent visit to West Asia that the West must=20
improve its media management if it is not to lose the propaganda war=20
in the Arab world. Blair said the West's message, that its war is not=20
against Islam or Muslims, is not getting through: "One thing becoming=20
increasingly clear to me is the need to upgrade our media and public=20
opinion operations in the Arab and Muslim world." More impressively,=20
Blair said the West cannot hope to win "hearts and minds" in the=20
Muslim world unless there is a fair settlement of the Palestinian=20

Blair probably felt chastised by the snub delivered by Saudi Arabia's=20
refusal to receive him. Amidst the poverty of global leadership, many=20
people may want to elevate him to the level of "statesmanship", just=20
as some did with New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Even while strongly=20
disagreeing with this assessment, one must concede Blair is right.=20
But can the West, in particular the U.S., address misgivings in large=20
parts of the world about the war - not just through manipulation of=20
the image, but through real changes in the object? This entails=20
confronting ugly realities, and redressing them through thoughtful=20
policies and practical measures.

THERE are at least four areas of wide divergence between U.S.=20
self-perception or self-understanding, and perceptions elsewhere,=20
especially in the Global South. The first is highlighted by Bush's=20
response to the suspicion, distrust and hatred that America inspires:=20
"I just can't believe it because I know how good we are." But=20
millions see the U.S. as an imperial power, which has repeatedly=20
imposed its will upon the world through overt military force or=20
covert operations. This history is so rich that it doesn't need=20
recounting. And yet, America has long had people like Jesse Helms=20
promoting aggressively unilateralist policies, whose incomprehension=20
is as stunning as their hubris: they don't even possess passports=20
because the world outside the U.S. isn't worth visiting!

A second area is the brazen disregard, indeed contempt, with which=20
the U.S. treats international opinion and institutions like the=20
United Nations except when it is expedient to get their endorsement=20
for decisions and actions it has unilaterally taken anyway. The U.S.=20
under Bush has recklessly torn up international treaties, including a=20
protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention and the Kyoto protocol=20
on global warming. It showed such disdain for the Human Rights=20
Commission that it lost its seat on that body. Washington has not=20
even bothered to obtain U.N. Security Council authorisation for the=20
use of armed force in Afghanistan. It had the temerity to tell the=20
Council that it intends to target countries other than Afghanistan=20
too - something that its closest allies, including super-loyal=20
Britain, had no choice but to oppose. Thus, while waging a "global=20
war against terrorism", Washington cannot possibly convince many that=20
it is acting in the universal interests of humanity. Its invocation=20
of the "civilised" world, and now increasingly, the "free world",=20
sounds hollow, self-serving and dangerously duplicitous. Given=20
America's history of world domination to control precious natural=20
resources, it is hard for people to believe it will not pursue its=20
own narrow interests in Central Asian oil if and when it establishes=20
a friendly regime in Kabul.

Third, the U.S. is seen as the principal agency which has=20
consolidated the present unequal global economic order, which has=20
caused suffering and deprivation in more than 100 countries. It is no=20
accident that the policies that have made the world even more skewed=20
than it was a quarter-century ago are called "The Washington=20
Consensus", representing a confluence of interests between the U.S.=20
treasury department, World Bank and International Monetary Fund,=20
reinforced by the World Trade Organisation. The resentment,=20
discontent and anger bred by these policies, and the collapse of=20
state after Third World state caused by them, strongly influence=20
perceptions of the U.S. as the principal cause, agency and guarantor=20
of global injustice and inequality. It is wholly incredible for the=20
U.S. to be speaking for justice in such a world - unless it reforms=20
its policies and role.

Last, but not least, many among the world's 1.2 billion Muslims nurse=20
a grievance against America for depicting Islam as the West's new=20
post-Cold War "civilisational" enemy, and for protecting and=20
colluding with regimes (such as Israel's) which deny Arabs their=20
legitimate rights, especially the right to a Palestinian homeland.=20
Although only a fifth of the world's Muslims live in the Arab world,=20
Palestine has become a symbol of injustice, which provokes strong=20
Muslim emotions everywhere. Equally important is U.S. treatment of=20
the people of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and a host of other=20
Muslim-majority states. The untold suffering visited upon them is a=20
source of powerful popular discontent too.

