The Citizens Tribunal on Ayodhya

In December of 1992 Hindu religious extremists from right wing political groups in India stormed a protected 16th century Mosque in North India and demolished it. This provoked nation wide inter-religious conflict between the Hindu and Muslim communities in India. in fact these disturbances spread into Bangladesh and Pakistan causing much harm to peple and property. Below are reproduced excerpts from the Introduction to Judgement and Finding's published by the Citizens Tribunal on Ayodhya.

"Government and political agencies have suffered a serious loss a credibility. Their unvarying but unedifying attempt is to gain political mileage. We may mention here that the Government of India and the Bharatiya Janata Party have issued white papers. The former is neither exhaustive nor even informative. As one reads it, one gets the sinking feeling that much is held back, little is revealed. It appears to be a badly edited version of a longer report.l The latter reads like a political tract but suitably documented and well edited. It is sound advocacy designed to appeal toí the religious sentiments of people by glorifying such sentiments, belittling everything opposed to it, and passing over unpleasant acts. lt is ëdifficult' to rely on either white paper. Both have indulged greatly in 'supressio veri, suggestio falsi' keen not about demonstrating the truth but advancement of partisan political interests. The two white papers appear to offer sufficient justification for the present enquiry. But there had to be some way of ascertaining the truth, of finding genuine answers to at least a few of the questions and placing the findings before the nation. And a way has been found. Several citizens imbued with a deep concern for Human Rights, generally, and the cherished objectives of the Constitution and representing several non-governmental and non political organisations committed to these 'Rights and objectives, conceived the idea of setting up this Citizens' Tribunal to enquire and report on these matters. Our authority to enquire, therefore is the conscience of all the men and women of conscience, pilgrims who finding themselves in a slough of despondency, are seeking a way out. The tribunal has been reviled as a self constituted tribunal with no authority to hold any enquiry. Though we have no legal authority, but we do have moral authority. We do not derive our authority from the State, but we derive Our authority from all those people who have a biding faith in Democracy, human rights and secularism. We are self-constituted in the sense that we owe no allegiance to the Government, or to any political party; our allegiance is to the Constitution and to the peopie of India who have given unto themselves the constitution. If precedent to such tribunal is necessary, it may be found in the International War Crimes Tribunal organized by Betrand Russell, of which Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvior and others were distinguished members.

The terms of reference to the tribunal are as follows :-

(1) To examine evidence depose before it on the events leading to and on December 6, 1992 in Ayodhya, and their immediate aftermath in order to determine to what extent the above mentioned events violated the secular and democratic principles that are the foundations of the Indian Constitution and rule of law;

(2) To identify the perpetrators of this violation, apportion blame, and to recommend appropriateí measures for dealing with them.

(3) To suggest ways and means by which the democratic rights of the Indian people and their secuiar values are restored, protected and further strengthened? as well as ways and means by which the institutions of the state arld society will prevent such violations in the future.

(4) To entertain and determine such other issues, which may arise during the course of the proceedings which are incidental and ancillary to the other terms of reference.

Entering upon the reference, we stipulated the procedure which we wanted to follow, the broad features of which were that we appoint a Commission of Enquiry which was to proceed to Ayodhya, Faizabad, etc., examine witnesses, receive documents and submissions, and submit a report to us with their findings,í we examine such witnesses as we thought necessary, receive further documents and submisslons, and pronounce our judgement.

The full text of the proceedings, findings and judgements can be obtained via the organisers:

(The Other Media, K-14 Green Park Extension, New Delhi 110016, India)

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