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First A K Ramanujan lecture and seminar announced for 21 March 2012

14 March 2012

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Noted playright, actor and scholar Girish Karnad is to deliver the First AK Ramanujan Lecture, as part of a National Seminar, to be held on March 21, 2012 at Ramjas college, University of Delhi. This seminar is being organized by The History Society Ramjas College, in wake of the recent decision of the Academic Council of Delhi University to suppress AK Ramanujan’s scholarly essay, ’300 Ramayanas’ from the Undergraduate syllabus of the University, and in appreciation of the vast range and depth of AK Ramanujan’s intellectual contributions. The seminar will underline the significance of Ramanujan’s work for the Humanities and the Social Sciences and its importance for the understanding of India’s histories and cultures.

Poster 1 for the First A K Ramanujan Lecture
March 2012
(poster by Harsh Kapoor)
Poster 2 for the First A K Ramanujan Lecture
(poster by Harsh Kapoor)
Poster 3 for the First A K Ramanujan Lecture
(Poster by Harsh Kapoor. Based on artwork published on the cover of the journal Chicago Review, Volume 38, No.1/2 Winter 1992)