This is precisely what explains some of Osama bin Laden's ideological=20
appeal. Even a cursory glance at Al Qaeda-related websites would show=20
that bin Laden's programme capitalises on popular resentment at the=20
dispossession, oppression, and daily humiliation of the Palestinian=20
people at the hands of the Israeli state (which has expanded its=20
borders in each war starting 1967); the continued presence of U.S.=20
troops in Saudi Arabia, Islam's Holy Land; U.S. exploitation of West=20
Asia's oil, and so on. This "negative" appeal is far more important=20
than the "positive" appeal of Islamic nationalism or pan-Islamism, or=20
of bin Laden's perverse ideal of a "full" Muslim life which consists=20
in fighting and dying for Islam.

Al Qaeda strikes resonance when it attacks the monumentally corrupt=20
Saudi regime with its Wahabbi fundamentalism and its dependence on=20
the U.S., or when it recalls U.S. betrayal of Afghanistan's=20
mujahideen after 1989.

Al Qaeda has no analysis of imperialism. It is basically=20
anti-American, without being critical of economic globalisation, the=20
highly uneven distribution of world power, U.S. cultural domination,=20
or global inequalities. But its anti-American posture strikes a chord.

Al Qaeda is able to convert the largely secular issue of Palestine=20
into an Israeli-U.S. expansionist "conspiracy" against Islam and thus=20
drum up jehadi fervour. By citing the ruthlessness of Israeli and=20
U.S. policies, it tries to legitimise its own ruthlessness and its=20
grotesquely irrational methods of fighting injustice. It is also able=20
to yoke male-supremacist notions of Rambo-style heroism and=20
"martyrdom" to rationalise violence - just as the U.S. media do.=20
Indeed, one of Al Qaeda's greatest triumphs is that it has compelled=20
much of the Western media to work against their own professed=20
commitment to freedom, impartiality and objectivity, and to use=20
double standards on violence.

In the larger, real world, Al Qaeda's irrational appeal cannot be=20
effectively countered without addressing the root-causes of today's=20
global order, to the shaping of which the U.S. has contributed so=20
much. The more the U.S. responds to terror with its own Wild=20
West-style machismo, the more it will strengthen the sources of=20
sub-state terrorism. Changing such an approach means radically=20
altering the power relations on which U.S. dominance is based. Only=20
then can the real war for hearts and minds begin.

What we are likely to see instead is the perpetuation of the present=20
system of domination, and a botched-up, partial, compromised war=20
against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, which will leave the bulk of their=20
network unaffected and their sources of sustenance virtually intact.=20
Afghanistan will be further brutalised. New power equations will=20
emerge, based on the narrow self-interest of governments, including=20
America's, Pakistan's and India's. But in the absence of radical=20
political reform, the real war of ideas will not be joined.



DAWN (Pakistan)
26 October 2001

Helpless in the eye of the storm
By Ayaz Amir

Why do we pick such useless heroes? During the Gulf War, Saddam=20
Hussein. During the present crisis, Osama bin Laden. Osama t-shirts,=20
Osama posters, Osama as David to the US's Goliath. As counterpoint to=20
the glorification of Osama is the demonisation of the US. Then we=20
complain about being branded as a nation of fanatics.
The Taliban at least are consistent about word and action. What they=20
say is what they do. It is not so with us. Although there is no=20
shortage of people here who deify Osama as a hero, the paradox=20
remains that all these rooters for Osama would not put their money=20
where there rhetoric is. The anti-American protests are confined to=20
the religious parties. So they are likely to remain even if the=20
attacks on Afghanistan stretch into winter and beyond.
Time was when Pakistanis were good at agitation. Not any more. They=20
may be anarchic in their general behaviour but ever since Bhutto's=20
fall they have lost the habit of protest. The agenda of protest has=20
passed from the left and the centre - where it was once securely=20
lodged - to the extreme right.
The left has ceased to exist. The centre has been represented by such=20
incandescent figures as Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto. Any fire and=20
passion that exists is only on the right. But the religious right=20
does not inspire most Pakistanis. Hence the picture we see in=20
Pakistan today: professionals and other members of the middle class=20
capable of great verbal extremism but keeping their indignation=20
confined to the rooms in which they watch television. Chocolate=20
subversion: that's what these armchair agitators are good for. On the=20
streets, meanwhile, march the cadres of the religious parties -=20
striking figures on television but nowhere near strong enough to make=20
things really hot for Musharraf and his fellow-generals.
This is not a case for mass agitation or for saying that we should=20
rise from our couches and man the barricades. If the premise is=20
accepted that we have a talent for choosing useless heroes, it=20
follows that any agitation which has Osama as its central figure is=20
equally useless. Since when was Osama's ideology ours? Since when=20
have we espoused such a narrow brand of incendiary Islam?
We do ourselves no favour by placing ourselves in an extremist=20
corner. The attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were an act=20
of frenzied madness. There is no way to justify them, much less to=20
see them in an ennobling light. Just as there is no way to justify=20
the slaughter of Jews in the Second World War or the killing of=20
Palestinians at the hands of Israeli soldiers. There are some things=20
which lie not just beyond the pale of civilization - a word in danger=20
of being misused in these trying times - but beyond the pale of human=20
It is no good therefore for Muslims, wherever they may be, to get=20
into the game of accusing the US of double standards or of trying to=20
explain why the US evokes negative feelings in many parts of the=20
globe. This is not the time for it. For to indulge in such an=20
exercise now is to play into the hands of the very forces which are=20
trying to demonize the Muslim world and suggest connections between=20
Muslim anger and the attacks on the US. There are many charges that=20
can be levelled against the US. Just as there are many things that=20
can be said about the Muslim world. But the attacks on the US have to=20
be seen on their own terms and not against the backdrop of any wider=20
Why then the Osama t-shirts and the accompanying hero worship? The=20
religious parties live in a world of their own. Much before the=20
present troubles began they believed that the Taliban had brought=20
true Islam to Afghanistan. Supporting the Taliban is therefore=20
entirely consistent with their world view. But what about the rest of=20
Pakistan? Pakistanis cannot be expected to applaud the bombing of=20
Afghanistan. But between this and the glorification of Osama lies a=20
world of difference.
Who should have taken the lead in pointing out this distinction? Why,=20
the government of Pakistan. But this was hardly possible when the=20
government was playing as much of a mug's game as the mullahs. If the=20
mullahs are at one extreme, glorifying Osama, the government is at=20
another, succumbing to US pressure and accepting every last American=20
demand without being sure what the quid pro quo will be for all this=20
scraping and bowing.
That hesitation of any sort would have spelt Pakistan's ruin is an=20
insidious myth spread as much by the Americans as our own government.=20
True, we were not asked for help, no such courtesy being extended to=20
us. We got what was little better than an ultimatum. Still, if we had=20
said, "We are with you but let us discuss the details and what all=20
you expect Pakistan to do" - would we have qualified for punishment=20
by Tomohawk missiles?
The Americans could not have done without the use of Pakistani=20
facilities. An offer to discuss options would have enhanced, not=20
diminished, our importance. It could certainly not be read as=20
refusal. Nor was there any danger of India taking advantage of the=20
situation and ganging up with the US to flatten our cities (and our=20
precious nuclear facilities). But like so often before, we sold=20
ourselves cheaply this time too: throwing away our geographic=20
indispensability for vague promises of future assistance. Even=20
streetwalkers, the readiest of them, haggle.
On this occasion we fell below the level of the accredited=20
streetwalker. Now we are hoping for a major financial bail-out but=20
having put a low value on ourselves to begin with, we can blame no=20
one else if the US is taking us for granted. We are in the eye of the=20
storm but with little control over the action. Does the Pentagon=20
consult us or give advance warning of its military plans? Do we have=20
any control over the airbases we have given to the Americans? We said=20
these would not be used for offensive action. What are the Americans=20
using Jacobabad, Pasni and Dalbandin for? Not to lift mineral water=20
into Afghanistan.
There may be some refuge for the wicked, none for the weak or=20
faint-hearted. What we have been reduced to is to plead our various=20
concerns: that the war against Afghanistan should be short and=20
focused; that the Northern Alliance should not be given a free run to=20
Kabul; that hostilities should end before Ramazan. As if our=20
reservations matter. As if the Pentagon loses any sleep over them.
Granted these are strange times. The men who carried out the=20
September 11 attacks may have been infected by a peculiar frenzy but=20
in what may yet turn out to be their biggest success; they have=20
passed on a portion of their frenzy to the US as a whole.
Bad as those attacks were, they do not come close to the scale of so=20
many other tragedies the world witnessed in the last century: the=20
first great war, the second, the Holocaust, Stalin's purges, the=20
Chinese dead in the Korean War (nearly half a million), the American=20
atrocities in Vietnam, the destruction of Cambodia because of=20
American intervention, Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians.=20
But because it is the US which is at the receiving end of this=20
particular tragedy, the entire world is expected to behave as if the=20
Apocalypse has been at hand.
At Stalin's rallies audiences went on clapping forever, for to be the=20
first to cease clapping meant a trip to the Gulag. In America's hour=20
of grief the world is expected to forget history and weep endlessly,=20
for not to do so risks incurring imperial displeasure. Just consider=20
why American officials hinted at the possible bombing of Iraq after=20
the September 11 attacks: because Iraq had not been sufficiently=20
clear in its condemnation.
In its undoubted grief and agony the US is in danger of forgetting=20
what the Greeks taught: that hubris, or excessive presumption,=20
invites retribution. While there is no denying America's distress, it=20
will only help America's cause if this distress is not clothed in too=20
excessive an arrogance.



The Daily Star (Bangladesh)
27 October 2001

Attack on Minorities: Why This Pretension?

Ali Ahmed Ziauddin
Over the past ten years, two elected governments failed to build any=20
consensus on several vital issues including our national identity. It=20
results in persistent political turmoil, which in turn cripples the=20
economy that begets massive unemployment-the recruiting ground of=20
terrorist activists. This along with the other two factors mentioned=20
above is rapidly turning Bangladesh ungovernable.

Several weeks since the election communal atrocities continue=20
unabated. How does one explain this? Retribution? For what? Voting=20
Awami League? In that case they should be targeting 40 percent of the=20
electorate. Instead, it is safe to pick on a community who are long=20
branded as AL vote bank and somewhere deep inside the national psyche=20
suffer the stigma of not being loyal enough to Bangladesh. So what's=20
new? The Pakistani ruling elite accused them of the same crime ever=20
since 47 and they were the main targets of ethnic cleansing by the=20
Army in 71. It seems the same agenda has crept back once again in=20
national focus. What a shame! What led to this juncture when despite=20
regular conscientious protests and editorials the government goes on=20
denying while the wider society is silent amidst cries and moaning of=20
rape victims and harassment of whole communities? Is it because we=20
couldn't care less if some Hindus got bashed up somewhere for just=20
being a Hindu or are we deliberately delivering a clear message that=20
either thy don't belong here or must remain at the mercy and whim of=20
the majority if they choose to stay at all. Either way, as a nation=20
we should be ashamed of such vandalism.

Constitution and social values

A well-formulated written constitution is imperative for a nation to=20
grow and strengthen its democratic credentials. Equally important is=20
the unwritten one embedded in a nation's psychology woven over a long=20
period of time spreading its roots deep in the society. In most cases=20
it breeds ignorance, prejudice, and jingoism and abhors cultural and=20
ethnic diversity, which gives rise to a host of paradoxes. However,=20
it is this unwritten psychology of a society that conjures opinions=20
on a wide range of issue, which plays a dominant role in building the=20
national psyche. Bangladesh is no different. One such frame of mind=20
of the main stream is the inborn suspicion and prejudice against the=20
Hindus in general and the Hindus of Bangladesh in particular. And the=20
worst is, it is ingrained in the mental landscape of the educated=20
middle classes all across the subcontinent who are unfortunately the=20
opinion builders of the society. Besides the enlightened and=20
progressive section among them the silence, innuendoes and=20
insinuations of the larger society creates a hostile atmosphere,=20
which at times of convulsions translates into communal vengeance at=20
the grassroots level. Landslide victory of the four party alliance=20
with a clear tilt towards majority chauvinism provided one such=20
impetus. They (middle classes) will perhaps vehemently contradict=20
this statement but how can they otherwise explain going about their=20
business as usual while the moral and social fiber of the nation is=20
being ripped apart by a handful of hooligans.

True, since early 12th century, Islam in Bengal spread mainly as an=20
anti thesis to Brahminical tyranny. As a result, tension and often=20
friction between the two communities ensued over centuries. The=20
British took advantage of this divide and actively promoted it by=20
pitching one community against the other, which resulted in the=20
growth of communal politics in pre partition Bengal among both the=20
communities. While the communal trend in both the communities was=20
dominant a very weak secular current was also visible with limited=20
social and political influence. After partition, the main stream=20
communal force now in state power of the then East Pakistan tried its=20
best to implement its policy of systematic disenfranchisement of the=20
minorities of every kind and gag the secular aspirations of the=20
rising middle class. Despite employing all kinds of machinations,=20
terror and repression they failed and the secular forces emerged=20
dominant through intensive social, cultural and political struggle=20
that culminated in the liberation war. A time comes in the lifetime=20
of a nation when through tumultuous upheavals it can free itself from=20
decadent prejudicial moorings. Communalism is a subcontinental malady=20
but Bangladesh made a quantum leap in getting rid of this old malice=20
by waging a secular nationalist movement against Pakistani=20
occupational forces in 71. Or so it was imagined. For the first time,=20
among numerous nationalities of South Asia it emerged as a nation=20
based on ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity. Here was the=20
golden opportunity to nurse its nascent secular and democratic polity=20
and become a unique example for the whole region. Instead, over the=20
past thirty years we drifted and discarded these hard earned=20
credentials. A whole range of national and international factors is=20
responsible for this degeneration among which two can be considered=20

First, a shared history culture and Himalayan ecosystem makes India=20
and Bangladesh indispensable neighbours. Anything other than friendly=20
and mutually beneficial relationship between them can be catastrophic=20
for Bangladesh and irritating and expensive for India. Beating all=20
reason this is precisely what has happened over the past three=20
decades. Bilateral relation between the two neighbours is any thing=20
but smooth. A number of reasons, some genuine others rhetoric has=20
contributed to this sad state of affair. Over the years main stream=20
opinion across party lines have grown an anti Indian feeling while=20
circumstances compel them to interact with India at every level on a=20
regular basis. Not being able to resolve this paradox they have=20
chosen the easy option of equating anti Indianism with anti Hindusim,=20
totally forgetting Nepal being a Hindu state share the same=20
misgivings with India. What a pity! It is nothing but rabid muddle=20
headed prejudice. True, India is also distancing itself from the=20
secular charter but its no reason for Bangladesh to follow suit.

Turmoil in the Islamic the World

Second, since the shooting of oil prices in early seventies Islamic=20
resurgence is visible all across the world especially in countries=20
with a Muslim majority population. It has ignited a series of serious=20
debates within the Islamic world as how to relate and connect Islamic=20
traditions with the modern world and all its manifestations in the=20
social, political and economic domain. The response ranges from=20
extreme to moderate conservatism to secular approach to life and=20
society. Nearly all the Muslim countries whether willingly or forced=20
into are enduring this dialogue through intensive debate and practice=20
often blotched in blood. Bangladesh is no exception. From around mid=20
seventies, in order to get a piece of the petrodollar pie and also to=20
counterbalance Indian influence our ruling class slowly discard=20
secular outlook and consciously implanted singular religious=20
indoctrination in the body politic citing the logic of sheer brute=20
majority. This creeping trend eventually led to establishing Islam as=20
the state religion that relegates other minorities into second grade=20
citizens (if not in letter but in spirit) and breeds intolerance of=20
ethnic and cultural diversity. And this state of mind creates space=20
for the goons to trample on basic human rights of the minorities at=20
the slightest pretext and the middle classes in adopting a nonchalant=20
attitude. It was amply demonstrated in 92 and is being repeated at=20
the moment. What is even more alarming is the denial from the=20
government that such crimes are being committed at all. The acts of=20
the gangsters only expose the symptoms and not the disease itself.=20
And when the symptom is not acknowledged the disease is bound to=20
become cancerous. Why this pretension?

No consensus

Over the past ten years two elected governments failed to build any=20
consensus on several vital issues including our national identity. It=20
results in persistent political turmoil, which in turn cripples the=20
economy that begets massive unemployment-the recruiting ground of=20
terrorist activists. This along with the other two factors mentioned=20
above is rapidly turning Bangladesh ungovernable. Warlords have=20
virtually carved up regions into zones of influence. In the process=20
the heart and the soul of the nation gets violated on a regular=20
basis. Lip service to democracy imprisons the weak at the mercy of=20
the rich and the powerful and enforces the will of the majority over=20
the minorities. Litmus taste for democracy is not how many election=20
it has gone through rather in demonstrating how well it can secure=20
the rights of the minorities of various kind.

Ali Ahmed Ziauddin is a social and development activist.



26 October 2001


Dear Friend.,
Following the deplorable events of 11th September in=20
USA and subsequent war on Afghanistan, several initiatives in the=20
city have formed 'T h e Coalition for Peace & Democracy'. The main=20
objective of the Coalition is to oppose the present War and reign of=20
Terror let loose by America and its allies on the hapless people of=20

The Coalition has organized a protest procession against=20
War on Tuesday, the 30th October 2001 at New Delhi. Procession will=20
start at 11 AM from Ring Road (behind the Red Fort & near Kotwali=20
Daryaganj) and will proceed to Ferozshah Kotla via Daryaganj.

You are requested to join in large numbers alongwith=20
your friends. Please inform your friends and others, if you happen=20
to be out of Delhi on 30th October.

The following statement will be distributed for the=20
public during the procession.

N.D.Pancholi for CHAMPA- The Amiya & B.G.Rao Foundation
Prof. Iqbal Ansari For Minorities Council
B.D.Sharma For Indian Radical Humanist Association
Abdul Qayyum For Forum For Democracy and Communal Amity


We oppose and condemn the US military=20
assault on Afghanistan. This has already taken the lives of=20
innumerable people who are in no way responsible for, or connected=20
to, the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. We=20
unequivocally condemn those actions as a crime against humanity and=20
demand that its perpetrators be brought to justice. But the US and=20
its alliance must give up their blatant double standards. If the=20
calculated killing of ordinary, innocent people is terrorism, and=20
doing so outside one=EDs borders is a form of international terrorism,=20
then we oppose this wherever it takes place and whosoever is=20
responsible for it.

An effective campaign against=20
international terrorism can only take place by upholding=20
international law, establishing an International Criminal Court=20
(ICC), strenghthening the International Court of Justice and=20
democratizing the United Nations(UNO). Only legitimate international=20
bodies like these can carry out adjudication and enforcement in a=20
principled and impartial manner.=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

The global coalition of states=20
that the US is setting up to undertake its self-declared =ECWar on=20
Terrorism=EE is illegitimate. It comprises governments that are the=20
major profiteers in the global arms trade, possess virtually all the=20
world=EEs stock of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear,chemical and=20
biological), have caused great ecological devastation, and are also=20
responsible for many acts and campaigns of ethnic cleansing and=20
international terrorism, even genocide, that have taken place over=20
the last fifty years. That this coalition should now be authorized=20
and empowered to wage War on one of the poorest countries in the=20
World violates the most elementary principles of justice and offends=20
basic values of decency and concern for our fellow human beings.

The Indian government has=20
shamelessly endorsed this Coalition. We oppose and condemn this stand=20
of the Indian government and demand that this Coalition be=20
immediately disbanded. This War will bring immense suffering to the=20
people of Afghanistan and destablize the whole South Asian region.=20
Already lakhs of innocent Afghans have become refugees, and their=20
numbers will increase to millions.=20=20

As always women and children will be among the principal victims of=20
the War and also of the reinforcement of masculinist andriarchal=20
attitudes and structures, that the ideology of War always always=20
brings with it. Un deterred by all this, the Indian and Pakistan=20
governments are using the situation to foment mistrust and xenophobia=20
among their respective populations and to deepn mutual tensions. We=20
strongly oppose this and affirm our commitment to promoting goodwill=20
, cooperation and peace between India and Pakistan.

The US government =EBs claim that =ECfighting global=20
terrorism=EE gives it the right to militarily intervene anywhere it=20
judges fit, is contrary to international law. And it arouses=20
suspicions that US designs have little to do with terrorism. In this=20
regard,=EE the 8 to 10 year program=EE that the US is embarking upon is=20
completely unjustified . It will lead to many more conflicts and=20
wars the world over, generate more bitterness about the arbitrary use=20
of American power, and cause destruction, casualities and deaths on=20
an ever widening scale.=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

The BJP-led government has also sought to use the=20
current situation to promote communal polarization, and to attack=20
basic democratic rights within the country.. It has tried to identify=20
terrorism as predominantly a phenomena of Islamic fanaticsm. It has=20
painted opponents of the War, and of the Indian government=EDsupport to=20
it, as anti-nationals. In this regard it has deliberately targeted=20
the sections of the Muslim community as well as others such as human=20
rights activists opposed to its own repressive and anti-democratic=20
behaviour. The government has arbitrarily banned selected=20
associations , arrested individuals on a large scale, harassed=20
activists exercising their democratic rightsa of peaceful public=20
protest, and now proposes to bring in more draconian laws like the=20
Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance which is which is modeled on the=20
notorius Terrorists and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act=20
(TADA). This codification of the government=EDs arbitrary power to=20
arrest, detain, harass and punish on grounds of mere suspicion, can=20
then be used against all kinds of people=EDs movements legitimately=20
mobilizing and opposing government policies of various kinds.

The opposition to the War on Afghanistan is not only a=20
struggle for Peace and Justice on a world scale, or for preventing=20
avoidable human suffering. It is also struggle to reduce communal=20
tensions and to strenghthen India=EDs best traditions of secularism=20
and democracy.=20=20=20=20=20=20





Ganashakti (India), 22 October 2001

Chennai to Hold Anti-War Meet

Staff Reporter
A BIG gathering is slated to be held on November 9th ,2001 in Chennai=20
as part of the SAY 'NO' TO WAR campaign. It will be co-sponsored by=20
the Frontline and Asian School of Journalism. The speaker will be=20
Noam Chomsky, celebrated author of various books and an authority in=20
linguistics. Serious preparations are underway for conducting the=20
meeting successfully involving all trade unions and mass=20
organisations in Chennai city.

Recently and well before the war broke out, on October 6, in a=20
largely attended public meeting in Chennai, Prakash Karat, CPI (M)=20
Polit Bureau member explained the likely situation that might develop=20
in view of the mindless and inhuman terrorist attack on WTC and=20
Pentagon in USA. While paying homage to the memory of those who had=20
passed away in the attack, he urged upon the need to combat terrorism=20
and apprehended that the haste with which America is proceeding with=20
the war preparations without regard to the international laws, would=20
further complicate the situation than solving it.

Prakash Karat very graphically narrated the background of the=20
international situation which breeds terrorism, both individual and=20
state-sponsored, as a means of conflict resolution. The proposed=20
American war, for that matter any war, will maim and kill thousands=20
of innocent civilians and ruin the economies of the concerned war=20
inflicted states. America, announcing on September 11th itself that=20
"It (the terrorist attack) is a war declared on them", was only=20
expected to react this way.

Prakash Karat condemned, the American war, code-named first as=20
'Operation Infinite Justice' and later 'Operation Enduring Freedom'=20
saying that it would only heap injustice on those who have nothing to=20
do with terrorism and that it is only an operation aimed at=20
establishing its hegemony over the world. He contextually brought to=20
focus the Indian government's response to the so-called Global=20
Initiative Against Terrorism and its likely impact on the internal=20
situation of our country.

All that he spoke has come true with missiles and warheads landing at=20
targets in Afganisthan, provoking fierce anti-war protests world wide.

As per the call of the left parties, while throughout India anti-war=20
demonstrations are taking place, in Tamil Nadu, in view of the local=20
bodies election campaign being at its peak, CPI (M) had conducted a=20
poster campaign against the war.

Movement against Nuclear Weapons (MANW), Journalists Against Nuclear=20
Weapons and Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons together conducted a=20
hall meeting today in Chennai, which was addressed by N.Ram, Editor,=20
Frontline, Samir Nazareth(Peace activist), N.T. Vanamamalai (Peace=20
activist) and Dr.Shankar (Indian Scientists against Nuclear Weapons)



Professor J.P.S. Uberoi, who has recently retired as Professor of Sociology=
University of Delhi, will be speaking on "Political Islam: yesterday, today
and tomorrow" at the Little Theatre, National Centre for the Performing
Arts [ Bombay, India] , on Nov. 2, 2001 at 6:30 p.m.



'People's Film Festival on South Asia' begins in the
last week of November 2001 at the Alliance Francaise
de Bangalore [ India] . The festival intends to feature a
selection of documentaries on the Asian region.


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